Thursday, July 30, 2015

Househunting Time! (Photostory)

Construction was finished on a new house in Morristown.  The builders didn't waste any time getting Sunni, the Realtor, in to do an open house.  Lots of couples are showing interest already.

Sunni is getting some work done as people are walking through and viewing the home.  There are currently two couples taking a look.

Outside, the Reeds are about to enter, but Dasia has a few words for her grandkids before they go in.
"Now, we are here to look at this new house.  I need you two to be on your best behavior.  That means staying with me or grandpa at all times.  Is that understood?"  (Dasia)

"Yes, ma'am."  (Carla)

Once inside, the Reeds are greeted by Sunni and given the rundown

"Hello and welcome to Dream Estates subdivision.   Are you guys looking to buy soon?"  (Sunni)
"Yes we are.  The sooner, the better."  (Dasia)
"Well this house was just built and it has some wonderful features.  Feel free to take a look around and I will answer any questions you may have." (Sunni)

"Thank you.  I already like what I see."  (Dasia)
"What is this house selling for?"  (Mr. Reed)
"This one sells for $119,000"  (Sunni)
"That's not bad."  (Mr. Reed)

As I mentioned, there are other couples already viewing the house.  Let's check in on them.

"This is a nice size for the master."  (Diana)

"Did you see this, honey?"  (Billy)

"See what?"  (Diana)

"This little outside area.  We could probably enjoy quite a few sunsets out here."  (Billy)
"That would be nice."  (Diana)

On the second level are Tina and Harrison.  This soon-to-be-wed couple is trying to secure a home before they walk down the aisle.  
"I like the layout of this room.  I can even picture my furniture here."  (Tina)

"And over there in the corner is a great place for a couple of bookcases."  (Tina)
"Hmm mmm."  (Harrison)

The Reeds are checking out the bathroom.
"Oooh this is nice!  It's already decorated with my colors."  (Dasia)
"Yeah it's not bad.  It's a nice size."  (Mr. Reed)

"Corey, you better not turn that water on.'  (Carla)
"I''m not!"  (Corey)
"Kids, remember what I said.  Let's go upstairs."  (Dasia)

"It's a beautiful house, but I'm not sure that it's right for us."  (Diana)
"Well, then we will just keep looking."  (Billy)

Tina and Harrison have made their way downstairs.
"So what did you think?"  (Sunni)
"Beautiful house.  The builders did a great job.  I think it could work for us, but we really need to take a little time to think about it."  (Tina)
"Well, if you are really interested in this home, you may want to think quickly.  The new homes are selling like hotcakes"  (Sunni)
"We will keep that in mind."  (Tina)
"And if you don't feel this is the house, I will be glad to help you find another one."  (Sunni)

"This is another great room.  So spacious and it has a lot of character."  (Dasia)

"The neighbors are a little close, but I guess I can live with that."  (Mr. Reed)

"Honey, I'm starting to think this is our house."  (Dasia)
"We haven't even seen the whole house yet."  (Mr. Reed)
"I know, but it's just a feeling I have.  I felt at home the minute I walked in."  (Dasia)
"Okay, but let's finish the tour first."  (Mr. Reed)

Once on the third floor, Dasia is even more convinced.
"Look how big this room is.  We won't have any trouble fitting out king sized bed in here."  (Dasia)
"Hmmm, mmmm."  (Mr. Reed)
"Grammy, what's over there?"  (Carla)
"I don't know.  Let's go see."  (Dasia)

"How lovely.  It's a little porch."  (Dasia)
"I want to see."  (Corey)

"Oh yeah, I can do a lot with this little space."  (Dasia)

"I would put a table and chairs out here."  (Dasia)
"You could put your plants out here, too, Grammy."  (Carla)
"I sure could."  (Dasia)

"Honey, where are you?  Come see this."  (Dasia)

"Hmmm, mmm.  This is nice.  I could read the morning paper out here."  (Mr. Reed)
"Like I said, I think this is our house."  (Dasia)
"So is that your way of saying you want to make an offer?"  (Mr. Reed)
"Is there another way to get the house that I don't know of?"  (Dasia)
"Alright.  Let's go talk to Sunni."  (Mr. Reed)


 Dasia is sporting her new pinstripe palazzo pants in this story.  These pants will be hitting the Etsy store by the weekend.

She's also sporting new jewelry I found on ebay.  I bought jewelry that was made for the 16" fashion dolls.  It fits perfectly.  

The KidKraft home is really nice.  It's bigger in person that it looks in the pictures.  I was able to get the Kenmore Kitchen set in the kitchen with no problem.  I left out the elevator, but I kept the stairs, for now.  The stairs are not permanently installed.  I may use them when I need them, and take them out when I want a little more space.  I plan to paint them soon.


  1. I loved this story Vanessa, for a moment I feared Dasia would arrive late at securing this wonderful another project of yours I look forward to be developed: furnishing the new house!
    Dasia's outfit is very elegant it really befits her. Gorgeous lady!

    1. billa's dolls - Thanks. It's always a tense moment when others are looking at the same house. Hopefully they will get their offer in and secure the home quickly. Dasia will have fun decorating this home.

  2. Does Mr. Reed have a first name or are you still deciding?

    I guess he and Dasia are getting a new home. I really like those stairs. The house looks just the right size for them.

    1. Jananinah - I have a name in mind for Mr. Reed, but I'm not 100% sure I haven't already given him a first name. I need to check. If I haven't, his name will be Harold.

    2. Heh, I was just about to ask this same question! :)

  3. Hello from Spain, i LIKE Very much this new house.ndasia Will be happy in this house. FaBulous pics. Palazzo pants are Very Trendy. Great look. Keep in touch

    1. Marta - Thanks! As you can see, Dasia loves this house. I think it suits them.

  4. First of all, Dasia looks great in those pants!! I love them! I was getting a little worried that they were going to miss out on the house. The house is perfect for them. The balcony is my favorite space. Looking forward to seeing what you come up with in decorating the house.

    1. Georgia Girl - Thanks! She's such a little fashionista now. Let's hope they get approved for the loan. She would be devastated if they lost this house.

  5. Dasia is so sharp, I love that whole look on her! This house is great. I like the country house (with the porch and garage) and Dasia's out of all the ones you showed. The men are so funny all nonchalant.

    1. AG Lanc - Thanks. I told her she was "killing it". She just smiled. I rarely see men get excited when house hunting. I think they are so focused on the money. You should take a look at to see even more houses. I just looked at my spreadsheet. I had 27 on the list and that's not all of them.

  6. Loving your KidKraft houses. You are making me want to get a couple of them! There you go, enabling me again! I hope the Reeds get their offer in and accepted on time as this house looks very suited to them. BTW, I like Harold and Mr. Reed's first name. It suits him. I looked back to when you first introduced him and I don't think you ever mentioned a first name for him. You were calling him Principal Reed or Mr. Reed. Looking forward to more!

    1. Phyllis - I haven't enabled in awhile, so I was due. The footprint on these houses is small compared to the Mattel houses, because they are so tall. Doesn't he look like a Harold?

  7. Great story, I hope Dasia will get the house of her dreams!

    1. Linda -Thanks. She's praying this one won't get away from them.

  8. Mr. Reed is a man of few words...I like that, lol. Fingers crossed for the Reeds. I can honestly see Tina and her fiancé there too...

    1. Tracy - Harold is the strong, silent type. Got to love that. It would be easy enough to use this house with different furniture, a different kitchen, and without the stairs for Tina and Harrison. We will see what they decide. I'm sure there are building more like this one in the subdivision.

  9. Mrs Dasia is one sharp dressing woman. Nice house, I can't wait to see what changes you make, and the stories that will come.... : )

    1. Ladonna - Thanks. Stories will be much easier with rooms already built.

  10. I enjoyed the interaction between the couples and their comments about the house, which is nice. I think Dasia and Hubby have found their home.

    Love her entire ensemble. I wondered where you found her jewelry. It's good to know that 16-inch doll jewelry works well for her.


    1. DBG - Glad you like the house. Dasia was out today looking at furniture. Typical. She doesn't even know if they got the loan yet.

  11. I don't think the tub will work but the rest of the house will work. A lot of older couples are viewing this house.

    1. Ms. Leo - I'm keeping the tub, even though Dasia can't fit. She can't fit in any of my Mattel tubs either. But the tub is just too cute, and it will be perfect for bathing the grandkids. I will probably add a shower. The rooms are really spacious. I don't think that comes across as well in the pictures. It will once I add furniture. The younger people weren't interested in that subdivision for some reason.

  12. Love all the residents of Morristown. Everyone is so chic!! Will be curious as to the changes Dasia chooses to make to the house.

    1. april - Thanks. Dasia's wheels are already turning about the decorating.

  13. I enjoyed seeing all the couples together while taking another look at the house. I hadn't realized what a good-looking couple Tina and Harrison make before.

    1. Jewell - It's my fault we haven't seen more of Harrison. He was on a broken body that I finally changed out before the story. We will see a lot more of him now.

  14. I do like that house! I love seeing Billy and Diana, they always bring a smile to my face.

    1. Brini - I need to get Diana and Billy a place so we can see more of them.

  15. Oh maaaan... that is so model-home touring! I remember that sort of thing from the glory days of 2006, when there were new subdivisions everywhere.

    1. Smaller Places - Isn't model home viewing the best? As a Realtor, myself, looking at houses is a lot of fun.

  16. Dasia is so fashionable in her new clothes. She looks great! LOL Just like a man - hmm,mmm. Yep. Typical. It's always all about the budget. Love that Kidcraft house. I may look at some. :-)

    1. Cindi - Thanks! Dasia needs a closet the size of her bedroom. The clothes are multiplying. For the price and the quality, it's hard to go wrong with a KidKraft home. Most of the furniture won't work for Barbie, but it's still a great deal.

  17. Just like an episode on HGTV! Dasia's outfit is on point!

    1. Muff - Thanks! Made me want to go look at some model homes. Every time I looked at Dasia, I said, "Girl, you are killing it."

  18. I like Dasia and her little family.She's been a nice addition to Morristown.It was good seeing Tina and Harrison too.

    1. Val - Thanks. We will see more of Tina and Harrison, soon.

  19. If the men are worried about the cost, just tell them in Australia the average house price is around $700 - $800,000. A house like yours would sell for even more. That should convince them. Definitely looks like Dasia's (oh, and Mr Reed's) house.

    1. Carrickters - I will let the men know. The house prices in Northern Virginia (where they supposedly live) are fairly steep too. We have really decent prices in many of the Atlanta suburbs. They really lucked out getting this house so cheap.

  20. Nice tour. At first I was going to say the house looked like it should be for Tina and Harrison but Dasia was definitely more into the details. BTW she is SHARP for house hunting.

    1. Kenya - I dodged a bullet since Tina and Harrison had to think about the house. I think it would have made a nice house for them, too. Dasia said you never know who you will meet househunting. Always best to look nice doing it.


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