Thursday, October 15, 2015

The Uptown Residents

I decided to just go ahead and select the residents for the Uptown house and move on with decorating and storytelling.  I've selected four different families.  I will change the house with different furniture and sometimes temporary wall coverings.  Even though the house is quite pink, that will appear more toned down once the furniture and kitchens are in place.

The pool area is now assembled.  Not all the families opted to have a pool.  I will install better looking grass.  Looks like the first resident just pulled up.

Yep, it's Melanie.  She's not moved in yet, but she has the keys.  She is so happy to finally have a new home not tainted with the memory of her ex-husband.

She's looking forward to setting up this new home with Nicole.

The second family is Ron, Robin, and Courtney.

Family number three are the Sterlings.  Roger, Julianna, and their adopted daughter Ivy.

Finally, Sunni and Chang opted for this home, too.  They did not get the pool because of the safety of the kids.

Another look at the house.  Melanie and Nicole will be moving in soon.  I'm sure she will not be too happy when she finds out Rod and Danielle's house is bigger than this. 


  1. A truly diverse community, for sure. Pa-lease tell me Melanie's house and Rid's house will be FAR away from one another. Anywho, will there be housewarmings? Let us know. Time for my overnight nap so I'll say GOODNIGHT

    1. Brenova - Their houses will not be close to one another. Rod and Danielle's house might not even be in the basement with the other doll stuff. I bought a low table yesterday that the house will sit on, I just haven't figured out where it will be yet.

  2. At first I thought it was a voting option and I was thinking...yes to all the families but not Melanie...I know, mean. :-(. Love their daughter but I'm still "iffy" about her, lol.

    Love the Chang family...very cute!

    When I contemplated this house I was thinking of making it an apartment complex, using the two side entrances by the stairs. If I can find the space, I may end up getting it for summer. :-)


    1. Tracy - Before I actually put the house up, it was my plan to do something similar with girl roommates. However, the sheer size of this house told me I had to use this for families. My plan is to add something behind the stairs (in some cases) to make that more of a hallway and not an outside area. I knew you guys wouldn't like Melanie having this house, but this truly a Melanie house. The pool. The rooftop patio. Not to mention I get to do a lot more Melanie stories. We are going to need that now that Danielle is pregnant. Let the fireworks begin!

    2. "but this truly is a Melanie house."

  3. I like it for Ron,Robin and Courtney.I don't know why.Maybe Melanie also could move there but I hope that Melanie and Danielle won't be neighbours because there would be a lot of scenes.Does Melanie know that Danielle is pregnant?

    1. My doll stuff - They will have be using the house at separate times, but they will each have their own furniture. No, Melanie and Danielle will NOT be neighbors. No Melanie doesn't know about the baby yet.

  4. Hello, I'm new to your blog. The house is beautiful! What doll is Melanie? I'm not totally caught up with the story but from what I learned so far; I hope she isn't going to live near Danielle.

    1. Sunny - Welcome to my blog! Glad you like the house. I have been on a KidKraft buying spree this year. This is the 5th house I've purchased. Melanie is Rod's (Danielle's husband) ex-wife. She is a big shot lawyer who really cared more about her career than her husband and daughter. She filed for divorce because Rod just didn't fit into her future plans. He's just a down to earth, retired army vet, who loves all things outdoors. Fishing, camping, etc. He is an excellent dad, and according to Danielle, an excellent husband. Melanie is still very bitter. She hates seeing him and Danielle so happy.

  5. Sorry, I think I missed something but how are you going to do it? Are you going to give a room to each family or just change the furniture each time you take pictures?

    1. monstercrafts - They won't be living in the house together. When I switch families, I will switch furniture and decor. This will allow me to get in more stories and show more of my dolls.

  6. It will be interesting to see this house in all its different incarnations and how each family uses it. I've been busy this week and am just catching up on my blog reading - and look what happens when you miss a few days - new houses everywhere and a new baby on the way!

    1. Carrickters - I'm just ready to have some pool parties. I guess now that it's fall, we'll have to turn that into a little hot tub. Things are moving pretty fast around here. This house was delivered 3 days after I ordered it. I don't know how they did that. Did you see the Glamorous house yet? Did you see when Danielle made the announcement about the baby?

  7. Very good idea..... I'm sooo looking forward to seeing ur diff set up for the many families. Love it :)

    1. Ladonna - This is going to be so much fun. I got a chance to play a little bit with the smaller house and was able to get a lot of different setups even for the smaller house.

  8. Cool! Melanie gets a new place. Maybe it will sweeten her disposition? Ha ha, this is Melanie we're talking about. Not likely.

    Going to be fun seeing how you decorate the new place for the different families.

    Looking forward to more news about Danielle's and Rod's baby ;-)

    1. D7ana - LOL! No she will be ticked that they were able to get a new house, too. Danielle may even get me to make some maternity clothes. We will see.

  9. This house is super cool Vanessa, and the idea of swapping furniture and decoration to use it for different families is a stroke of genius!

    1. billa's dolls - I really want to be able to show a lot more of my dolls, so more of them having houses makes that a lot easier. The Glamorous house will also have different families. Roberta, Dasia, and Danielle won't have to share their homes....for now. That may change in the future.

  10. Melanie does seem like a pool kinda girl! Great new Families! I look forward to see what you do to the house!

    1. Ms. Leo - Melanie is all about the show. There was no way she was not getting the pool. Actually none of these families are new. We just haven't seen them in a long time.

  11. I'm here for all of Melanie's drama, Lol. She'll be like the Mellie of Scandal. :-))

    1. Tracy - I'm finally ready to get back to some real Melanie drama. She is worst than Mellie of Scandal. Mellie isn't out to hurt people like Melanie is.

  12. I don't even know how I almost missed this post. It will be so cool to see you switch the house around four different ways.

    1. Janainah - I think I just discovered what I'm going to use to transform the walls. Hope it works.

  13. Nice family selections (even Melanie). I hope the new surroundings mellow out her poor temperament.


    1. DBG - I think she will be mellow until she finds out about Rod's new baby and new house.

  14. I think Melanie would chill out if she found a new man. She should think about online dating.

    1. Nikia - Welcome to my blog! You would think a new man would chill Melanie out. She has a new man, and she has chilled out a wee bit, but she can be such a mean spirited person at times.

  15. I love this house! And Melanie is a trip! Can't wait to see her reaction when she realizes that Rod and Danielle's house is bigger than this one. LOL :-)

    1. Cindi - I don't want to be around when Melanie finds out about Rod's new house. I'm going to hire someone else to do that story. Lol.

  16. LOL, Melanie is barely in the stories lately and she's still being a snooty patootie.

    That pool is fancy!

    1. Muff - Just think, with her getting a new house we may have to see even more of her. I don't think she knows how to be anything else but snooty.


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