Tuesday, July 1, 2014

The Future Bionic Woman

Some of you are probably too young to remember the shows, The Six Million Dollar Man, and The Bionic Woman.  I used to watch these shows when I was a kid.  Simply put these people were rebuilt on the inside with robotics that made them so much stronger than they were before.

Well, yesterday was my first checkup since my leg surgery, 15 days ago.  I swear it seems like it was weeks ago.  I've been doing great since the surgery.  I even figured out how to walk up and down the stairs.  YES!  Prior to that I had been butt scooting up and down the stairs for the past two months.  At the doctor's office, I was pleasantly surprised to see they were removing the staples in my leg.  Then came about 15 X-rays.  Afterwards, the ortho surgeon showed me his handiwork, which included a metal rod, some nails and screws, and something that looked like a paperclip.  Going to the airport is going to be loads of fun.  Of course I'm under the impression that 6 weeks from now (or sooner) I will be back on my feet and better than ever.  Not so fast.   He was explaining to me that my leg has to heal completely and things have to fuse together and until that happens, I can't put any pressure on the left leg.  Of course my next question is, "how long will that take?"  I was expecting to hear 6 weeks.  I was not prepared for his answer which was, 3 months.  THREE MONTHS!  That puts us out to September.  Goodbye 2014.  He then explained that if anything breaks inside my leg before it heals, he will have to go back in.  That's all he needed to say.  I had a new attitude.  Further conversations revealed that my right arm will more than likely need the same type surgery right after the leg heals.  He would like to do it sooner, but the thought of being totally reliant on someone else for my care, is just not going to work.  I agreed to stay off the leg and treat the arm with kid gloves.

I was all prepared to come tell my blogging family that I would  be shutting down the blog until September, or for good.  I was going to figure out how to rest and relax.  Something I have never been very good at.  Well after just one night of resting and relaxing and staying off my feet, I realize that ISH is just not going to work.  I must figure out a different way.  I think I will die of boredom by the time September hits.  So I will figure out how to stay off my leg, and still do some of the things I love, and this includes working with my dolls.

I am starting to accept my new reality which may include lots of metal body parts.  It's kind of cool they can actually do that.  Just in case you are wondering..... the cancer is what eats away at the bone.  I will leave you with a little bit of good news.  My oncologist told my ortho surgeon that I have unlimited life potential.  Isn't that awesome?!  I attribute a lot of that to my awesome oncology family. I have already outlived the average life expectancy of this cancer, and they are expecting me to live a lot longer.  So what's a few rebuilt body parts as long as I am here enjoying life to the fullest.  


  1. I remember those shows. I do so admire your attitude my friend. Always positive. So many in your position would've given up by now. Please don't let this stop you from doing what you enjoy. I truly believe your dolls and your blog help keep you going. You are an inspiration to all of us. :-)

    1. Cindi - Thanks for all your support. The only reason I considered putting the dolls aside for awhile was because I do a lot of moment and going up and down stairs when I work with the dolls. All that stress on my leg could land me back in the hospital. I will continue with my dolls, but I will figure out how to do what I do without causing stress on my body.

  2. wow, you got a lot going on, and I'm sending you best wishes for a steady recovery. I think keeping a hobby helps keep us all sane when other things in life are throwing us curveballs. I know I'd go nuts with nothing to do for 3 months! so keep playing as much as you are able while letting your body heal. I've been enjoying the new stories with recycled photos. I think its a great way to share new stories!

    1. queen - Thanks so much for your well wishes. For those 3 months I was planning to catch up on some of my reading, but the dolls are still calling out to me, so I will hobble down to the basement as soon as I can and let them be seen again.

  3. Maybe besides doing stories you could start a doll q&a to keep you occupied.

    1. Leandra - A doll Q & A is an interesting idea. I'm not sure how that would work, but I will give it some thought. I'm feeling better that I will be able to get down to the basement with the dolls soon.

  4. You are always so positive, I love it! Someone in my family had to get a hip replacement a few years ago. The recovery is long, but you can probably find a way to keep working with your dolls!

    1. FeFe Mae - The thought of having my hip replaced is what has me really listening to my doctor about staying off my leg. I love my dolls, but they are not worth a hip replacement. Fixing my broken leg femur was enough. Once I leg it heal, I will have radiation that will make it even stronger.

  5. Glad to hear some good news for you! Keep that positive attitude. That makes a major difference. Just keep going, and enjoy life!
    The recycled photos make fine stories. Just stay off that leg! My sister in law has a metal pin in one leg, and she says it actually hurts when the weather gets too cold, so good that you live in the south!

    1. Tam - Thanks! I am now feeling confident that I will be able to do new photos soon, AND stay off the leg. My mom has two replaced knees and she can tell when bad weather is coming. I guess that's her super power.

  6. I started beaming eye to eye as soon as I heard unlimited life potential. That's fantastic! I'm glad to hear that you leg is getting better gradually. Best wishes, and make sure to take it easy LOL!

    1. Verona - I was beaming hearing that unlimited life comment, too. And the fact that it was a conversation between two doctors, made it even better.

  7. Oh, Vanessa - ouch! I wish I lived close so I could come and visit you. I am definitely old enough (and some) to remember those shows. I know what you mean too. I have eight screws and pins in my neck and eight in my lower back. I think they are all made of titanium so they won't set off the alarms at the airport (at least that is what they told me). I also have silicon breast implants because of breast cancer and we call them the bionic boops!

    I cannot tell you how much of an inspiration you have been to me. You have come through so much and are always so positive.

    1. Phyllis - Yikes, Seems like you have been through the ringer as well. Back issues are the worse. Are you cancer free? If so, how long?

    2. I have been cancer free for almost 3 years. Still get checkups every 6 months. BTW, I finally figured out how to add the followers buttons for Google friends connect and for Bloglovin'. Yeah! Added my second post too.

  8. Ms. Vanessa,

    This is my first time posting here after following your blog for months. You gave me the courage to pick back up an old past time...DOLLS!!! :) Just like you, my health has thrown me one heck of a curve ball. If I didn't have my family, and my dolls (not necessarily in that order), I'd go crazy! By all means, take good care of yourself. You're in my thoughts and prayers!

    1. Lady ED - Welcome to my blog! I'm so happy you left a comment. I'm also glad you found the joy in your dolls again. I'm sorry to hear that you, too, are dealing with health issues. Stay strong. Stay prayerful and stay positive! I believe in miracles.

  9. So some positive news in the midst of all that pain you've endured! I hope you'll find a way to keep crafting and take good care of yourself. I think some people can "take it easy," but we crafters relax by actually crafting.

    1. Muff - Yes, some positive news. Every little bit helps. I've been doing some reading, which has been helping. Typically I craft in order to put things in my etsy store. I've put my store in vacation status because just packing up orders and getting them to the post office is very difficult. So I just haven't had the energy to make anything lately. Not to mention, my crafting area is far from comfortable in my current condition. I will start taking new pictures and doing new stories soon.

  10. Glad to hear you are recovering. Take care of yourself and take it easy!

  11. Im so glad your still here and doing better then ok. You are a strong woman and God is giving you your must deserved many blessings your an inspiration and I will always be a fan of your works thank you for being you

    1. Keeta - Welcome to my blog and thanks for your wonderful comments! I do believe God still has me here for a reason. I am just trying to be a positive light to everyone around me for the time that I am still here.

  12. Unlimited life potential - I love the "sound" of that! Take care of yourself!

    I do remember the Six Million Dollar Man and the Bionic Woman. I had a Bionic Woman doll as a child, and I got a little excited when I read this post title. :)

    1. Roxanne - Before doing this post, I researched the Bionic Woman doll. I never had one in my collection. I always enjoyed both those shows. I think I had a little crush on Lee Majors. I sure wish they could give me some super powers every time they had to fix my broken bones.

  13. Much respect for your positive attitude. Don't overdo, be patient with yourself, and best wishes for your continued recovery..

    1. Roville - Thanks so much. My tendency is always to overdo, but not this time. I guess you can say I have learned a huge lesson. The thing I hate most is spending any time in a hospital. I will do all I can to stay out of that place.

  14. When I was a kid, I don't think I ever missed an episode of the Bionic. Man or Woman. That was the coolest show on TV! I'm so glad to hear you have a GREAT oncologist team! This is fantastic news to hear that you're continuing to do well in the middle of everything else you've gone through. You're just an amazing person! You'll be back to posting dolly stuff in no time. :-)

    1. Tracy - I think I had a crush on Lee Majors. I watched the 6 million dollar man a lot more than I did the Bionic Woman. My onco team is so awesome. I will never leave GA because of my onco family.

  15. Vanessa,

    The type of cancer that you described is the same form of cancer that one of my mother's best friends is fight right now. I have been worried about my mother last week because she was not emotionally together because she was so worried about her friend.

    I am glad that things are looking better for you. You will be a BIONIC WOMAN! And you were already a bionic woman before the metal parts because you have so much strength. I admire the strength and positivity that you have maintained through dolls, arts and crafts, writing, family time and cooking. It makes me rethink my attitude when I find myself crying over spilled milk. >:(

    I am happy you are feeling better. We love you and your dollies love you, too! :D

    1. KenyaDoll - I'm so sorry to hear about your mother's friend. If she needs someone to talk to, feel free to give her my email address.

      Thanks so much for your wonderful comments. You made me smile. I love you, too.

  16. Yes, I remember those show VERY well. Please take care of yourself and PLEASE, PLEASE, do what the doctor ORDERED!!! I had a health scare and it was minor but major in the same sense. I just want you to take care of yourself!! I don't think you will go to crazy, lol. You like to create so in between my doll not doll playing, I have a knit project going on, sewing some clothes for Marta, sewing outfits for me, working on my christmas giveaways for my blog, sewing bowties for my son and PURGING everything!! I'm so glad you are doing well and staying positive. Remember God arms are wrap around you at all times!!

    1. Brini - Yes Ma'am!!! I hear you loud and clear. You have a lot going on. That is wonderful! My problem with working on any craft projects is that I can't get in a comfortable position to work on anything. If you recall, I'm still dealing with the blood clot issue, so my leg has to be in a propped up position most of the day when I am home or my feet swell up. My craft room is far from comfortable right now, so working down there is a true health hazard.

  17. I have those DVD's. My husband loved that show as a kid. I will praying for a speedy recovery. Do the best that you can. That's all you really can do anyway. I have a feeling that you put your best foot forward with everything you do! No pun intended.

    1. mrscarissa - Hello dear! I think about you often. I pray you and your family are doing well. I think in this case, I'm just happy to have a best foot.

  18. Hey Vanessa,
    I am glad that despite all that I've read about what you were going through, you are still having that positive attitude in you. creative people can find it hard not to do anything for a long time, but I guess you can still continue with simpler items and probably write more about our favorite topics instead.. Take good care of yourself and we hope to hear more from you :)
    hugs hugs,

    1. Hi Shasha - Yes we creative people don't know how to sit still. Resting and relaxing has always been a problem for me, even before I got sick. The thought of more hospital time has me learning how to be a lot better at this resting thing.

  19. Yep, I remember the Bionic Woman and the Bionic Man. What about the Bionic Dog, Max? When he started checking for villains around the corner, he made us laugh.

    I wish and pray that you continue to get better. Your positive spirit inspires. May this hobby always delight you. But do pace yourself. Wish you the best.

    1. D7ana - I don't remember the Bionic Dog. I will have to look him up. Thanks for your prayers and well wishes. I always welcome those two things.

  20. This too shall pass, is what I remind myself in difficult times. This will pass for you, too. I am glad to read your oncologist's super positive report, which is very promising! It is a blessing that medical technology has advanced to stages unfathomable in the years The Bionic Woman and Six Million Dollar Man aired.

    I am glad you will continue the blog, but do take it easy and follow the doctors' orders.


    1. dbg - That's one of my favorite sayings, this too shall pass. It's so true. Even with everything I'm going through now, the medical induced menopause is still the worst thing I've experienced in these past 5 years.

  21. i have the dvd's to both shows and i do understand what you are going through. i had a left knee replacement 2011 i was out of work for 4 months the doctor actually said it would take 6 months i was stir crazy. i also went from living on the second floor to first floor no stairs. i'm better so please try not to put pressure on your leg don't do the stairs and get plenty of rest because i'm looking forward to new stories from you have someone bring your dolls to you. hugs and healing

    1. Shirley - Hello and thanks for your comments. I helped my mom through 2 knee replacements. Those can be quite painful. I have to say, ever since being on crutches, all I can think about is living in a ranch style home. I don't have a lot of stairs in my home, thank goodness, but I do have quite a few just to get into the house. Unfortunately, I moved my mom in with me (before I got sick) because of her knee and arthritis issues. She could no longer work in the cooking field that she was in. Way too many hours on her feet. She still have arthritis issues at times, so she's not really able to help me with the dolls. I will just be patient. It will happen. You take care. I'll be back to those stories real soon.

  22. I hope you have a speedy recovery so you can do what you love :)

  23. Awesome news. Girl I hope you get to bring in the new year dancing! As for the shows I do remember them. Do you remember Shazam and Isis?

    1. Kenya - I remember Shazam, but not Isis. I was rolling through some TV channels last week, and would you believe the Bionic Woman and Six Million Dollar Man come on every week? I was surprised.


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