Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Lammily Doll is Here.

Finally a doll that counts towards my 10 for the year.  My Lammily doll arrived a couple days ago.  I wanted to add her for her uniqueness.  Just to give a few facts about this doll:  she was created by a man named Nicolay Lamm, an artist and researcher.  He produced the Lammily doll after posting a story showing what Barbie would look like with regular body proportions of a 19-yr old female.  The doll development was funded via Crowdfunder, with over 13,600 backers from 62 countries, and over 19,000 preorders.  Pretty impressive!  Lammily is not the name of the doll.  It is the brand, which is a combination of the creator's last name, Lamm and family.  The doll has very similar features to the creator.  There are future plans for different ethnicities and for male dolls.  

She has really nicely rooted hair.  I may give her a boil perm to change up her look.

She has very little articulation, and what she does have seems to be misplaced.  She has limited click-bend legs and arms.  

She has articulated wrists and ankles.  The hands and feet are removable.  I guess to make dressing her easier.  She also has great up and down neck movement.  The doll can not stand on her own.  I think it because of her upper body weight.

Here is a comparison photo to Happy Family grandma.  I know the artist was doing this doll to real average proportions, but I think it would have been nice to give her more of a waist.  Even a little bit of cinching at the waist would help her look a little more flattering.

Comparison shot with the Pretty Girls doll.

I'm happy to have this doll in my collection.  I'm looking forward to creating her a new wardrobe and introducing her to the other residents.


  1. Hello from Spain:congratulation. I like very much Lammily doll. She is very real. Great comparation. keep in touch

    1. Marta - I think she will be a good one to have. It will be interesting to see how this line develops.

  2. Congrats on your new doll and thanks for the helpful review. I would expect her to stand on her own given the full and flattish feet. (I like "bigger" feet so that isn't criticism of their size.)

    Good luck making fashions for her. She'll have a snazzy wardrobe in no time ;-)

    1. D7ana - She doesn't stand because the peg for the removable ankles is kind of small, so there's not enough support.

  3. Congrats on getting her. Have you chosen a name for her? I look forward to seeing the other dolls that they create. A little more articulation would really make these dolls marketable.

    1. Georgia Girl - No name yet. I'm waiting to see who she reminds me of. From what I can tell, she's selling well. You can tell this guy wasn't someone who played with dolls. He did a decent job, considering.

  4. Congrats on the new addition - I'm looking forward to seeing what you do with her! :)

    1. jSarie - Thanks. First I hope to create her a hip, college appropriate wardrobe.

  5. I'm no glamour puss and don't expect my dolls to be either. I've seen plenty of comments where people find this doll plain and average. I thought that was the point.

    I probably would never buy this doll because she just isn't floating my boat. If the articulation was better I might be interested.

    1. Muff - Lol. Average is the word the creator used. When you see his picture, you can see the doll resembles him pretty closely. He does need to work on the articulation, but as is, it's better than the non-articulated Barbies they make these days.

  6. Bonjour Vanessa,
    I am very happy for you. This doll is a must have doll. Now we are waiting for fashions that you will make ! Yeahhhh.

    1. Shasarignis - Thanks. She was on my list. I've already started planning a nice wardrobe for her. I will post a picture with Dasia tomorrow. Dasia is much bigger. They can not wear the same size.

  7. Oh ! I forget : can you make a picture with Grammy Dasia and Lammily to compare their body ???
    Thank you !

  8. Congrats on getting your Lammily! I look forward to seeing what clothing you make for her. I have found that if you bend her knees just to the first click, you can get her to stand on her own for a little bit. I think the problem is with the weakness of her ankles against the weight of her body. Bending the knees ever so slightly shift her center enough to help her stand for a bit. I am sure she will enjoy being a resident of Morristown!

    1. Phyllis - I will try to redistribute her weight to get her to stand. The ankles need redesigning. I understand why he made them removable, but they need to be stronger.

  9. Congrats! I find that having hands and feet that can be remove for dressing is a big help. I don't find the waist to be as much of a problem to me as the long waistedness of the body. Is the average women long waisted? Pants aren't cut that way.

    1. Ms. Leo - Thanks. Since she has normal sized feet, having them be removable is a plus. He did make the feet soft, so I'm not sure that removing them will be necessary. Yes, that long torso makes her look a little out of proportion. I couldn't put my finger on it, but you are right.

  10. You have quite a variety of dolls. I hope future versions of the Lammily doll include articulation. Also, maybe not such a long torso. I would buy her if she at least had the articulation.

    So who is she going to be?

    1. Jnainah - I hope there is better articulation, too. I'm going to try to design clothes that will work best for that long torso. Could be a challenge.

  11. I know you'll soon be designing Lammily a fabulous wardrobe!

    1. KMQ - Yes, she will be getting a nice wardrobe. She will help me with the younger styles.

  12. I love this doll. I like the idea behind her. It was pretty hard to get a Lammily doll in germany. But at last i found one on ebay.

    1. Puck - Congrats on getting your doll! I'm looking forward to playing with mine.

  13. Hi Vanessa, I'd love to see her with a perm boil, and I'm sure she's going to have a super cool wardrobe! I'm curious about the style you're going to create for her

    1. billa's dolls - I'm thinking about giving her a preppy college styled wardrobe.

  14. Hi Vanessa. Well....I'll be honest...I really don't care for this doll. However I'm very anxious to see how you put your own spin on her. I like the idea of a boil perm for starters. I'll be staying tuned!

    1. april - Lol! She is a little unique. After seeing the man who made her, I now understand her looks a little better. I used to date an artist and most of the characters he created resembled him. This seems to be a similar situation. I may change up her looks a bit, too. If I find time.

  15. Congrats on the Lammily doll. She has the weirdest looking body, such a long torso and short legs. I know she is supposed to have a fuller figure but the proportions are just way off.

    I look forward to see the fashions you create for her.


    1. DBG - I've started researching her body type to see which clothes will work best. Long torsos and short legs apparently aren't that uncommon. There is a wealth of information pertaining to this body type. Who knew.

  16. Congrats on your doll purchase! How many is that now? Lammily does have an awkward appearance without clothes, but I think she looks great dressed. They are supposed to be making replacement hands and feet available soon. I wonder if the feet will have a stronger ankle peg.

    1. Jewell - I just went back to count. This year I have bought 3 regular sized dolls (Dasia, 2014 Holiday and Lammily), 6 mini dolls, and one Mattel kid doll. So I'm still not doing too bad. I doubt if the replacement feet will be much better. The peg will have to fit into the existing hole.

  17. She's an interesting body type. Actually to me, as a professional dressmaker, her body proportions look more masculine than feminine - and what you are saying about the artist explains a lot. However, it is good to have dolls with different bodies, it makes it more like real life.

    1. Carrickters - I agree, she does have a more masculine body. I will enjoy the challenge of making outfits that bring out her feminine side.


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