Thursday, August 6, 2015

Benji's Time (Photostory)

Today is vet day for Benji.  Afterwards, Dasia will treat him to some time at the park.

"Just let me get my shoes on and we will go."  (Dasia)
Dasia gets one shoe on before Harold comes down from the bedroom.  Benji runs over hoping to get some love.

"You all set to go?"  (Harold)
"I just have to get my other shoe on, then we are off."  (Dasia)
"Alright Benji.  I see you."  (Harold)

"Honey, give him a little attention before he leaves."  (Dasia)
"He's worse than a kid.  Always wanting attention."  (Harold)
"I could say the same about you, you know."  (Dasia)
"So now you are comparing me to a dog?"  (Harold)
"Oh Harold!  Just pet the dog."  (Dasia)

Harold takes a seat and does just that.  Harold likes Benji, but after Kaleb left the house a year ago, he was expecting it would be just he and Dasia.  Imagine his surprise when Dasia said she wanted a dog.

"So what are your plans, today?"  (Dasia)
"I thought I'd meet up with the Professor and maybe grab a bite to eat."  (Harold)
"Oh.  Well I guess that answers my next question about going out to lunch today."  (Dasia)

"If you had mentioned it earlier...."  (Harold)
"No problem.  It will give me time to do a little visiting of my own.  Do me a favor.  Put Benji's leash on since he's in such a trance now."  (Dasia)

Again, Harold obliges.

"Here you go.  What time should I expect you guys back?"  (Harold)

"His appointment is at 10:30am.  Afterwards, I'm going to take him to the park.  Who knows what we will get into after that."  (Dasia)
"Well have fun, but not too much."  (Harold)

If we are lucky we may get to see Benji at the vet.  It would be nice to see Monica again.

Dasia is sporting her new, very lightweight, jogging suit.

It has a hood and a working zipper.  Now all she needs is some running shoes. 


  1. Dasia's jogging suit is really nice! She looks gorgeous in it!! I am really enjoying seeing her in your stories.

    1. Georgia Girl - Thanks! She is enjoying being the center of attention, but we are going to have to do something about that soon. I don't want a mutiny over here.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. If you made that jogging suit -nice job,it looks good -same for the dog collar and leash.Harold is something with himself.Wanting Dasia to himself and all the attention he can get from her{LOL}

    1. Val.- Thanks. Yes, I made the jogging suit. The dog came with his collar and leash. I'm just glad Harold likes Benji. My ex-husband HATED my dog.

  4. Really nice jogging suit! Nothing wrong with high fashion, but I prefer casual clothes for my dolls.

    (Unrelated: those are some steep stairs!)

    1. Anderson's AP - Thanks! Dasia seems to like all fashion. I wonder what she will request next. I agree the stairs are kind of steep. They had to account for that high ceiling.

  5. Did Benji still have a tag on his butt in some of the photos? If not, what was that piece of paper near him? *Just being nosy*

    That track suit looks comfy!

    For the longest time I wore my Crocs to run in so tennis shoes are not always a necessity for hitting the pavement.

    1. Muff - Lol! Yes, that is a tag, that I didn't want to remove just yet. I should have pinned it to him. Dasia's black sandals are fairly comfy. It's not like she's really going to do any running. If I could find her some Crocs, I would definitely buy them, provided the price was right. I found a pair of tennis shoes that could work, but they were more than I was willing to pay. I will keep looking.

  6. Replies
    1. KMQ - Thanks. My stories are mostly about the simple things in life.

  7. Hi Vanessa! There were 1/6 scale crocs. Go figure, huh?

    How can Harold resist Benji? LOL.

    1. D7ana - I know. I have a pair of those crocs. Too bad Dasia's feet are too big for them. Harold said, "it's not as hard as you would think."

  8. Very convincing jogging suit on Dasia!

    Now, if Dasia were one of us, she'd be using the vet trip as an excuse to sneak Benji into Target, Tuesday Morning, etc. to check out what fashion dolls are on clearance. (Non-service-animals supposedly aren't allowed in stores here, but people bring them right in anyway.)

    1. Smaller Places - Thanks. Benji is a little big to be sneaking into stores. When I had my little dog Teddy, I would sneak him in wrapped in a baby blanket. I would tell him he needed to be quiet. As soon as the blanket went over his head, he would not move. I remember one lady commenting about my baby at the register. I played the role. They had no clue.

  9. I have nominated you for a Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award. Please stop by my blog if you play these kinds of things. If not, that's fine too.

    1. Barb - Thanks for the nomination. I will check it out and try to reply as soon as I get a little time. Bear with me.

  10. You have been really creating some wonderful items for Dasia. Everything looks good. I tell you Dasia got it going on, even her man wants all her time.

    1. Brini - Thanks. I just got a custom request for the cutest outfit. It's more for the younger Dasia. I did a sample that I will show in a post today.

  11. Love Dasia's sweat suit. You also did a really nice job in repainting Mr. Reed. He and Dasia are perfect together.

    1. Tracy - Thanks. I didn't repaint Mr. Reed. He came that way. The second man I chose for Dasia was light skinned, then I remembered I had Mr. Reed in my basement and I made the switch.

  12. I'm just picking at you... You should change your blog name to Fashion Dolls at Van's Doll Treasures featuring Dasia. LOL!

    1. Kenya - She may need her own blog. Dasia is the only doll making me money right now, so I have to give her the spotlight.


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