Tuesday, June 21, 2011

An Oldie but a Goodie

This morning I was reminded of the awesome Barbie House that was raffled off in December of 2008. Chances are some of you have seen this house already, but I never tire of seeing it, so I wanted to share it with you, again.


  1. Nice house with nice accoutrements, but I think you could have done a much better job with the decor!


  2. DBG - Maybe they were leaving the decorating bland so the raffle winner could put their own personal touch to it. I've been wanting to build a garage every since I saw this the first time. One day.

  3. I can't tell you how many times I've watched this video over & over & over! & I always have the same questions! Who won, who built it & how can I get one?!


  4. cool house! They did a great job making the video for it as well.

  5. MsLydiaT - I didn't read the comments. Maybe the answer is in there. Did you ever leave them a message? I'm pretty sure there was an email address for purchasing the raffle tickets in '08. They could make a killing selling those.

  6. Cindy - They had me "at the garage door". LOL. Then they really got me with the running water.

  7. ok I didn't think of that! Thanks I'll try it & let you know what I find out!



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