Saturday, August 27, 2016

Will There Be Dinner? (Photostory)

After church, Ron and Robin head home.  They are expecting family members to stop by and visit.

Robin's sisters Tanisha and Chandra, and their cousin Kimani, stopped by hoping to get fed.
"Ladies I think we should take this party outside.  It's so nice out there."  (Kimani)
"I wish I had remembered to bring my bathing suit"  (Chandra)

Looks like Courtney successfully got her wish to have Taylor over to play.
"I'm going to put the food in the stove."  (Taylor)
"Okay.  Let me see what we have in the fridge that we can cook."  (Courtney)

Ron was supposed to be changing his clothes, and getting the grill started.  If you listen closely, you can hear the football game playing in the background.

"Looks like we are about to get busy again.  I wonder what type of dress Nikki will want."  (Robin)
"I can't picture her in the typical traditional wedding dress."  (Jackie)

"But she might just surprise us."  (Jackie)

"She seems the type to have bridezilla tendencies."  (Robin)
"Now, now.  Let's not be so judgmental.  She might be the nicest bride ever."  (Jackie)
"I hope so.  It makes the process so much easier."  (Robin)

"I'll be right back.  Let me take these plates to the girls."  (Robin)

"Lunch is served ladies."  (Robin)
"What are we having?"  (Courtney)

"Grilled cheese and fries.  Your favorite.  Take a seat while I go get your juice."  (Robin)

"So are we still going to the movies tonight?"  (Chandra)

"Yes.  I can't wait to see the new Michelle and Barack movie.  Maybe I can pick up some pointers on how to get a man."  (Kimani)

"Did I hear, right?  Someone's looking for a man?"  (Jackie)

"Hey auntie.  We were just talking about going to see the Michelle and Barack movie.  Would you like to come?"  (Kimani) 
"Yeah, mom.  You should come hang out with us, especially since Daddy's out of town."  (Tanisha)

"I may take you up on that offer.  Although curling up with a good book sounds like an even better option."  (Jackie)
"Oh mom, come on.  You need a little fun in your life."  (Chandra)
"Right now I need a little food in my life.  I'm starving."  (Jackie) 

"Where on earth is Ron?  He is supposed to have this grill going by now."  (Jackie)

Ron has gotten even more comfortable watching the football game.  Hmmmm?  I wonder if they are going to get the dinner they were expecting?


  1. Ron is too busy worrying about the game. Someone else is going to gave to light the grill if they ever want to eat. Maybe Ron should install a tv by the pool. Problem solved.

    1. Janainah - I like the way you think. A tv poolside would definitely solve this problem.

  2. Hello,I just discovered your blog and I really like it.It is cool how you make these stories with all your dolls.I just made my blog and it is not about dolls but maybe you could check it out.

    1. Glam Chic - Thanks and welcome to my blog. I just tried to find your blog and couldn't. If you leave me a link, I will check it out.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Look out Ron, you might be in trouble with the hungry ladies! Very cute tiny food, I love it!

    1. Erin - Thanks. Sometimes football can cloud a man's judgment.

  4. The food is so adorable! Uh oh Ron is in trouble.How is Danielle's mom.I'm sure Florida is hot!

    1. Jaiden - Thanks! Danielle's mom doesn't live in FL anymore. Remember she moved to be closer to Danielle and her grandkids? She lives right across the street from Danielle now.

  5. Good read. Men and football. Someone is going to have to give Ron a much needed reminder about what he is supposed to be doing.


    1. DBG - Either that or the ladies will have to figure out a plan b for dinner. Hopefully Ron has already made his way downstairs. All he has to do is DVR the game. Problem solved.

  6. Haha, Ron is certainly a bit distracted! I agree with Janainah on how to solve the problem! Is this the house you also use for Melanie and Nicole? It looks very familiar.

    1. Phyllis - Sunday football can do that so easily. Yes this is the house that has 3 different families. There is also an Asian family that shares this house. I haven't had time to decorate it for each family yet. I plan to do removable wall coverings for the different families.

  7. Ron is soooooo getting smacked up side the head. ha-ha! Loved it, V.

    1. Roville - Lol. Yes, keeping that many women waiting for food could be detrimental to his health.

  8. Omg, I feel like Ron, suppose be doing some sewing over here and got caught up in something else.

    1. Brini - Too funny! It's so easy to get distracted. So many things to accomplish. I so feel you.

  9. I adore Courtney & Taylor - are they the so in style Kellys? I was on a break from collecting when they were produced. I also LOVE black dollies. For soem reason balck Kellys didn't come to Australia (who knows why!!), so I used to always ask my American friends to get the balck Kelly dolls for me :))). I also have my original black doll, though her face is now a faded navy as Iused to bath her, lol. She is nearly as old as me, I was 3 when I got her, so she'll be 57 at the end of September!
    luv Fiona

    1. Fiona - Awww, thanks for sharing your story with us. Yes, Courtney and Taylor were part of the So In Style line. So was my Julian doll, Danielle's oldest son. I've heard that the black dolls aren't sent to a lot of the countries. Seems quite ridiculous to me.

  10. Ron is not thinking about the grill. It seems ar some point he would remember that the ladies are waiting on him to fire up the grill. Lol! Very nice photostory!!

    1. Georgia Girl - It's hard to get some men to do anything when those games are on. Football season is a challenging time in this town.

  11. Cute story! Ron will learn quickly that it's not a good idea to keep hungry women waiting for food! LOL Of course, I've been known to get distracted by a football game myself. :-)

    1. Cindi - It's hard if you are an avid football fan. And there is something so wrong with DVRing a football game. So I understand where Ron is coming from.

  12. Looks like they better order some pizza!

    I vote that SHE will be a bridezilla.

    1. Kenya - They better do something. Maybe someone should go flip the breaker in the garage to interrupt the power. Lol!

      Oh goodness. I'm assuming you are talking about Nikki. I forgot about the church announcement. I can't wait to read your comment.


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