Thursday, December 31, 2015

A Few Days After Christmas (Photostory)

 It's December 28th.  Danielle had to return an item to the store.  She wasn't looking forward to the after Christmas return crowd, but she was anxious to get it done.  Jacob insisted on tagging along, much to Danielle's dismay.  He surprised her by being an absolute angel.  They have just returned.

"Let's go, Jacob.  Hop down." (Danielle)

Hmmm.  Looks like Danielle did a little shopping. 

"Hey hon.  Whatcha doin'?"  (Danielle)
"Hey.  I was just gong to fix the kids something to eat."  (Rod)
"What did you have in mind?"  (Danielle)
"Nothing fancy.  Just some sandwiches."  (Rod)

"I thought you were returning stuff."  (Rod)
"I did, but you know they always have great sales after Christmas.  I couldn't resist."  (Danielle)
"Hi mom!"  (Julian)
"Hi, Julian!"  (Danielle can't see him, but she knows exactly where he is)

He is out on the patio playing with his new mini pool table Santa brought him for Christmas.  He also received the blue basketball court in the corner.  It's a good time to mention that Danielle wasn't too happy about the size of the pool table.  When Rod said he was getting him a small pool table, this is not what she had in mind.
"Move back, Jacob.  I'm getting ready to hit the balls."  (Julian)

"Have you figured out where we are going to put that pool table?  I had something else planned for that area."  (Danielle)
"Uh, I'm still working on it."  (Rod)
"Where's Nicole?"  (Danielle)
Just then she hears Nicole upstairs, playing with her Christmas gift.

Her new electronic keyboard is her favorite gift from Santa.  She recently started piano lessons and this will come in handy for practicing when she's at her dad's house.

Happy New Year to All!  Please be safe out there tonight.


  1. The kids got some cool stuff for Christmas. The pool table is the perfect height for the kids, but I don't blame Danielle for being concerned about where to put it. When you have something in mind and someone changes that for you, it's a little aggravating.

    1. Janainah - She is more than a little aggravated. She bought the basketball hoop and made sure it could fit in the kids' room. He brought it in late Christmas eve, after she was in bed. I think after he got it home, he was a little concerned, but it was too late by then.

  2. Happy New Year Vanessa! The kids got such wonderful gifts for Christmas. I love this family!

    1. billa's dolls - Happy New Year! I guess the parents did well. Three days later and the kids are still interested in their Christmas gifts.

  3. Happy New Year my friend!!! The house looks really nice! That little pool table is adorable!

    1. Georgia Girl - Happy New Year! I missed being able to see you at the Nov doll show. Thank goodness they didn't have it. I don't think I would have been able to resist buying new dolls. My mom found that pool table at the Goodwill. I have a brand new one, just like it (different color) that I bought at Marshall's last year.

  4. Have they found out what they're having yet? The keyboard is cute did you make it?

    1. AG Lanc - They have not found out the sex of the baby yet. She is due for a doctor's appt soon. That keyboard came with the smaller Kidkraft house I bought before I got this one.

  5. I missed the family but am glad that they had a grand holiday. I'm with Danielle on the post Christmas sales. LOL Loving the kids gifts. Blessings for the new year!!

    1. Brenova - I had orders to get out, so I wasn't able to do a proper Christmas story. I did want to share a few of the gifts they received. Happy New Year!

  6. Cute story! It looks like they had a nice holiday. Look forward to seeing them in 2016! Happy New Year!

    1. Phyllis - Danielle was just happy she had the house in enough order that they could enjoy their holiday. Happy New Year!

  7. The kids got some great gifts! The mini pool table is beautiful, and the keyboard is also really nice.

    I love how Rod looks so reproachful about all those shopping bags, ha ha!

    1. Presto - Santa was very good to them. Husbands should know that making a return means I now have money to buy something new.

  8. It seems that Danielle and I were both making returns and checking out the sales yesterday. I stood in line for 20 minutes to make a return at Walmart. I love that sweater on Danielle. The kids got some great gifts. Happy New Year!

    1. Jewell - Returns are the worst at this time of year. Those Christopher Banks sweaters were the nicest I've purchased so far. I hope to get some new ones next year. Oh goodness. I'm already talking about next Christmas. Let me slow my roll. Happy New Year!

  9. Hi Ms vanessa happy new year. I'm bout ready to start my blog. I wanted to see if you had any dolls for sale.what all I needed to get sarted.

    1. Angelia - Happy New Year. I have quite a few dolls for sale. I need to post them here. What type dolls are you looking for?

  10. Hello from Spain: I like very much this yellow car. The mini pool table is great and the keyboard is also really nice. Fabulous pics. Happy New Year.

    1. Marta - Happy New Year! Glad you enjoyed the story.

  11. Happy New Year to you and your dolls, Vanessa. Poor Danielle, it's really difficult when your kids are given presents that you think aren't ideal but they love. I'm sure she and Rod will come up with a clever solution.

    1. Carrickters - Happy New Year! Being an avid pool table player myself, I'm with Rod on this one. Lol. Don't tell Danielle I said that.

  12. Everything looks so nice. Where did you find the teeny weeny shopping bags? Are they Christmas ornaments?

    1. Kenya - Thanks. Shopping bags are real easy to make. I didn't make those. I bought them off of Etsy.


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