Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Rod and Danielle's Wedding Photos

Shantavia was hard at work taking the wedding photos.  There were major lighting issues inside the church.  She hopes to get some outside shots later.  Here are a few of the wedding photos.  I put together a quick 1 min slideshow, which has quite a few more of the photos.

This picture is one of the last ones taken.  Rod and Danielle started getting a little too comfortable.  Hey, there are still people in the church!

Luckily all the ladies, except for Sunni, were still in the church.

Shantavia meant to retake this picture without the table.  Oops.  It's one of my favorite shots, though.  Look at little Ms. Ciana.  She got the pose and the smile going.

Right about this time, Rod and Danielle started looking at each other all googly eyed.  Then it got a little heated in the church.  Hence, the picture near the top.

This was not a wedding picture.  Shantavia just captured these two as they were waiting for another photo.  Jacob has set his eyes (and hands) on Nicole's earring.  

Awww, such a sweet couple.  Actually Ian is being asked about the woman in the back.

Antoinette finally gets to have a word with Tony.  She didn't really want anything.  She, too, is feeling a little nostalgic after the wedding and just wanted a moment with her hubby.

"Are you okay?" (Mike)
"Yes, I am just exhausted.  I can't wait to take a nice long bath and crawl under the bed."  (Adele)
Deep down this is not what Mike wants to hear.  He was really hoping to have a nice romantic night with his wife that he hasn't seen in about a month now. 

"So now does that mean you have two moms?"  (Jessica)
"She's my stepmom." (Nicole)
"What does that mean?" (Jessica)
"I don't know." (Nicole)

More Wedding Photos (Quick Slideshow)


  1. Absolutely lovely! I love all the interactions going on here, your crew is so exciting :)

    1. Heather - Thanks! Speaking of exciting, I forgot a picture with Mike and Adele. I just added it in case you want to take a look.

  2. These pictures are beautiful! The conversation between Jessica and Nicole is priceless!


    1. DBG - Thanks! Jessica is a trip. She is the one with all the questions and she doesn't mind asking them.

  3. Great photos! I love the one of Danielle's family with Rod. All the kids steal the show!

    1. Ms. Leo - Thanks! I am always amazed at some of the expressions those kids give me when I am taking pictures.

  4. They all look so beautiful! Looks like Adele might finally be able to relax soon. :)

    1. Alura - Thanks! Adele shouldn't get too excited. Those receptions can be grueling. She is still on the hook for quite a few activities.

  5. Smashing pictures! Now I realy can't wait for the recepetion!

    1. Verona - Thanks! I'm anxious for the reception, too.

  6. Wow your pics came out Great you totally captured the moment in every shot good work. I like the family pic the most their family has grown together!

    1. Tinisha - Thanks! They took a little longer than I expected, but it was worth it in the end. Their family is blending really well together.

  7. Hello from Spain: Wow, Wow ... Shantavia did a great job. She is a professional photographer. I like all the family photos. Vanessa really have a wonderful blog. Keep in touch

    1. Marta - Shantavia was working that camera! She kept things moving to keep the kids from getting tired. Thanks for the wonderful comments.

  8. Ok I see them trying to get freaky save that for the honey moon good pictures by the way props to shantavia

    1. Jessika - When we were doing that part of the photoshoot, I looked at them and said, "oh goodness, here we go." I tell you, when they look at each other they just get this twinkle in their eye. I'm going to hire someone else to shoot the honeymoon video. It's going to be too much for me.

  9. So beautiful pictures. I remember the doll wedding we tried to make with my friend many years ago. We dreamt of a beautiful wedding, but there were no church decorations, no beatiful clothes for the family and guests, no even any normal clothes at all for most of the dolls, especially for males. So it was more ridiculous than beautiful. When I look at your doll wedding, I think that it looks like something we dreamt about at that time.

    1. Dukasha - Thanks! That is a funny story. We have all had those doll moments in the past that didn't quite work out like we imagined. I am happy that this wedding is helping to bring back those memories.

  10. Beautiful pics. Hi Vanessa, stopping by to say hello and thank you for your encouraging words during out time of need. We really appreciated it! James is doing well and out of the bed now. He dressed for the first time today! I just can't get over his speedy recovery!! He sends his love. Love you!

    1. Loretta - It's so nice to see you visit. What an ordeal you and James have been through. It is amazing how one minute things can be just fine and then the next minute someone is fighting for their life. James wasn't going to leave you. That's what that speedy recovery is all about. Hugs to bought of you. Love you. I will visit soon.

  11. Nice slideshow! I absolutely love that the children/families are so prevalent in your stories.

    1. Georgia Girl - Thanks! I just love kids in general, and fashion doll kids is no exception. They just crack me up.

  12. I love the photos ... seeing people interact. Like being there. Thanks for sharing.

    1. D7ana - Thanks! They are going to be just like me when I got to my reception. WIPED OUT! However Adele is feeling at a given time, is exactly how I am feeling at that moment.

    2. What lovely photos - Shantavia (and you) is a brilliant photographer. Poor Mike, but Adele will be feeling better tomorrow when the receptiom is over.

    3. Carrickters - Thanks! Shantavia did me proud. Mike is still hoping for a miracle. LOL!

  13. Vanessa i think you out did yourself on this one! The wedding, photos are just lovely! Congrats to Rod and Danielle for their beautiful day!

    1. william - Thanks so much! The couple sends their thanks and love.

  14. Youpie ! Nous avons les primeurs... J'ai vraiment l'impression d'être présente au mariage. Merci de nous faire vivre toutes ces émotions. Bravo Vanessa !

    1. Shasarignis - Merci! Je suis tres heureux que que vous soyez venu et que vous avez apprecie.

  15. Amazing photos Vanessa!!! Will you make a wedding photo book?

    1. Sergio - Thanks! Wedding photo book is a great idea. I never know what's going to happen over here until it happens. I will keep that one in mind though.

  16. Replies
    1. Kenya - You never cease to be my comic relief! Thanks.

  17. The photos are wonderful and the transitions in the slide show really highlight them. I really like the little heart that makes the fade to the final credits!

    1. limbe dolls - Thanks! I thought the little heart was so cute.

  18. Wonderful pics!!! Their wedding album is going to be a piece of art, for sure!

    1. Rossetti- Thanks! You guys are always giving me something to do. Now I have to create a wedding album. LOL!

  19. Love love love the wedding photos! I felt like I was looking at a real album of real folks that just got married! Great eye Vanessa for all the little details. You rock!

    1. Chynadoll - Thank you, thank you! All that gazing Rod and Danielle were doing made some of those pictures really easy.

  20. I was browsing trough all the blogs and when i found this blog i could not stop reading.I rent bridal dresses and this story is great if you want real bridal dresses please visit my blog

    1. Stephanie - Thanks for stopping by. Renting bridal dresses is a great idea. I don't think I will be needing one any time soon, lol, but I did check out your blog.

      I'm glad your niece has found my blog, too. There are 78 YouTube videos, all about the doll families.

  21. My niece loves this blog and is a big fan of dolls


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