Tuesday, June 12, 2012

NO MORE DOLLS!!! Meet Brad

Meet Brad.  I don't know who he is, or what brought him to Morristown, but thank goodness he's here.  He reminds me of Brad Pitt.  He's not, of course.  He is just a  Navy Seal type guy.  I think.  I don't have a story for him, yet.  I thought of making him a dancer.  Then I thought a model.  Then an executive.  It will become clear to me soon.  For now, I will just enjoy his presence.  

He has a meeting with a Realtor to look at the new condominiums.  Oh goodness.  Diego may have some competition with this one.  Oh Halle, Halle.  Let's hope he finds another place to live.

I almost forgot Tim and Faith were here.  I bought them a couple months ago from BC.com.  They had a really nice sale and with my $20 coupon, I got this set for $19, originally $69.  Woot, woo!  I love the Tim doll.  So getting a cute, articulated male in a suit and hat, and a really nice formal gown for one of my ladies for $19 is quite the bargain.  I figured if I take pictures, I would remember they are here.  I could have used that suit at the wedding. 

I'm serious.  The doll buying must stop!  Right after Max arrives from Australia.  I mean, right after I use up my two remaining BC.com coupons.   Oh wait, maybe after the November Atlanta doll show.   I can't breathe!!!


  1. I have an idea for him he should be one of rod's other friends from the navy and rod hooks him up with one of Danielle's single friends and then they go out to dinner

    1. jessikaj - That's an idea. I'm sure when I least expect it, his story will just pop into my head. That's the way it usually happens.

  2. Brad looks great! And ahh, I always try to stop doll buying, but something new comes up that I always have to buy! Or a small peek at a thrift always might make me leave with bag fulls of dolly things! Doll Collectors Anyomous anybody?

    1. Verona - Hi my name is Vanessa and I am a doll buying addict. I do limit my thrift store shopping. I always find things there. I don't even go to the stores too often. I get messed up with the online buying. Who ever came up with that idea?

  3. Sigh. Your Brad is dreamy. Fine, fine, fine.

    Sigh. Thanks for sharing the photo, but oh, now I want a Tim McGraw, too.

    I sit surrounded by dolls in and out of boxes. Got to sell LOTS. Must. Trying to tell myself that I need to sell some before I can buy any. Sigh. Hard to do. Can't imagine any intervention stalling me either. Sigh.

    But being broke ... ah, now that will stop the doll buying. Only I've been wondering about trading ....

    1. D7ana - I ordered Brad a couple of days after I ordered Max from the boy band. And to think Max will be showing up at my doorstep any day now.

      I, too, must sell some dolls. I get excited about shipping out doll furniture, food and anything else I make. I can't get excited about shipping out dolls. That is one of the things that's holding me back. But they have to go soon.

      I have a 'no trade' policy, because it keeps me from achieving my goal or 'no more dolls'. Not that I'm having any luck with that goal.

  4. I see Brad involved in dance, maybe he cold be a salsa teacher. I also love Tim McGraw doll, I'll be able to find one a day. I had decided to stop dolls shopping until July, and it was working, but then I saw the Max doll from The Wanted on Ebay and I have to own him, so, he's arrived today...

    1. Sergio - I was thinking dance, too, but I think I will wait to see what he gravitates to. Max from the Wanted should be arriving in Morristown soon. Pretty soon I will have more than enough men. I need to find Lydia a man. Poor thing.

  5. I feel your pain. I buy too many dolls for my own good. But hey, at least you have some great new additions! :)

    1. Alura - I need to adopt a 'buy one, sell two', rule. By this weekend I will have some dolls up on my dollpages. It must be done!

  6. I just got the same guy as brad in the mail a week ago and havent really introduced him yet either! I havent been really buying too many barbies but action figures seem to be my weakness because of their possability. I also got the Tim and faith set awhile back ( AKA stephs boyfriend Cory) . When will the madness end!! lol

    1. william - It was seeing your Corey that convinced me I needed Tim McGraw. I love Tim anyway, so I think eventually he would have made it here, but you made it happen sooner. Thanks alot, kid!

    2. i know isnt that funny when you are thinking of getting a doll and then seeing it on someone elses site and then you go " I got to have them now!"...lol

  7. You guys are such enablers! Lol! Now you all have me wanting Brad and Max. I am having to just say no though! Lol! I have four dolls coming next month and my budget can't take it anymore. Lol! My name is Vickey and I am a certified doll addict!

    1. Georgia Girl - You got to get Max. LOL! Now I am thinking he would be great with your Solange looking Stardoll. I wonder who will claim him here in Morristown?

  8. Ooooweee. I am a sucker for a man with a nicely groomed goatee. Brad is FINE!

    1. Kenya - You and me both! I am a little nervous about putting him in the same building with Halle. Maybe he should live all the way on the other side. I smell trouble!

    2. Yeah Diego has the 5:00 shadow which I am not fond of ;-) I know he can't shave or grow it out. LOL!

  9. Brad is cute. If I wasn't wrapped up in my daughters graduation and my stories I'd be doll shopping too. I am safe until she she leaves for college. I will shop thru u until then. LOL

    1. mustiwait - Those darn real kids! Where the heck did they come from and why are they still around? LOL!!! You will be safe for a long time. Your pockets will be sucked dry for many years to come while she is in college.

  10. OMG!!!
    I wanna a doll asylum in USA!!
    It's enough Brasil LOL!!
    OMG!!Congratz for your aquisition,Vanessa!!
    I'm glad to know he is articulated.
    He is very handsome!
    I had the pleasure to see this set at the BARBIE BRASIL CONVENTION in november!!
    But by here is still expensive...
    I can't wait to see him by your camera!!
    Hugs Friend!!

    1. Jorge - It is outbursts and exclamations like that about how lucky we are here in the States, that makes me want to run out and buy more dolls. You always do that to me. It's because of the shortage of Racquelle dolls in your country that now has me with three in my collection. STOP THE MADNESS!!!

  11. Max 'from Australia' - now you really have got my attention, tell me more. 'The doll buying must stop' - why don't I believe you? Good luck with that. It will be interesting to see how Brad's character develops.

    1. Carrickters - Well here is a link to Roville's post with Max that enabled me to buy him sooner rather than later. http://robing-roville.blogspot.com/2012/06/ma-petite-chaise-no-5.html I think if I get rid of all the enablers, I will be okay.

  12. Love Brad! Wish we could peek under his clothes, though. Um... not to perv, no, just to view his articulation. Congrats on the arrival of all your new guys.

    1. Roville! Peek under Brad's clothes? My oh my. I imagine there will come a day when he is walking around half naked.

  13. It's addicting, isn't it? I can't seem to stop doll buying either 0_0 XD

  14. Vanessa you're so funny! I feel the same way; it's such an addiction! I really really love your new guy! I love the realism and that's why I've gotten into collecting action figures myself. I love Ken, don't get me wrong, but there needs to be some variation from the boy next door look; right? I'm waiting for a Darius right now and I'm soooo excited! I really love how I found him too. We have such good friend on Facebook and they rallied together to help me after I lost a bid on ebay for one. I was so upset, but everyone made me feel so good about it and then out popped another Darius!

    Well, I can't wait to see what you decide to do with your new guy!

    1. Congrats on getting your Darius! I really felt for you when you lost him at the last minute. That is the worst feeling. Brad is going to meander around town and get a feel for the place first.

  15. Brad, Brad, BRAD...he is gorgeous! Wow, very nice find! What a great deal on the McGraw & Hill couple! Two of your ladies are going to be really lucky. I can't wait to see their full bio and see them out and about in Morristown!

    I need to talk to you about your upcoming ATL doll show. I will email you. :)

    1. Tracy - He is one of those dolls that I can't pass with saying, good lawd! He has caused quite a stir over here.

  16. Replies
    1. DollStories - The men are nice. The addiction is not.

  17. Handsome devil! November doll show, you say? See you there!

    1. Vita Plastica - Can you believe Nov is almost here already? LOL! I say that because the time between doll shows tend to fly by, especially when I insists that I will save lots of money before that time. Never quite works out as planned. It will be wonderful to meet you finally.

  18. Hello from Spain, I agree with you that Brad is a very attractive man. I'd like him to be an executive. He is very masculine. Is it a boy from Mattel? Hi, I agree with you that Brad is a very attractive man. I'd like him to be an executive. He is very masculine. Is it a boy from Mattel? Congratulations on your purchase and Tim McGraw. It is an affordable purchase price. You could not miss that opportunity. I'm like you and I do not stop buying dolls. I think I can not stop. I always find some pretty doll ... Keep in touch

  19. Marta - Brad is not a doll from Mattel. He is an action figure. I just found out today that he is Dominique's slightly younger brother. They really look a lot alike. Maybe when he goes to look for a place to live, we will find out his occupation.

  20. Handsome guy. I don't see the Brad Pitt resemblance, however.

    The minute I say, "No more dolls," something else always surfaces that I want.


    1. DBG - Lately, I've been seeing more pictures of the dark haired Brad with more facial hair. It's definitely not the blonde version of Brad Pitt. I was just thinking today, what else would I spend my money on if I wasn't buying dolls. I'm already doing the things I want to do. I just figured out how to do them for less money. I guess I could travel, but I would miss Morristown.

      BTW, can you reply back and tell me if the robot guy is turned off? I turned it off about a week ago, but I haven't confirmed it yet. Thanks.

    2. Yes, the robot is successfully turned off and I soooooooooooooo appreciate that. I didn't know this could be done and will do it on my blogs as well. Thanks!


    3. DBG Thanks! I will keep a look out for any increased Spam and change it if necessary, but so far the same Spam that got through with the Robot, is the only Spam that has showed up since. That is only once in a blue moon. I'm sure you guys would rather not deal with it than worry about the one spam message that gets through occasionally. It is my biggest pet peeve right now with the new way they do the robot words. I don't want people jumping through hoops to leave a comment.

  21. Wow! It's nice to see more pics of him. Very handsome. I bought him a few days ago and can't wait for his arrival. He'll be my first doll of this type. Thanks for sharing and what a steal on the Tim and Faith set.

    1. Adrian - Congrats on your first action figure. I will say the way they have his head attached is not normal. Most action figures don't have a neck that long. I will more than likely remove the neck piece and make some minor changes to correct the problem. Since this is your first, you wouldn't know any different.

  22. hahahahaha I always say the same: this is the last one for months... and it never is! Great purchases for Morristown!

    1. Rossetti - But I mean it. Oh by the way, my new doll arrived yesterday. I'll be introducing him soon. LOL!

  23. This life-size Brad-I'm regarded cover boy handsome-AT 61!!!!!!-muscular,beefy-I'm 5'9",205-210 lb.,boasting 181/2"
    arms,though like a lot of older lads,I'm attempting to shed about 25 lb.-who's often attired in casual or cowboy gear-should be pictured here!!!!!


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