Saturday, August 20, 2016

Baby Talk (Photostory)

 Danielle is so ready for her little girl to be born.  The baby's due date is right around the corner, and it can't come quick enough.  Danielle is hanging out in the nursery again.  Rod has taken the boys to the park.

Danielle is tickled pink at the little girl baby clothes she recently purchased.  She is excited about having a little girl to dress.

She starts talking to her unborn baby.  Lately they have been having some great bonding moments.  
"So little mama, what do you say you introduce yourself soon?  It's getting more and more difficult to sleep as you continue to grow.  I know what you are saying.  Sleeping is not going to be any easier once your get here.  At least I will have your daddy and your grandma here to help.  Have I told you what a wonderful daddy you have?  I agree, you are going to have him doting all over you."  

She gets up and takes the clothes over to the changing table. 

"I can't wait to see who you look like.  I imagine you will be have the best parts of me and your dad." 

Danielle continues talking to her little girl.  She and Rod have not chosen a name yet.  They have a few in mind, but Danielle wanted to wait until she sees the baby before making any final decisions. 

Danielle is wearing a new Sparkle Girlz outfit I got at Walmart yesterday.  The minute I saw it, I felt it was the perfect maternity top.

Here are three other outfits I purchased.

Walmart also had new Olympic swimmer dolls for $5.00.  I only bought one because of Simone Manuel, the first AA woman to medal in the history of the Olympics.  She tied for the gold this year.  I was lucky enough to see that race.  She wasn't even on the radar to win.

These were $3 each.  Now I have a total of four girl scout uniforms (and cookies) to form a little troop.


  1. That top is perfect as a maternity top. I'm waiting for the SG clothes to arrive at my Walmart so I can grab some.

    It's so sweet that Danielle is talking to the baby and waiting for her to arrive.

    1. Janainah - I was pleasantly surprised to see that top. I haven't had time to make her any new maternity clothes, and that belly is huge.

  2. I was at Walmart yesterday and they did not have any Sparkle Girlz clothes at all! Very disappointing. The nursery is so cute! That little girl is really going to be spoiled, I bet. Can't wait for her arrival!

    1. Phyllis - I wasn't planning to buy any more clothes, but it's so hard to pass of $2. Let's hope for the good kind of spoiled and not spoiled rotten. Hard to imagine Danielle would ever have a spoiled rotten kid. I think she would nip that in the bud pretty quickly.

  3. It is very important to bond with children in utero by talking, reading, and singing to them. A pregnant mother's well being physically, mentally, and spiritually is very important for the baby's well being.

    Great finds at Walmart. I need to check out the Sparkle Girlz clothing availability here.


    1. DBG - I agree wholeheartedly. My dolls seem to know just what to do. I wonder if I would have known what to do if I had had biological kids? I think it would have depended on my age when giving birth. I think I would have always been a great mom, but I think in my late 30s and up, I would have not been easily stressed out about all that comes along with raising children.

  4. Hi Vanessa,
    That is the perfect maternity top. I have to go check out the Sparkle Girlz outfits at my local Wally's. Last time I looked they didn't have much because they were resetting everything. Love that nursery too! :-)

    1. Cindi - I was very happy to see a resetting at our Walmart, too. Their doll section had been a hot mess for months. Now it's neater and more organized. Hopefully they will have some new fashions for you.

  5. I cannot wait to see this baby! Is she gonna be due at the end of the month? Hows Halle? Haven't seen her in awhile.

    1. Jaiden - If all goes well, she will give birth at the end of the month. Halle is great. I had her in my hands when I was setting up the church scene. I think she attended the first service, which we didn't get to see.

  6. Have you got a little Moses basket ready for her, them clothes are so cute.

    1. Sylvania - I do have a Moses like basket, but I don't know that Danielle will want to use it.

  7. That is he perfect top. I was in Walmart today and didn't see anything but one lone dress I picked it up. I hope the baby arrives soon too.

    1. Brini - Isn't it perfect? Hopefully your Sparkle Girlz clothes are coming soon.

  8. Very sweet of Danielle to talk to the baby. I agree with Debbie wholeheartedly. One must speak to the baby while still inside the womb. I look forward to the birth. Rod is a great father and will certainly spoil this one. Great photo story!!

    1. Georgia Girl - She is really blessed to have time to spend "nesting" as Jewell told me it was called.

  9. I so cant wait for the baby and the nursery is so cuteeeee!!! will they bring the baby to church i hope so!? #1 fan :)

    1. Ruby - I'm sure Danielle will take the baby to church. They will probably be christening the baby there shortly after birth.

  10. Well, first of all, I love that little nursery you've created for Danielle's baby. And secondly...what a find with the AA swimmer doll! My first thought did they make a Simone Manuel doll so fast (LOL!!). And finally, I didn't know they made Barbies with Girl Scout uniforms. Perhaps it's good I haven't seen them because, even though I don't collect Barbies anymore, I'd be tempted to buy her as a souvenir of my years as a Girl Scout, many, many moons ago!

    1. april - Thanks! You must have missed my first girl scout post. I used the two outfits for Nicole and Jessica, two of my Only Heart dolls. The outfits work nicely for the younger girls. You can't beat $3 if you can find them on clearance.

  11. this is so cute...always love story pic hhehehe

    1. AIS Toys - Thanks! I'm going to try to do at least one story per week.

  12. I love you picture stories, & I just love all the little dollhouse bits & pieces. I've always been fascinated & intrigued by them - tkaes me back to when I was a little girl & bowned my dollhouse (that I almost wore out with use, lol.
    Tell Danielle I'm REALLy looking forward to the birth of her baby too!
    Take care, keep playing, Fiona

    1. Fiona - Thanks! It is my desire to use more of the accessories I've purchased over the years. I have a tendency to buy more things than I get a chance to use. So glad my stories can bring back good memories.

  13. I adore your nursery. You do such a great job on creating sweet spaces.

    1. Roville - Thanks so much. My first doll family video was of a nursery. It was the start of my doll video career.

  14. She's so cute. I don't wait to see the baby also. In real life do you already have her picked out and waiting?

    1. Kenya - In real life, I do have a baby to use, but I ordered another one, and I'm waiting for it to arrive.


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