Saturday, June 18, 2011

New Video. Daddy/Daughter Dance The Arrival

A new video is finally ready.  Seems like this Daddy/Daughter dance is going to happen after all. 

A few weeks ago Danielle and the committee decided to give the dance a Princess theme.  They wanted the little girls and their daddies to feel really special on this day.  So they decided to go all out, and really make it a special day.  So in keeping with the Princess theme, all the adults were asked to dress the part as well. 

Here are the photos taken by Shantavia, our photographer/artist.


  1. I got up early and happened to check my computer. What a great suprise! I loved both videos! You know that Rod is a real scene stealer! That blue shirt and tie...WOW! I wonder how his ex will feel about that photo of the three of them...Hmmm. Glad to see Jordan getting a little love. Ms Moore need to stay on that Blaine. He looks like a real goldbricker!

  2. Great episode! Love the gowns!

  3. Such a fun video! Thank you!! I loved the look of the Dance, so sparkly!

  4. Ms. Leo - Yes, Melanie would probably not be happy about that picture. Danielle is making sure that one stays hidden. I've been racking my brain trying to figure out who Jordan is. Enlighten me please.

  5. Frannie - Thanks. I figured what better time to use all those dresses I've been collecting and making for years. Playing dress up in miniature world is fun!

  6. MJ - Thanks! Playing dress up once in a while is loads of fun! At least that's what my dolls tell me.

  7. Hey Vanessa, the male doll before Integrity Toys made Tariq was Jordan. See link. I have a couple of his heads. Then they sold by Mikelman’s Charice/ Hamilton Design Systéme line who called him Dominic. They added flocked hair and mustaches to him and is was styled/painted by Jason Wu. I guess I still call him Jordan

  8. Ms. Leo - Oh, you mean my doll husband Keith. I never remembered his company name. I got him new umpteen years ago. Thanks for the link. It is good to be reminded what they looked like in the box. I gave my Jordan a beard and moustache to make him a little more manly.

  9. Well worth the wait! Everyone was stylin'! I especially like Roderick's tie.

  10. Things are getting off to a great start. It appears the Daddy/Daughter Dance will be an enjoyable event.


  11. limbe dolls - I attempted to do a few different camera shots in this one to add a little more interest.

  12. DBG - It will be more enjoyable when it is over! LOL! I am feeling like a beat up wedding coordinator at this point.

  13. Bravo, Bravo! Very nice Vanessa. I love how you color coordinated each family...very nice!

  14. Georgia Girl - Thanks. I was thrilled that I was able to coordinate the families as well as I did. I hadn't planned on that initially but it came together nicely in the end.


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