Friday, January 2, 2015

Perfect Desk Lamps

Happy New Year!  I am finally back.  All my company is now gone and I can get back to business.  I started my day at the Dollar Tree, where I found the perfect doll desk lamps.  I have seen these on a few blogs, but had never seen them in the stores.  I got 6 of them. 

There are two different versions.  They give off great light.

I found these recycling/trash bins at the Dollar Tree right before Christmas. 

Here Halle shows the scale of both items.

 I got a little depressed when I entered the dollar store.  They already have Valentine stuff on the shelves.  Goodness, I instantly felt like two months of 2015 had passed.  2014 went by way too quickly.  Not only that, it was a horrendous year for me.  I'm excited about 2015 and I plan to savor every moment.  My main goal for 2015 is to finally tackle some of the projects I've been planning to do for years.  I will renew my love of woodworking and sewing.  I will still throw in some doll stories, but they will not be my main focus.  I will, however, continue to make furniture.  I think I am dubbing 2015, the year of learning new things.  It will also be a year of productivity.  What say you?  Any new year declarations?  Are you as excited as I am about the new year?


  1. So pretty founds! We in Germany have "1-Euro-Shops" and sometimes we can find also nice little treasures, but not so pretty like you! Wish you a happy new year, and no, there are noit two months ago, only 2 days :-)

    1. Hannelore - Welcome to my blog! Happy new year and hope you will come visit in 2015.

  2. great finds- I have seen those desk lamps but never purchased one. I have a couple of the trash cans, but can always use more. Your goals are similar to mine- sew more, experiment more is what I plan to do- think up new techniques when working with the clay, wood, etc. I definitely want to sew more- especially make doll quilts! Looking forward to seeing what projects you finish!

    1. Lisa - Ooooh doll quilts will be perfect for your Victorian scenes. I'm looking forward to seeing your new creations.

  3. Those look awesome! Unfortunately my dollar tree doesnt have these which is seriously depressing!! I want these so bad!! Errrrrr!! lol

    1. Will - They are perfect. My store just got them, so maybe they will be coming to your store soon. Check again.

  4. Those lamps are perfect scale! ok, no dollar tree stores in Italy, so I'll admire yours....:-)
    Kisses Billa

    1. billa's dolls - The lamps are perfect, but I'd give them up, if I could be in Italy.

  5. Happy to see you back, Vanessa.

    Those lamps are too cute!

    Retailers do have a tendency to rush the year away by stocking the next holiday's merchandise weeks to months ahead of time.

    Hope all your goals are met for 2015.


    1. DBG - So good to be back. The break was nice, though. I feel re-energized now. I need to just stay out of the stores altogether. Happy new year!

  6. yay van your back

  7. I have stopped to consider those little lamps repeatedly during the past few weeks but I was unsure if they were the right scale. Thanks for showing them! Now, I can buy one or two. I've been looking for the blue recycling bin but it's never in stock when I'm in a store. I will continue to keep an eye out for that one. My resolutions are to set a dolly budget and stick to it and to shop with a plan- no more (well not as many) impulse buys :)

    1. Jewell - I lucked up on the trash bins. Those were the only two I saw at the time. I'm starting on your sofa this weekend so I'll be calling you in the next week or so.

  8. Whelp, now I gotta go to the Dollar Store.

    Happy New Year!

    1. Muff - Whelp, don't spend all your money in one place. lol. That's something my mom used to say to me all the time.

  9. Happy New Year, Vanessa! I was lucky to find the lamps at my Dollar Tree a couple of weeks ago, too. They didn't have red but they did have black and white. I purchased two of each and a separate one for my daughter. I saw the trash bins early December also but at the time, could only buy what I went in to buy. Haven't been lucky enough to find them in there since. :-(. I'll keep trying though.

    My resolutions are; to have patience, practice meditating (tough one...hard to stop my brain from thinking so much) and to be better than I was the day before. Trying to keep them simple, lol.

    Oh...I hope to be able to purchase one of your furniture pieces this year too. I think one of your sofas or sectionals, would be perfect for Lena (my Halle Barbie) and her hubby. :-)

    1. Tracy - Happy new year! Glad you found the lamps. Hope you find the trash bins again. They really are perfect. Good luck with your resolutions. I don't normally make them, but I'm feeling lucky this year. lol. I'm hoping this is the year we will see more of your dolls.

  10. Excellent find! I've never seen those lamps at Dollar Tree. :( I did get to see one resetting on December 26 -- chaos!

    1. Smaller Places - This is the first time they have shown up at my Dollar Tree. Great way to start the new year.

  11. I haven't been to Dollar Tree since I started seeing them on other blogs. I plan to pick up a few whenever I visit. Great that you are doing more furniture! :-) I didn't make any resolutions. I plan to continue to reinforce Live (More), Love (Much), and my favorite Laugh (Often)!

    Happy New Year my friend!!!

    1. Georgia Girl.- I have a couple of unfinished furniture pieces I hope to get finished and listed in the next week. I like your non resolutions. So far I'm doing good. Two days in and I'm already kicking butt. lol.

  12. Great find, I would've gotten six too. Can the arm be adjusted or is the hinge just for show?

    I've deliberately not made any resolutions about my craft projects, since it always seems to end in disappointment. If anything, I'll try to stop worrying and not give up too easily. So it's more like a new year's motto: Take it easy! :)

    1. Anderson's AP - Yes, the arm is totally adjustable. It's just like a real lamp. That is the best new year motto you can have. I wish you all the best this year.

  13. Brilliant finds - the scale is really perfect on those!

    Happy New Year! :)

    1. jSarie - Hard to believe the people aren't making these specifically for dolls. I can't think of any other reason a person would buy these. Happy new year!

  14. Happy New Year, Vanessa!

    Thanks for sharing the lamps and cans. Going to organize my collection and sell stuff. Really. Fingers crossed, lol.

    1. D7ana - Happy new year! I am keeping my finger crossed that you achieve your goal of selling stuff. I will also be selling some stuff off. I am going to get two things listed on Craig's list this weekend. Wish me luck.

  15. Hey Hey Hey!!
    Great to have you back,Vanessa!!
    I'm in LOVE about this lamps!!An awesome beautiful thing!
    When I start reading about the posting(on Blogger Calls) I supposed before it was a normal lamp you were using for light your pictures.It was a great surprise discover that it has the escale 1:6 exactly for the doll's universe!!AMAZING!!Thanks for sharing and all my best wishes for your 2015!!

    1. Jorge - Hello my friend. Happy new year! They are so much like the real thing, I can see your initial confusion. They are just the perfect dolly accessory.

    2. I'm sure they are!!
      Lovely Lovely!!

  16. Me encantan,tanto las lámparas como los cubos de la basura,son geniales!!!!

    1. PILAR - ¿No son simplemente perfecto? Feliz Año Nuevo!

  17. I'll have to see if my Dollar Tree has the lamps. One of my dolly goals this year is to learn to make polymer clay food. I'd love to incorporate more food into my scenes and photos.

    1. KMQ - Hope you are able to find the lamps. Now that's a good dolly goal. Our dolls always need food.

  18. I'll have to pick up those lamps! Happy New Year! I can't wait to see all you will do.

    1. Ms. Leo - Good luck finding the lamps. They really are perfect for the dolls. Happy New Year to you, too. Looking forward to seeing more of you in 2015.

  19. Happy New Year Vanessa!
    I found those lamps at Dollar Tree also. They only had black and white ones, so I got a black one. :-)

    1. Cindi - You only bought one? Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. lol!

  20. Happy New Year! As usual you found some great treasures. Love the mini recycling bin. Good for you spreading your wings to conquer new things. Looking forward to you to sharing them.

    1. Sonya - Happy New Year! I've already started on my new list of things to do. Wish me luck.

  21. I was going to ask what the lights really were and I see they are book lights. Too cute. What are the recycle bins "in real life"? January 18th - woooo I am caught up with Morristown!

    1. Kenya - They are strange book lights to me. They don't clip onto the book. I don't know how you would use these as book lights. I think the recycle bins are supposed to be pencil holders, but I'm not sure.


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