Saturday, April 16, 2016

More Cuteness

I found these cute mini shopping carts at Hobby Lobby yesterday.  There were tucked away on one of the Spring Shop tables.  I'm surprised I even saw them.  Too small for Barbie, but I could hear the manager of Jordan's grocery store telling me to buy them.  Apparently, he had something in mind for them.

They are made of metal and look just like the real thing.

There is even space for advertising .

The grocery store manager wanted them for the younger ladies.  This is a great marketing ploy to get parents to buy more items.  Nikaya and Zahara volunteered to demonstrate.

"Can I ride in your basket?"  (Zahara)
"What's wrong with the basket you have?"  (Nikaya)
"Pleeeease."  (Zahara)
"Fine, but you have to climb in by yourself."  (Nikaya) 

"Hurry up before Dad comes over here."  (Nikaya)

"I don't think you are going to fit."  (Nikaya)
"Yes, I am."  (Zahara)

"See.  I told you."  (Zahara)

There's a Spring Shop 40% off sale through today, which put these baskets at about $4.80 each.  Sure wish I could find them big enough for Barbie.  


  1. You can get them 'almost' big enough for Barbie on Amazon for $3.50 but it will take about 3 weeks for delivery.

    Red one

    They have them in blue too. I have a couple and they are very nice.

    1. Muff - How big is almost? Does the handle come to the waist or higher? Thanks for the link.

    2. The hands can touch the handle, but the handle itself is very much below the coochie area. I took some pics for you and now I think they are the same size actually.


  2. Replies
    1. AG Lanc - Too cute to just leave in the store.

  3. These are just too darn cute and coupled with the girls it's just cuteness overload.


    1. DBG - Antoinette may have to get these little ladies cooking, now that they are going to be shopping.

  4. I remember pushing the little carts around when I was a little girl. Too cute! ^_^

    1. Cat - They have little metal carts at Trader Joe's. Wish my 5 year old granddaughter lived close by. We would have a great time.

  5. As soon as I read that they were too small for Barbie, I thought 'kid carts' then I kept reading. I think kid sized carts in the store are so adorable. You got a nice deal and the kids do look like they are enjoying them already.

    Vanessa, what body Nikaya have? I'm thinking about adding some teenagers, but I want them to be articulated. Thanks.

    1. Janainah - Nikaya has her own body. A lot of the older Stacy and Janet dolls came with articulated bodies.

  6. I've seen in some supermarkets that they have smaller shopping carts for kids, and they usually have a tall colorful flag so parents can find their kids easily. I hope you find the big ones also.


    1. Monstercrafts - The flags are a good idea. Probably won't need them for Jordan's. However I thought about using these carts in a toy store as I was reading your comment.

    2. Ooooh, toy store carts are even a better idea!

    3. One of the grocery stores near me have kid sized - not carts, but baskets. I feel like they must go missing all the time...

      I love Nikaya's sweater btw!

  7. I saw these, too but left them since they weren't big enough for Barbie. Seeing your girls with them reminds me of the Melissa and Doug toy shopping cart my daughters have. It's metal with a red seat just like this one.

    1. Jewell - Glad you left them. We were probably at the same Hobby Lobby. Lol!

  8. These are great for use as kids carts--perfect! I do have some of the bigger ones from Amazon. They were sold in office products.

    1. Phyllis - Do you have the ones in Muff's link? If so, can you tell they are a little small or do they look in scale?

  9. My kids loved using the kid's carts when they were small. A few years ago Kroger grocery stores sold Barbie sized ones like these with the Kroger logo on them. Ivy and I both got one for Christmas from Ken.

    1. Tam - Awww man. Kroger Barbie carts! I'm so jealous. Why didn't you call me? Lol... I know. You don't have my number. Congrats on getting them. They sound perfect.

  10. NICE find again you will make it wrk

    1. Ladonna - I'm sure they will get plenty of use with all the kids in town.

  11. Very cute - and just the right size for your smaller dolls. I think the inner grocery manager was right.

    1. Carrickters - I think some of the parents will be happy about them and others won't. Great way for the parents to get the kids involved in helping.

  12. The shopping carts are adorable, and so are the photos that you've posted!

    1. Roxanne - Thanks! I can't wait to get some time to play with all the stuff I buy.

  13. The carts are too cute! I was disappointed that they were not 1/6 scale. The HL that I went to had about four colors. It is great seeing your dolls in a the mini story above.

    1. Georgia Girl - 1/6 scale would have been perfect. You never know, they may show up one day.

  14. Awesome, when i go to hobby lobby ,I don't see anything.I have 1 question do you get the babies (the old kind like charles) from thrift stores?

    1. Jaiden - I have never found any babies at the thrift stores. Most of my kids are from my doll collecting over the past 30 years. Who is Charles? I have a dad named Charles. Do I have a baby named Charles?

  15. Sorry,I meant Chad, Lisa and Charles son.

    1. Jaiden - Chad came with a Happy Family set I bought many years ago.

  16. These are so cute! If you want some for the younger kids, Dollar Tree has some little blue strollers in the baby section that you could pop the tops off.

    1. Leandra - Thanks. I have some of those mini strollers in pink. I've used them in the daycare.

  17. Even I am excited about the shopping carts. Can’t wait to see them in a story. Too cute!

    1. Kenya - Guess what just popped into my head? Miniature Christopher Chronicles books! I could make a few for my dolly town to help promote the big book. Hmmmm?

  18. There's no Hobby Lobby near me. But if there were, I'd be really tempted to buy one of those shopping carts even though I don't do dioramas. What can I say...I'm a big kid at heart!

    1. The carts are nice. I also have one - the bigger version, which is a bit small for Barbie, but is OK for 27 cm dolls such as momoko and othes. Or for the doll teens.
      We have them in different stores in Moscow, but they are expensive, that's why I have only one. Some people at our Russian doll collectors forum have the smaller carts too, but I never saw them in stores. I would also buy at least one for the kid's cart, because making a toy store for dolls is my old dream. :D

    2. april - Well you can still have those carts. The link that Muff posted has them for $3.50 and free shipping. Nothing wrong with being a cool kid.

    3. Dukasha - Thanks for sharing your picture of your OHC dolls. So cute. Your cart looks longer than mine, but I think height wise they are the same. I just put my Nicole doll next to the cart, and it lands the same place yours does. Your dolls will be able to fit more toys in their cart.

  19. It is so cute, I never seen that one here.
    The one I had seen it was so big for Barbie doll.

    1. Shasarignis - I may paint my plastic Barbie ones chrome, to resemble the metal carts.

  20. Replies
    1. Aya - Thanks for visiting my blog. Glad you like the items.


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