Thursday, May 19, 2011

Jessica's Play Date

The Hart family has been adjusting to having dad home.  It's been quite an adjustment, especially for dad, Ethan.  Stephanie has had to reorganize her life to not only be mom, but to get back to being a wife.  Ethan is working through all the nightmares about the war.  Even with all the challenges, they are all happy to be reunited.

A typical family room when there are infants and toddlers in the house.

Stephanie has managed to get Jessica, baby Aiden and herself, dressed.

 Dad comes to say goodbye before leaving for work.

"Hmmm.  Daddy loves you so much."

"Have a great day, honey."

Kathleen is headed to school. Mom gives some last minute advice.

Moments. later, Jessica heads to her play area.

Mom has placed the baby in the playpen for his morning nap. 

Meanwhile, she does a little cleaning to get ready for the guests.

Hours have passed.  Mom fed the kids their lunch and then put them down for naps.

They're so adorable when they sleep. 

Naps never seem to last long.

Jessica awakes just in time for her play date with Mikayla.

"Sweetie, look who's here. Are you going to say hi to Mikayla." 

Doesn't take long before the girls are totally engrossed in playland.

Even baby Chloe is playing away.

Stephanie and Michelle get to enjoy some adult conversation. I think I hear them talking about the dance. Yes, they will both be there.

An hour later and the girls have had enough. All in all, a great play date for all.


  1. I love your playpen. How lucky your toddlers are to have it. Love the kiddie toys, too.

  2. D7ana - The toddlers are not so happy with the playpen. They sort of equate it to jail. I made it a few years ago with the intent of perfecting the design and selling them. Never got back to that project.

  3. I love how you incorporate children into your stories, not many do.

  4. Vanessa, this is Vickey, I finally figured out how to post a comment ; - )

  5. Georgia Girl - Hey Vickie! So glad you figured it out! I love the kids. They will always be a part of my stories.


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