Thursday, March 29, 2012

  • Skydive with a certified instructor
  • Free-fall at up to 120 mph
  • Jump from between 10,000-14,000 ft.
  • Surprising gift for grads

Why did I just have a heart attack? Because the Skydiving that is on my list just showed up in my email for 50% off.  I literally started jumping up and down.  The thought of jumping from a plane is totally exhilarating.  Why am I sharing this with you?  Because my blog readers are like family and you were the first people I thought to share this with.  Now I have to find the $134 (isn't that cheap?) within 4 days before the offer expires.  Wish me luck! 

There's a doll post coming in a couple of hours.


  1. Hello from Spain: I love Melanie's office. It has all kinds of details. It's beautiful. The paper, pen, and I especially like the fax. Are Barbie? Look real. I'm glad that Rod and Melanie can reach an agreement with the subject of their daughter. A magnificent job. keep in touch.

    1. Marta - Thanks. Melanie is an old Integrity Toys doll. She is a Jason Wu sculpt when he used to sell a playline of dolls in Walmart. She is the same sculpt as my Antoinette doll. They were called Janay dolls and they used to sell for about $6. Now you can't get a Jason Wu doll for anything near that price.

  2. Oh my goodness're amazing! Wishing you luck!! Does a photo come with the package? If so, please share with us. :)

    1. Hi Tracy! I miss you to pieces. I hope all is going well with you and your daughter. Can't wait until you are back and posting again. If there is a picture, I will definitely share.

    2. I know, I miss chatting. I've been trying to catch your videos as much as I can but just haven't had time to comment much (my computer runs so slow sometimes) It's almost the end of my daughter's school year so, there's been a lot of meetings regarding goals, etc. Also, we'll be coming up on IEP season real soon, so I've just been doing my research, getting my laws in order because my goal for her is full inclusion for next year. :)

      I hope to be able to squeeze a photo story in soon but in the meantime, I will be trying to catch up on all the wonderful posts. By the way, LOVE the church! I was floored! The natural lighting affect looks magnificent! Can't wait for the wedding. :)

  3. You are a brave soul! Do share a pic, if they give you one.

    1. Georgia Girl - Want to come? The place is in Rockmart. Nothing to fear, but fear itself. And maybe the parachute not opening. LOL! I haven't bought my ticket yet. Waiting for the money to magical appear in the next couple of days.

  4. Who's afraid of fear? ME! Well, not fear really. Jumping out of a plane ... oh, yes, I would be afraid. I have never been on a plane let alone jumped from one. Aaiiieee! See, not afraid. Wary, yes.

    But you go, girl. I admire your spunk and spirit. Not going to follow you literally, but I'll be praying for your safe and intact descent. Peeping between my fingers.

    1. Wow, you've never been on a plane. That's pretty incredible. These days jumping out of the plane is probably safer than riding on the plane. The other thing I am dying (no pun intended) to do is hang glide. I've wanted to do that since I was a young girl. I here it's really popular in Rio de Janiero. Great reason to go. I may have to pay full price for my skydiving. Only half of the money has shown up so far. Time is a ticking.


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