Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The Pets are Coming, The Pets are Coming

For several months I have been gathering items for my upcoming pet store.  I am a lover of pets and am surprised that none of my families have pets.  That will change in the future.  Someone(s) will be getting a pet soon.  Haven't decided who yet.  I have to see who proves to be most responsible.  Pets are a lot of work!

It started with this LIV set that I picked up on clearance for $6.50.

Then one of my flickr friends, Lydia Thompson, sent me this wonderful gift.  Does that name sound familiar?  It should.  She is Darius' interior designer.  She garnered a character in my story, the day I received an amazing box of goodies that she no longer wanted.  There were also articulated bodies, heads, Barbie electronics, and ..... a Jason Wu Luxury Coffee Table!  Can you believe it?   More on that later. This post is about pets.

About 2 weeks ago, I went into Big Lots to buy some gum and came out with this. It was the only one there, and I needed those cages. (Please disregard the upper left side of this picture. I had to do some photo adjusting to get rid of a big spotlight.)

They have 3 of the cutest dogs in this set.  (Limbe Dolls, I think I will be adding another doll to your stash).

Look at the cute poodle.

And speaking of pets....here are some of them.  I just got the 2 big dogs from the Dollar Tree.

And don't forget about the cute hamsters!

This is going to be another fun diorama.  I found a few other goodies that I will keep as a surprise.

This is my 2nd post for the day. Did you see the post on my recent purchases?


  1. A pet diorama is going to be interesting. Are you going to do a video story on it.

  2. Frannie - Yes there will be a video story to accompany the Pet Shop/Vet. I wish I had more room to leave most of my dioramas up.

  3. Hi there, I'm a doll collector and I have found your site through Google Search. You have an interesting Blog!! :) Would you mind to do a link exchange with me? Email me at bellafloresita@gmail.com. Hope to hear from you soon :) Thanks, Bella

  4. I've been looking at those cages in the Big Lots set for months but I don't get over to there often and there are so many other dolls on my wish list... Glad you were able to get that set.

  5. Congratulations on your buy, Vanessa! Looking forward to seeing your pet diorama and video.

    Now I'm off to read the other post for today.

  6. I can just see Julian getting into so much mischief with the puppies! Oh & look for another box coming your way soon!


  7. limbe dolls - That was my first time seeing that set, so I knew it was meant for me to have it.

  8. Ms. Lydia - I just found some material that I think you will like. Yeah! So I can finally start your project. Another box. No way!

  9. lol yep! I just don't know if I can live up to the last one but I think you will like it.


  10. MsLydai - You could send me a box of trash bags and I would be thankful. I have no expectations. I am just happy to know that I will be sending a box your way soon.

  11. Basic Liv dolls were on sale at Target yesterday for $9.98 if you want some for body swapping.

  12. Anonymous - Thanks for the heads up on the Target LIV sale, but I have at least 3 new LIV dolls waiting for heads. Recently I have started just taking heads off and using the some of the same bodies over and over for differnt characters as they are needed in stories. That way I need a lot less bodies.


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