Friday, May 20, 2011

Too Cute for Words!

This morning I woke with one thing on my "To Do" list.  Finish the sofa!  It is 90% done and I wanted to finish it before doing anything else.  I made the mistake of going to the studio.  I don't know what came over me, I started deboxing and rebodying and organizing and dressing dolls.  It was crazy!!!!  By 9:30am I had 3 dolls deboxed, a couple rebodied and just about every loose doll that I own, organized and categorized.  It must have been the coffee.  Then I started getting the dolls dressed for the Daddy/Daughter dance.  I said that I would just dress about 3 dolls.  Well, I ended up dressing at least 15 of them.  Then I started doing hair.  WHAT the Ham and Cheese sandwich is going on?  I am not going to complain.  The sofa is now 95% done and I am determined to get it finished today.  It's only 3:45pm so I am not worried.  By the way, when I took the dog outside, I mowed the lawn on the spur of the moment.  If I didn't know bettter, I would have thought there was something in the coffee I drank this morning, but I brewed it myself, so it wasn't spiked.

When I dressed little Kenaz I couldn't stop smiling. Then when I dressed Alicia and put her hair up, I nearly cried. They both are just "too cute for words".

Can you believe I got her hair in an updo? She has some of the most unruly hair, and I am not the best at doing hair.  Definitely the coffee. 

I wonder if he will ask her to dance.  Are you wondering why I have 3 of essentially the same picture?  Because I just couldn't get enough and I couldn't bring myself to delete any of them.


  1. Wow, what kind of coffee do you drink? I need some of that to get my doll room in order. The kids look really adorable. Have a fun weekend!

  2. Dani - It is the cheapest, no name, stuff that I could find. Found it at Walmart for less than $2 for the same size that cost $6 in the other brands. It actually tastes better the any of the name brand coffe that I have had.

  3. I think they are the cutest too. You are so inspiring with your doll families.

  4. Too cute. They are absolutely adorable. You did a great job with Alicia's hair. Your hands are obviously more agile than this woman of a certain age's hands that will be a year older tomorrow. I don't even want to think about using my hands to manipulate such a tiny head of hair.


  5. Anoymous - Thanks!

    DBG - Happy Birthday!!! It helped that Alicia wasn't tender headed or it never would have happened. LOL.

  6. Now you've done it..cuteness overload. I have to organize my Kelly collection now. Those are 2 of the faces that spelled my demise..LOL. I love classic Kelly & friends..well all Kelly & friends :O)

  7. Dollz4Moi - I think this is the first Kelly doll I ever bought. Hard to believe I kept up with her. I gave Tommy a haircut a long time ago and he still "rings my bell". Just cute, cute, cute.

  8. I need some of that coffee! Hopefully, it wore off enough for your to enjoy sleep. LOL.

    They are darling! I'm so excited to see the dance, 15 dolls? WOW...this is gonna be goooooood. :)

  9. Tracy - I did get a good night's sleep. I think my little run helped. I'm excited about the dance, but there is still so much work to do. I still have to work on the food and the decor. Doesn't help that Danielle and Roderick are going to introduce the kids before the dance! You know each video means a new piece of furniture to sell. Where's that coffee!

  10. Oh they are cute. I'm looking forward to seeing the Dance video.

    That coffee sounds great ... I just missed the bit where you add a ton of cream - I would have ;-)

  11. D7ana - Thanks. I decided against coffee today. That definitely can't be an every day thing for me.

  12. Wow, you are on a roll. I need to get some of that coffee! Lol! The kids are adorable.


  13. Georgia Girl - I need to start selling some of that coffee! Or they should hire me as a spokesperson.


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