Sunday, July 24, 2011

Need a Good Laugh or a Good Cry.... Watch my latest Daddy/Daughter Dance Video

I can't promise that you will do either one, laugh or cry.  I can only say that I had a ball making this video.  I am a big softy (ask Debbie), so I cried at parts of it and cracked up at others.  Of course you are seeing the final product so your reaction may be totally different. 

In making this video, I had to change my whole process from the previous videos.  Usually I shoot the video, then add the music as part of the editing process.  For this video, it was important to choose the music, get it completely edited, prior to shooting the video.  Otherwise, how do you get dolls to move to music you haven't selected yet?  I also had to bust out a few of my own moves, to try to translate that to how the dolls would move.  I personally dance a lot better than I translated it to the dolls.  This is were I had a few crack-up, tear streaming, laughter moments.  Leslie and her husband, had me dying laughing.  I don't know where they came up with their was definitely not from me.

I also added a few different songs in this video. I even tried my hand at a little mixing in the end. No scratching, just a little mixing. You will clearly be able to tell that I was never a DJ, but I am happy with the final results. I think my age, and hopefully my party spirit, shows here with my music selections. Enjoy!

Note: If you have 3G speed or less, it is always good to view the video twice. The first time is usually very slow, and the second time seems to be normal.

Double-click image to see in Full Screen


  1. I logged on just after you put this up so it gets my day off to a great start! My favorite dancer is Zahara. Beautiful how it all came together after months and months of work!

  2. limbe dolls - I am glad that I was pushed to do this series. It turned out better than I expected. I dreaded it the whole time because it was SO MUCH WORK! But in the end, it was well worth it. This series tuuned into the Zahara show. She was just the cutest!

  3. You outdid yourself again. It was so heartwarming to see the girls dance with their daddies. The little ones were so cute with their dance moves. How hot the ladies and the gents with all their moves! Fantastic music! Great job!
    How are you going to top this? Can't wait to see your next production!

  4. Frannie - Thanks. I am just happy that it is over. I hope all of the young girls on YouTube are happy with it. If it had not been for them continuing to ask about it, it probably never would have happened. Working with all of those dolls in one production is tiresome, to say the least. I have a few other words for it, too, but we won't say those. I ended up having a really good time making each video in this series. I am ready to move on to some of my other storylines now. The next big production will probably be a wedding, or something leading up to a wedding. Perhaps a bridal shower or bachelor party. But I have plenty of time, seeing as though no one is even engaged yet.

  5. This was great! When the ladies got on the floor I cracked up, been there-done that.

  6. LOVED IT! WOW! You got my line dance in so, I am very happy and pleased. Keeping them all standing is sometimes a challenge but having them dance, wow! That Rod is a Mr. Smooth! I loved the ladies out on the floor. That Zahara is going to be a lot like her mom, there is no holding her back! You keep getting better and better at videos. I agree with Frannie, I can’t wait to see what you do next!

  7. Genius! Girl, you are too talented. Talk about softies... why did a tear stream down my face when the dads were dancing with their daughters? Oh my goodness! Then when Mary started jamming, I did too and I don't even dance. Loved the remixing, the line dancing, and laughed out loud when the guy started dipping. I cried, I laughed, and laughed some more.

    I can't wait to see your next video series.


  8. Valerie - I think most of us have been led to the dance floor or led someone to the dance floor when "our song" came on. Thanks for watching and commenting.

    Ms. Leo - That line dance was just for you. That Mary J. Blige song is perfect for line dancing. That Roderick is something else. He keeps getting more appealing by the video. If Danielle don't step up her game, I may have to take him from her. What can we say about little Ms. Zahara. She definitely takes after her mom in the dance department. She is definitely lil' Ms. Personality.

    DBG - When I was selecting music before shooting the video, I went through a lot of songs for the daddy daughter dance. When I got to the Celine song, the tears just flowed. I was like "I found the right song". You know how pitiful I am. "Just Fine" is a song that has always brought me so much joy. I have never been able to sit still when that song is playing. I had to put a little 'house music' in there because that is my favorite. Although only one of those end tunes was 'house music'. I was on the floor dying laughing when Leslie's husband ended up in those crazy poses. It wasn't intentional, but it worked out perfectly. His body kept contorting in the craziest way, and he would still be standing. I need a break after that series.

    Glad you all enjoyed it.

  9. I'm still laughing at Leslie's husband... does he have a name? LOL!


  10. DBG - Leslie's husband's name is David. You know I had to go look it up. I am so bad with names. I just rewatched the video a few times and every time it gets to him, I still crack up.

  11. OK! Excel worksheet just to keep the names straight!

  12. Ms Leo - I would still have to refer to the Excel worksheet, so I might as well just refer to the blog. One less thing to keep up with.

  13. Thanks for the link to the Anderson family's profile. I tried to search your blog to locate David's name, but gave up. I would like to see a portrait of each family under a tab. I know you have the link to the Family Life videos, but I think the portraits would help people like quickly ID your playscale vinyl people.

    I know... I'm creating more work for Vanessa.


  14. The next to last sentence should have read:

    ...but I think the portraits would help people like [me] quickly ID your playscale vinyl people.

  15. DBG - That's actually a very good idea. I'll get right on that a few days.

  16. The screen says this video is blocked for watching in my country. It's a pity, I wanted to see the dance too. Well, I'll try just to imagine everything you speak about here. :)

  17. Dukasha - Sorry, I needed some tunes with words. What would happened if I created an email verson from my computer to send to you? Would you be able to see it then, because it will not be going through YouTube. Send me your email address, I would love to try it. Germany can't see it either.
    I will be returning to my other music for upcoming videos.

  18. Vanessa:

    I had to let you know how touching and beautiful your father/daughter dance was. I am so new at blogging and everything that I wasn't sure how to comment or subscribe to other blogs. I think I've accomplished that now. I never want to miss a moment of your's.


  19. Vanessa, thanks, it could work. It would be very nice of you. I've sent my address to you.

  20. Robyne (Desperately Seeking Dolls) - Welcome to my blog! Thanks for visiting and thanks for the wonderful comments. Did you see your girl out there on the floor dancing (Target Basics #8)? I still tear up every time I see the dads and the daughters. We are not even going to talk about how many times I have looked at the video.

  21. Hands down Vanessa, you are the master of the fashion doll videos! I LOVED IT!!

    The beginning is so touching, it does make you want to cry. It's always great to see a dad with his kids but there's something a little extra to see a father with his little girl. :)

    And hold up...did I see the girls doing the electric slide?! CLASSIC! You are incredible! You just keep topping yourself with every video.

    Thanks so much for giving us such great stories to look forward to.

  22. Awesome dance. You've outdone yourself. Loved it and watched it 3x's :O)

  23. Tracy - It's so nice to see your comments about my videos again. You were always one of my biggest fans. I tried to throw in a little something for everyone.

    I just wish I had enough time to do all the stories that keep popping in my head. I am drowning in stories. LOL! I'll just take it one story at a time.

  24. Dollz4Moi - Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it. I have lost count on how many times I've watched it since posting it. Every time I come to leave a comment, I watch it again. LOL!

  25. Adorable! I gotta go back and see the rest of the series!

  26. Margaret - Thanks for watching and for your comments. Hope you do get a chance to see the series. It was a fun one to do. The Beach series was another good one. There is a lot that happened at the beach, that was the start of some of the storylines that are coming up.

  27. I should not be surprised because becoming a mother has made me a horrible sap, but this video made me CRY!!! Great work Vanessa!

  28. Dami - Thanks. Don't feel bad. I don't have any kids and I cried quite a few times. I cried just picking out the daddy/daughter song.


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