Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Real Life Intervenes

....but in a real good way.  Saturday I met someone who I am already calling my future husband.  I am letting you guys in on this news just in case it seems like I am not posting as much.  Just know that I am fine and I will be back to posting regular stories and other stuff real soon.

So here's the scoop.  This weekend there was a racquetball tournament.  Even though I don't play any more, I love watching matches, and it's a great way to reconnect with my friends.  As soon as I entered the building, this racquetball player, who looked familiar, said hello and asked if I was looking for Ron.  Ron is one of the top racquetball players here in GA.  I asked him why would I be looking for Ron?  Turns out he thought I was dating Ron, because he saw us at a party together 6 months ago.  I explained that I am Ron's plus one, whenever he needs a local date, because his girlfriend lives out of state.  And yes, his girlfriend knows me and is okay with it.  I also explained that Ron is like a big brother and he and I have never been anything but friends.  He then explained that he had been interested in me for some time, but didn't pursue it because of Ron.  We made plans to do dinner on Sunday because we both had fight party plans that evening.  After the fight party we talked on the phone from 1am - 5am.  We decided to do breakfast a few hours later and met at the Cracker Barrel (CB) at 9:30am.  While waiting to be seated for breakfast, we had our first slow dance to Heatwave's Always and Forever.  Why, you ask?  Because in the CB store there were two coffee mugs.  One had Always on it, and the other had Forever on it.  We had a small audience as we danced and sang.  My kind of guy.  Not afraid to experience the moment.  After breakfast we went to Stone Mountain park for a few hours.  That's the same park Rod and Danielle went to right before they went to their wedding reception.  After that we came back to my house to walk the dogs.  We left there and went out for an early dinner, then went to watch a movie.  If I didn't have dogs, I don't think we would have ever parted.  It has felt like one perpetual date since Saturday.  I have already baked him cookies and brownies just since Sunday.  Did I mention that we actually talked a little about weddings, while at the park?

Hard to believe I think I finally found someone that just clicks with me.  There are a few things I initially look for in a mate.  First and foremost, they have to like dogs.  I've had way too many relationships that didn't work out because of my dog(s).  Secondly, they have to have a great sense of humor.  Thirdly, they have to be willing to try new things (like skydiving).  So far this guy naturally works.  Normally, when I mention skydiving to guys, they agree to watch, but not participate.  When I mentioned it to this guy, he showed me the video of him doing it in 2011.  We are already planning our first camping trip.  Something that we have each wanted to do, but couldn't find people who wanted to participate.  He is a crazy romantic, who loves music, who opens doors, who holds hands, who loves dogs, who cooks, who dances, and who plays a mean game of racquetball.  What more could I ask for?

I'm sure it won't all be roses, but this is a great start.  He loves taking pictures, so I'm sure I will post one of us in the near future.

 I felt so inspired yesterday that I walked 5 miles at the park.  That was quite an accomplishment for me.  I wasn't sure if my leg would hold up, but I was so hyped up on good feelings, I was willing to try.  I made it without any problems.  Stay tuned.  My dolls can't have all the fun.  


  1. Vanessa, this is so exciting. Praying that it works out for you - you definitely deserve it! BTW, does this guy have an older (much older) brother??! LOL!

    1. Phyllis - Yes very exciting! No older brothers. Sorry.

  2. Hi Vanessa! I'm so happy for you, a wonderfully romantic day and a great guy!
    A big hug Billa

    1. billa's dolls - Thank you so much. My prayers seemed to have been answered. He was praying for someone, too. So that makes it even better.

  3. Hi Vanessa,
    I've been enoying your blog for a while now but never commented. I love your doll stories and admire your creative skills and have the utmost respect for your courage.
    I really, really hope this is the start of a beautiful relationship because you definitely deserve it! Have fun and enjoy...

    1. Linda - Hello! Thanks so much for commenting. I appreciate the love and support you have shown to my blog. I feel in my heart that this is going to be a great relationship. I'm putting nothing but great vibes in the air.

  4. Ah....S---- S----Now, I don't know the spel, lol...., Gone with your bad self, Vanessa's getting her groove back, Alright, Alright, Alright.... No I'm not making fun nor lite of your date, It sounds like you had FUN........:-) :-P (I'm not a great spel)

    1. Ladonna - I know exactly what you were trying to say. It's something I say all the time. You are so silly! Thanks for the well wishes. My dolls have trained me to know when a good thing comes along. This is definitely a great thing.

  5. To the beginning of wonderful things *clinks glass with you*

  6. Sounds like a dream come true...I'm so excited for you!

    1. Jewell -- Thanks! If this is a dream, I'm never waking up.

  7. Replies
    1. adrian - Thanks! Tell Dean he is still the number one doll man in my life. lol.

  8. There is hope!!!! I love the doll world love and all but ain't nothing like the real thing baby(sorry I had too). I'm so happy for you!

    1. Doll Crazy - Yes, there is hope! So strange how all that happened. I never in a million years expected to connect with anyone that day. That is usually how it happens.

  9. Awww, Vanessa this is awesome!!! I am very happy for you. You are such a sweetheart and deserve a sweetheart of a man. You go girl!! Lol!

    1. Georgia Girl - Awww, thanks. He and I are soooo much alike that it's scary. We have the same crazy sense of humor, that most people don't understand. I've lost a number of guys who just couldn't understand my wittiness. I'm hanging on to this one.

  10. I'm so happy for you! Good luck! He sounds like a keeper!

    1. Tam - Thanks! I really think he is a keeper. It's been a long time since I've wanted to spend so much time with a guy. Normally, I'm ready to leave them and get back to my dolls. lol.

  11. Hello from Spain: I want you to be happy. This guy is like a Charming Prince. You will not miss this guy. he is wonderful. I want you to get married.We keep in touch

    1. Marta - Thanks so much! I want me to get married, too. It's always nice to be with a guy who isn't scared of marriage. Most of them just want to run away from it.

  12. I believe our dolls help us envision and manifest our deepest desires so no wonder your dream guy sounds as wonderful as all the beautiful, romantic stories you have shared here. Very best wishes!

    1. limbe dolls - Thanks. He is a great blend of all the wonderful male characters in my stories, so that all makes sense. I definitely believe in manifestation.

  13. Hi Vanessa, I am so happy for you. This is the way it was for me and my now current hubcap. He is my soulmate or my spirit, or spirit friend. One thing I promised myself years ago after a very emotional damaging divorce when I was young- 25 years old- was my future husband would have to like my dogs or cats just like you. At the time my now husband Chris met my cat Henry- Henry had not liked any guy I dated. That cat took to Chris and got in his lap and purred around his legs and would not leave him alone. I had never seen him do that to anyone else. I knew in my heart that THIS was the one, just like you, lol. He and I share a ton of things and he was the brains behind King WIlliam minis and Pumpkin Hill Studios and encouraged me to design, and create and build. One of the things we love to do is just talk about anything and everything, like you described- we just 'clicked'. So very happy for you and your new guy!

    1. Lisa Neault - Thanks so much for sharing your wonderful story with me. People who aren't animal people don't understand why we are so attached to our animals. I used to tell my ex-husband, if it's between you and my dog, my dog will win out every time. He hated my dog. I'm so happy you and Henry found the perfect mate. My new guy loves talking about any and everything, too. On our date, he shared some pretty emotional stuff with me. I love a man that can open up and also be a great listener.

  14. A simple question that was answered turned into a beautiful date and more. Good Luck

    1. Male Doll World - Thanks. Everything happened just perfectly that day. I'm just happy he was the first person I saw when I entered the building. If he had seen me with Ron, he may never have talked to me.

  15. Yay Vanessa! Enjoy! Glad to hear you are having fun with someone right for you ;-)

    1. D7ana - Thanks! It feels great, so I am going to enjoy every part of it.

  16. Way to go Vanessa! I'm so very happy for you! Marianne's doing the happy dance for you, which is a challenge for her because she has bad hips! LOL Love you! :-)

    1. Cindi - LOL! Tell Marianne to take it easy. I don't want her breaking anything. Thanks for the well wishes. Love you guys.

  17. I am all smiles over here for you! You had the long talk into the wee hours of the morning, he wasn't afraid/ashamed to dance for the heck of it! He's active, your active! Dare I say the forbidden "P" word?
    He sounds p-e-r-f-e-c-t for you! Ok so we all know nobodys perfect but this guy seems like a good fit. And to think he's been an admirer of yours for sometime! :D

    Pardon me if I'm wrong but didn't you predict you'd find someone this year and get married? (even if it were just yourself) I sincerely hope everything works out for you!!!

    1. AG Lanc - Thanks so much. I agree. He seems perfect for me. We are very much alike, and he has most of the qualities I was looking for. Wow, I did say 2015 was going to be my year to find a husband. I probably won't get married this year, but potentially finding him is so unexpected but great. I love putting things in the atmosphere and watching them take form.

  18. Congratulations! I hope it just gets better and better.

    1. Janinah - Thanks! Saturday we will celebrate our one week anniversary and we will most likely be at a concert together. I will have done more with this guy in one week than I have done with most guys ever. I hope it gets better and better, too.

  19. Fantastic news, Vanessa, I am so happy to read Your words! A real fairytale! Enjoy every moment of it and I hope it will be never-ending :)

    1. Rosemary Hill - Thanks! It does seem like a fairtytale, and I don't ever want to wake up from it.

  20. What great news! Very happy for you. Nothing better than fitting so well with somebody else.

    1. Barb - Thanks! It's so hard finding someone to complement your personality. It's a blessing when it happens.

  21. Sounds wonderful - that walk and all! Can't wait to hear more.

  22. Yeah! Get it girl! You have learned well from the lessons you gals and dudes have taught us. YOU deserve to be happy!


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