Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Thanks Phyllis!

Phyllis from "A Day in the Life of My Dolls", had a birthday giveaway earlier this month.  She was kind enough to give away three different beautiful dolls.  I was blessed enough to be the first winner.  Yay!  I chose the Tris Insurgent doll because I've been admiring her on other blogs the past year or so.  I particularly love her short hair.

Not sure why Mattel didn't make her fully articulated.  Her legs are articulated but not her arms.  So irritating.  I have a Made to Move body with her name on it.  Not sure who she will be yet in terms of character.  I'm open to suggestions.

Thanks again Phyllis!  Such a lovely gesture.


  1. Congratulations, it is very beautiful doll:)

  2. Congrats! I thought all those dolls were fully articulated - Divergent and Hunger Game people, I mean.

  3. What about Dasia's sons girlfriend?

  4. Thanks guys. Muff, I'm not sure why she didn't get full articulation. I know the guys had full articulation, not sure about all the other ladies. AG Lanc, I checked with Dasia's son, he said she wasn't his type. Oh well. I'm sure I'll find a good role for her.

  5. I think my favorite thing about her is the short haircut too. I am so glad she ended up in Morristown. If you are putting her on a MTM body, perhaps she would make a good personal trainer. I think she should date around for a while to see who she has the best chemistry with.

    1. Phyllis - I think a personal trainer is a good one for her. Or maybe a Zumba instructor. Definitely something in the gym. This may give me the push I need to get the gym reopened.

  6. Congratulations!! I won the last doll and her sister is waiting for her to get out the box. She is cute doll with a sweet face. I agree she should of been articulated.

  7. Thanks Brini and congrats again to you!

  8. Congratulations, Vanessa. Yes, I like this doll as well, for her short hairstyle. Love that little zippered vest she's wearing as well.

    1. april - Thanks. Yes, I like her whole outfit.... I just had a light bulb moment! Her outfit made me think of camping, which made me think of my girl scouts. She can be the Girl Scout's troop leader. Goodness, now she's going to need a daughter. I'm sure I can handle that. See what you did April. She was going to be content being the single, fitness instructor in town. Lol.

    2. Congrats on your win. A troop leader sounds like a great fit for her.


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