Monday, April 2, 2012

The Morning of the Wedding (Video)

Well it's April 2nd and the wedding activities have begun!  It's the morning of the wedding.  The ladies are getting ready to get their day started.   It's about 8:30am and the wedding starts at 4pm.  This will give the ladies enough time for hair and makeup, before they land at the church to relax and get dressed.

Leslie arrives to pick up Danielle.  That is my real deck and backyard in the background.

Julian in his Joe Boxer boxing shorts.  I still need to put the waffles in the store. Should be there by tomorrow.

I sure am glad Danielle's mom came into the picture. She has been an incredible help already.

If you have been following the series, you know that Ciana fell in love with Jacob the first time she laid eyes on him.  This helped Danielle decide on her as the flower girl.  She knows that Ciana, who is smart beyond her 3 1/2 yrs, will help get Jacob down the aisle at the wedding.  Jacob is also sporting Joe Boxer briefs.

Double-click on the YouTube icon to view in Full Screen Mode.


  1. That is too cute. Reminds me of the times when I was a flower girl in someone's wedding. My sister and I always got picked because we're identical twins. :D

  2. Whoohoo! The wedding is starting! I can't wait to see the next videos!

    1. Verona - I know! I didn't want their wedding date to be associated with April Fool's day. There will be a photostory by Wednesday. I have to keep things moving along with this wedding. The church is 98% done. Woot woo!

  3. I've just given you the Liebster Bolg Award Come on over to get it! Luv

  4. Vanessa, what a great story. I can't wait to see the wedding videos!

    1. Roxanne - Thanks! The church is waiting for the festivities!

  5. WooHoo Im going to a wedding!!!!!!!

    1. mustiwait - WooHoo. Hope you have a nice outfit all picked out!

  6. Im soo excited! I think this is going to be a lovely wedding!

    1. william - I'm pretty excited myself. It feels like a real wedding.

  7. Yay! Nice video. I love the little people. They are adorable. Leslie's Mom arrived in time. Julian is a handful. Lol!

    1. Georgia Girl - Thanks! You mean Danielle's mom. Not Leslie's mom. I'm already stressed. Don't start getting me all confused. There will be lots of little people running around the church.

  8. I was so excited when I saw the video was up earlier!!! This is going to be so great. I think it's a testament to the stories you tell with your dolls how invested we all are. :)

    1. Alura - I felt so bad. I loaded the wrong video and had to delete it. I know people thought I was doing an April Fools joke on them. It took almost 2 more hours to get the right video up. I know they were mad at me. All I can say is Rod looks GOOD! He tried on his tux 2 days ago. Nothing like waiting until the last minute.

  9. Yay, the wedding vids are starting!!! I have to pick through my moms old doll clothes to find something for one of my dolls to wear to represent us at the wedding. So excited!

    1. Hey Muff - You guys crack me up! But that gave me an idea. I think I will have people post pictures to my FB fan page of their dolls dressed for the wedding.

  10. A wedding morning is so full of work!! Love the pic of Ciana and Jacob, they are so cute!!!

    1. Rosetti - It really is a lot of work just getting ready for the wedding. I can't wait to see Ciana and Jacob, and of course Mr. Julian.

  11. This is a great beginning to what I am sure will turn out to be a wonderful event and marital union.


    1. dbg - I get so excited by real weddings. If I could, I would attend one every month. So I find myself getting more and more excited thinking about the possibilities with this wedding.

  12. I can't believe the wedding series is already starting! What a treat that there will be several videos to look forward to instead of just one showing the ceremony.

    1. limbe dolls - You are the ONLY one who can't believe it's already starting. Most of the comments have been along the lines of "It's about time!" Weddings are always so much more than just the ceremony. So hopefully everyone will enjoy all the extras.

  13. Vanessa, you seem to have real spring in your backyard. Great. We still have winter in Moscow. No leaves, no grass, much snow.

    1. Dukasha - Yes we are in the 70s and 80s already and all the greenery is back. We didn't get any snow this year, and the winter was very mild. I just got a chill thinking about your snow.

  14. Nice climate. We always have snow in winter, but it's time for it to melt already. Our spring is very late this year.

  15. Hello from Spain: I like the first picture when Leslie comes home with the baby. It is a very real picture. Jacob and Ciana are adorable. I look forward to the wedding. Keep in touch

    1. Marta - Thanks! I'm looking forward to it happening, and to it being over. LOL! It's been a lot of work.

  16. I'm getting so excited for the big day. I have that same butterfly feeling in my stomach that I had with Charles and Dianna, Kate and William, and of course Luke and Laura. : )

    1. Debbie - LOL! I wonder if they will have their own song, like Luke and Laura. I am pretty nervous, myself. Feels like the whole world is watching.

  17. Je n'avais pas vu celui la ! C'est très beau Vanessa !

    1. Shasarignis - Merci. C'est nouveau comme d'il y a quelques jours.

  18. I wonder if anyone looks at the photography like I do. The very first photo I said, "That looks real." Excellent use of depth of field! And I'm probably the only not commenting on the wedding itself. Love Danielle's bag.


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