Friday, May 4, 2012

Guests Are Headed to the Hotel

The guests are headed to Hotel Monaco for the reception.   Adele made arrangements for the wedding party to travel together to the reception.  The hotel is only a couple of miles from the church.  All vehicles in this story, except for the PT Cruiser, were purchased from local thrift stores over the years.  All cost less than $3 each.  Please forgive the black van.  It is in the process of an overhaul, that I didn't quite get to yet.

One section of the church parking lot.  The vehicles on the left were turned around for the story.

"Do you know how to get there?"  (Kara)
"It's right in Old Town, just a few blocks away."  (Chris)

"Boy, oh boy.  Too bad he's married."  (Lydia)
"Girl, you need to stop.  He is married,  so you need to let that go."  (Paulette)
"Are we the only single people in this town?"  (Lydia)
"No, there are plenty of single people.  Just remember we are happily single.  It is only at functions like this that we dream about the other side."  (Paulette)
"You are so right.  Let me snap out of this.  That's why I am not fond of going to weddings." (Lydia)

Lydia's momentary object of desire is David, Leslie's husband.  He knows he is being checked out, and he's actually enjoying the attention.

"Uh oh, honey.  We forgot we were blocking the cars."  (Lisa)

"Let's go Miss Missy.  Your dad needs to get in."  (Kara)
"I want to ride up front with you."  (Jolisa)
"In the back and buckle up."  (Kara)

"We are so sorry for blocking you in.  We expected to leave a little early, but totally forgot about the car." (Lisa)

"No problem.  It's a beautiful day out and we were just enjoying the sights."  (Lydia)
Paulette wants to laugh, but knows that will cause even more confused looks.

"Get in Tyler.  Where is your mom? " (Keith)
"Oh yeah, she told me to tell you that she was coming."  (Tyler)

"Here they come." (Christopher)

"Hey Toni.  Did you happen to see my wife?"  (Keith)
"Hey Keith.  She was right behind me.  I'm sure she's on her way." (Toni)  

"Okay, thanks" (Keith)
My husband, Keith, hates to wait around.  I think subconsciously I make him wait sometimes, even though I know it upsets him.  I'd like to think I am not doing it on purpose.  I must admit, he's a little sexier when he's a little miffed.  Well, maybe it's not subconscious at all. 

"Buckle up, young lady."  (Kara)
"Let me tell you about the temper tantrum your daughter had while you were doing hair."  (Chris)
"Why is she my daughter, when she acts up?  She only acts like that when she is with you." (Kara)
"We were in church.  I thought it was best to let it play out.  (Chris)
"Honey, if you stop letting it play out, she will stop doing it." (Kara)

"I'm sorry honey.  I lost track of time."  (Vanessa)
"Well it's nice of you to grace us with your presence." (Keith)

"Mommy, can I ride with Aunt Toni?" (Jessica)
"That's fine with me.  Toni, is that okay with you?" (Sylvia)
"Yes. That's fine." (Toni)

"Do you need help with her?"  (Darren)
"No.  She's not sleep.  She's just pretending.  Too much excitement.  She's afraid she will miss something if she goes to sleep."  (China) 

"Mommy, can I ride up front because it's going to be too crowded back here."  (Zahara)
"The cops will get me if I let you ride up front."  (Toni)
"Really?  Why?"  (Zahara)
"They say you are too small to ride up front.  Let's let Jessica ride up front.  After all she is our guest."  (Toni)

"Bye Daddy."  (Jessica)
"Bye honey.  I'll miss you."  (Dad)
"Da-ad, I'm going to see you when we get there."  (Jessica)
"I'll still miss you."  (Dad)
"Oh, Daddy.  Bye." (Jessica)

Joseph is peering out the window into the Taylor car.
(This was another unposed shot.  I tell you these dolls do the strangest things at times.  I just threw him in the back, while I got Olivia seated.  When I looked back, this is how I found him.)

'I think I have a couple of admirers."  (David)
"Yes, only in your head.  You were always thinking that someone was checking you out.  I thought you were over that phase.  Newsflash, you are not all of that, big brother."  (Olivia)

"I'm just saying, you can be very inconsiderate at times.  If you know we are waiting out here, why would you stay there talking."  (Keith)
"Honey, I've apologized.  It's over.  We are not going to ruin a wonderful day over this.  Come here."  (Vanessa) 

(Yes, we kiss in front of the kids.  Don't judge.)

"Do you forgive me?"  (Vanessa)
"Well, since you put it that way."  (Keith) 

"Daddy, can you come back here with me?" (Taylor)
"Taylor, we are going to be there in about five minutes.  Okay?" (China)

Next up....Hotel Monaco!


  1. Hi Vanessa,

    I enjoyed the conversations between the couples, singles, child-parent. Looking forwared to the reception, and hoping that Jessica's dad makes it there okay.


    1. PS You sure do have a lot of cars.


    2. DBG - Thanks. They sure are taking their time getting to the reception. LOL!

      P.S. That's not all of the cars.

    3. Good Lord... you do have a lot of cars! LOL! But I guess each family needs one, right?


  2. Oh but it's such fun to see the families talking to friends and overhear the different conversations. David being amused and pleased at being checked out; his sister teasing him about it. The kids ... little Joseph wins the cute prize in this segment. I love when dolls and action figure pose themselves. Looks so natural, lol.

    1. D7ana - Thanks. I wish I could snap my fingers and they all pose themselves on a regular basis. It would definitely make my life easier. Although I can't say I do much posing anyway. I just sit them there and take what they give me.

  3. You have such a great collection of cars! I'm glad the guests are on there way. I'm excited for the reception.

    1. Alura - Thanks. There are about 4 more that didn't make the story and I just gave one away to a couple of little girls.

  4. Love this setup and conversations!! I am amazed you found all these cars for such great prices. Now I just will check almost every half hour because I am so excited for the rest of the wedding!!!!

  5. Salut Vanessa, tu as pratiquement toutes les voitures de Barbie !!! et en plus celle avec le siège pour bébé ....

  6. So cute. You sure keep busy! I love it!

  7. You've got like a little mini film studio in your house. You have your own back lot! I hereby name it... Morristown Studios! Awesomeness.

  8. The parking lot looks soooooo real!!! And what a number of cars! I'd love to see the room where you keep all your dolls and dollie's stuff, must be impressive!!! Great pics, as always!

  9. Well first of all that is away for a man to forgive ( wink wink) but nice photo story

  10. Wow! Your dioramas are AMAZING! I know I don't comment here nearly as much as I should, but know every time you post, I'm stopping by to check it out! Your work doesn't go unnoticed by this reader, I'm just more of a silent commenter. Your work is simply inspiring! Oh to have the space you do to set up elaborate set is on my 'goal' list! XO

  11. Priya - Thanks. I am finally glad to be able to use these cars. They rarely get used and I thought this was the perfect opportunity.

    Vita Plastica - Thanks! My mind is racing nonstop. You guys don't even get to see half the stuff I come up with.

    Muff - Thanks. One day real soon I will be giving a tour of Morristown. I just have to do a few more things. It really is an optical illusion.

    Rossetti - Thanks! A room tour is coming a little later this year. It's not all that impressive, but I like it.

    jessikaj - Thanks! I've always known how to handle my man. LOL! That's probably why I happily single.

    Matty - Thanks! I know you are out there. I enjoy the silent readers, too. I will show my space one day soon. It's not really that big.

  12. Hey vanessa i was dying laughing when taylor was faking i think paulette was kinda rude.What doll is olivia and sunni?Christopher was so funny when he said i miss u see u later(P.S I Remember Your Morales Family Why Are They Apart)
    Good story


  13. Wow I thought the first photo was a snapshot of little matchbox cars lined up just for a photo op!

    1. Kenya - Now that you mention it, they do look like matchbox cars. You can tell you have a son.

  14. Funny story, I like it a lot!! My favourite dialogue is that between Chris and Kara :D

  15. I love It! I will be on the tour bus to visit Morristown Studios! Great job. Love all the cars.

    1. Chynadoll - Thanks. I am excited to almost be ready for a viewing.

  16. Plz answer
    Hi vanessa how is it going any blessings ok my favourite diolouge was the trotts and christopher and jessica i am so happy for the reception .one last thing what doll is olivia and sunni


  17. Love the parking lot scene! You've got some awesome rides. I really need to get it together in that department. The only one I own is the topless Myscene car.

    1. Tracy - Start at the thrift stores. They always seem to have cars. You definitely need the new red Ken car. That's a sweet ride. I am trying to get a couple more cars for the elite group. I need an SUV and a Limo. I would love to have a nice truck, too.


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