Thursday, June 5, 2014

Real Life Drama (Not a photostory)

Today I am substituting a real life story in the place of one of my photostories.  I wish I had pictures to show, but I forgot to take them along the way.

Remember I said the pain in my leg was getting worse?  Monday I called my doctor and reported I had swelling in my leg and foot.  She asked me to come in on Tuesday so they could rule out blood clots.  Tuesday morning, I woke up about 4am and tried to make sure I could get out the house, and head to the doctor by 10am.  I popped pain pills every couple of hours to ensure I could walk.  By 9am it was clear the pain was still too great.  I canceled my appointment and told the doctor I would try again in a couple of days, thinking that a couple days of rest would help.

Later that day, I was worried.  What if it was blood clots?  Blood clots ain't nothing to play with.  So I decided I would get up Wednesday morning, and go to the emergency room.  Wednesday morning, I got dressed and called for an ambulance.  Pretty soon there were four firemen and two paramedics in my bedroom.  DANG! Are all firemen good-looking?  They were oh so fine.  I was in excruciating pain, but I was still enjoying the eye candy.  They were trying to get me into a rolling chair, I was in so much pain, it was taking a little while.  I turned to one of the 6' 3" fireman and asked, "Shouldn't you be throwing me over your shoulder and taking me out of here?"  He laughed and said he could do that, but it would be very painful.  I finally got into the chair.  They strapped me in and said, "whatever you do, don't reach out."  Didn't make sense to me.  Why would I reach out?  Well after they rolled me down the first stair, I screamed out in pain......and reached my arms out to grab the wall.  Oh is that what he meant.  LOL!  The fireman in front of me, who was lifting the chair from the front, was soooo cute!  He wasn't quite Shemar Moore cute, but he was close.  I was super happy that I had gotten dolled up for the trip.  We finally made it down the outside set of stairs with more screaming from me.  Now I had to get from the chair to the stretcher.  More screaming.  Finally we made it to the back of the ambulance and we were on our way.

Shemar Moore

Has anyone ever ridden in the back of an ambulance?  That was my first time.  What a bumpy ride!  I almost fell off the stretcher a few times.  We weren't even going fast.  We arrived to the hospital and had to wait 10 mins for a room.  It was interesting to see the interaction between the paramedics and the ER staff.  All I could think about was the old tv show called Emergency.

You know that little trick they do to get the person into the bed...sliding the sheet from the stretcher to the bed.... it was quite painful and there was more screaming from me.  Once I got into bed, a 31 yr old, blonde, and yes, handsome male nurse entered to take all my information.  His name was Brian.  I swear he could have been a Ken doll.  One that I would have been proud to add to my collection.  He was funny, and he had a great bedside manner.  Next in was the doctor.  Let's just say I was less than impressed.  He came in with an attitude like, I'm not sure why you are here, and I'm not sure what I can do for you.  He barely touched my leg and said, "I'm 90% sure you do not have blood clots.  So what would you like for us to do for you."  I explained that my oncologist wanted to have an ultrasound done to make sure I didn't have a blood clot.  "Okay, I can order an ultrasound and call your doctor afterwards."  Then he left.  My mom and I watched tv for over an hour before the ultrasound lady showed up.  She came in, and proceeded to dig the ultrasound probe into the leg with the excruciating pain.  I was very close to slapping her as I was wincing in pain.  Instead, I threw her hand and the probe, away from my leg and explained that she was not going to do that because of my pain.  She said, "oh they didn't give you something for the pain?"  Noooo.  So she went to get the doctor.  He came in, again with attitude, all but questioning if the pain was as great as I was saying.  I must have given him a crazy look because he said, I'll just order a pain shot.  Within three minutes of getting the shot, my pain was under control.  Why he didn't give me something for the pain earlier is beyond me.  Did he really think I would arrive in an ambulance if I wasn't in pain.  

Fifteen minutes after the ultrasound, the doctor came in the room, very apologetically.  Turns out I do have blood clots.  So much for his 90% sure that I didn't.  He even went so far as to say, he would have missed that one for sure.  So thank goodness, my oncologist had requested the ultrasound.  Apparently, this ER doctor wouldn't have gone that route.  He was a different doctor after that.  



  1. Oh my goodness. I sure wish I could have been there to help you sweetie. The trip to the hospital, without the pain, sounded delightful. Too bad the ER wasn't as nice. If I were your mom I would have asked that little prick of a doctor if he had a medical degree or a certificate of clairvoyance. I try so hard in clinical to make sure that I treat the patient the way I'd like to be treated and it erks me to hear stories like this one. You are still in my prayers, and I hope your blood therapy therapy works for you.

    1. Oh yeah...those big city first responders are fine. Around this way we've got Bubba and nem. Lol

    2. Doll Crazy - Lol. My mom usually leaves the 'telling people off' to me. I rarely have to go there, but both my mom and I were pretty ticked at this guy from the very beginning. Thanks for the laugh. I'm sure Bubba and 'em take very good care of you guys.

  2. Wow!! We all know why that change came over him...don't we? Take care Vanessa! Keeping you in our thoughts and prayers!!!

    1. Loretta - Hello dear. I must have been envious of all the drama you guys have had in the recent past. Thanks for the thoughts and prayers. You know I am always thinking of you and James. Hope things have calmed down for you and your family.

  3. Uhh, sounds pretty scary! Looks like arrogant doctors happen in every country, unfortunately.
    I hope your leg is better already

    1. jewel snake - I intentionally didn't go to the hospital after hours, or on the weekend, thinking the regular weekday doctors would be better. Boy was I wrong.

  4. Oh my, Vanessa. I am sorry the doctor ER was such a jerk. So glad ad you sought attention. A bad situation could have gotten worse. Praying that the clots dissolve and the pain subsides soon.


    1. dbg - My mom almost died from blood clots in 1977, and I've heard of lots of people who died suddenly from blood clots. So I was fully aware of the seriousness of the situation. I'm so glad I didn't wait like I originally planned.

    2. Problems involving the circulatory system do need immediate attention. Again, so glad you did not wait to seek treatment and glad your mom is still here.

      I hope you report Dr. Jerk.


  5. Hey Vanessa! Relieved to read that the blood clots were discovered BEFORE they could do further damage. Thanks for NOT holding off. Your reward was those fine firefighters

    Wow, that main doctor sounds like a prime jerk. Serve him right if he gets a doctor like himself some day when he needs critical care.

    Hope, wish, and pray that you feel better soon. Keep up your wise choices.

    1. D7ana - I would have hated to be taken out by blood clots. The firefighters and the cute male nurse were good icing on a very bad cake. I'm hoping there is a big reward after all this craziness.

  6. Hi Vanessa, I am glad that you made that wise decision to go on the the doctor. God takes care of His children. That Doctor was such a jerk!

    I have ridden in an ambulance only once...I had pneumonia and didn't know it. I was taken to a hospital after an after care visit to my health care facility. The EMTs were not fine like the ones you had. Lol!

    I continue to keep you in prayer. Hugs))))

    1. Georgia Girl - Ooh pneumonia. Another thing not to play with. I keep a magnet for fine men in my pocket at all times. Nice to see it still works. Thanks for the prayers.

  7. Unfortunately, I have ridden in an ambulance 5 times, all heart related. A couple of times, I do remember the paramedics being very cute, however, one time I was unconscious. When you come in by ambulance due to heart problems, they do put you at the front of the line. 2 of those times, I almost died and they had to do the thing with the paddles! I remember I had paddle marks on my chest for several days after.

    Sorry your ER doctor was such a prick. A friend once told me she put her hand near her Drs. groin and told him that if he didn't believe how much pain she was in, that she could show him (use imagination here!)

    I have always believed that when it comes to our health, we need to be our own advocates. I am so happy you stuck to your guns and got that ultrasound. Blog clots are nothing to mess with! So are you in the hospital??

    1. Phylis - Oh my! If I had another heart, I would send it your way. That is so scary to hear about your heart. Please, please take good care of yourself. I want to see comments from you for a long time.

      My paramedics were ticked that we had to wait to get a room, because just before we got a room, another team of paramedics arrived with a lady who was walking, and they got a room immediately.

      I am not in the hospital. More on that in part 2.

  8. Thank heavens you have a good oncologist who gave you good advice - and you stuck to your guns and got that ultrasound. Hopefully, now you will be treated properly and will start to be in much less pain soon. I'm praying for you also.

    1. Carrickters - I have the best oncologist, which is why I drive over an hour to get to him, when there are tons of doctors a lot closer. My oncologist and his team are so caring. They really feel like family and they treat you like family. Thanks for your prayers.

  9. so sorry to hear about all of this! I hope that you are out of pain and on the road to recovery from this ordeal. I'm glad you were able to find a good oncologist. good doctors are hard to find. take care of yourself. sending more prayers your way.

    1. Queen - Thanks for your well wishes and prayers. I am feeling better, but I'm not out of the woods yet. We're working on it.

  10. Wow, Vanessa! There is simply no room for arrogance in the hospital! Mistakes are made all the time, we're human but arrogance is another matter. I'm so sorry you went through that! I am happy, however that the paramedics were FIONE! That would make my day too. :-). So, these ambulance drivers really do drive a ill' crazy, huh? I thought that was just on TV show, lol. I know it's an emergency but I'd like to arrive at the hospital and not be on the floor of this ambulance, lol.

    Please,please....keep us posted. Shout out to your moms too! I'm glad she was there...

    Plover thoughts and prayers your way...

    1. Uh...I meant LOVE, thoughts and prayers. :-/

    2. Tracy - Thanks for your prayers. I'm surprised I didn't check for wedding bands. lol. Oddly enough, the driver didn't seem to be driving crazy. My friend said it's the rough GA roads. I never noticed it while in the car. In the past 5 yrs, I've run into too many arrogant doctors and a few dentists. Some of them really do think they are the ish. I refuse to deal with it. My money, my choice. I am always surprised at people who tell me they don't like their doctor, but they feel like they have to keep them. News flash, we can choose our doctors. I would never leave my care in the hands of someone I didn't like or respect.

  11. Hi Vanessa, this is terrible to have this kind of doctor. So terrible ! I am sorry for you that you have the blood clots. You must be in horrible situation (sorry for my english). It's remind me when I was a strange sensation in my heart, so I had decided to go to see a doctor, this doctor had told me never to come back again to have a consultation for this kind of problem (heart problem) !
    I hope you will be better !

    1. Shasarignis - Wow. Sounds like your doctor went to the same school that the ER doctor went to. That is so crazy. I don't think some doctors understand the healing power of positive vibrations. Else they would never speak such negativity to their patients.

  12. Well if you had to be in pain it was good to have something nice to look at! Hope you feel better!

    1. Ms. Leo - You are so right about that. Power Team guys in the flesh. lol.

  13. All My Vibes Of Health And Recovering Vanessa!
    Sad to know you were in pain...
    Hugs From Here!!

    1. Jorge - Thanks! I could use some good vibes and lots of hugs.

  14. Oh my goodness Vanessa! I'm so sorry you're going through this. I'm keeping you in my prayers!

    1. Vita Plastica - Thanks for your prayers. I know eventually I will get beyond this, but it's taken a long time. It's been a heck of a year.

  15. Oh, Vanessa, it's sad to know you have so serious problems with your health. I hope you feel better now.
    I have ridden in an ambulance once, last summer. I had appendicitis. I had to wait for several hours before I got ultrasound and all examination they considered necessary and was taken to operating room, though I was having peritonitis and the doctor, who examined me first, was almost sure about it. It looks like there are some bad doctors and bad hospitals in all countries...

    1. Dukasha - The blood clots are a result of the medicines and my lack of movement. I'm feeling a little better, but I'm still having trouble moving. Hopefully with lots of rest this weekend, I will be able to walk on Monday. Wow, sounds like you had quite an ordeal as well. I had to look up peritonitis. It's scary that doctors are misdiagnosing things as often as they are. It happens more than they say. I'm glad you are doing better.

  16. Hola, que bien que acudiste al medico, espero te sientas mejor pronto.

    1. lindaivette - Gracias por tus buenos deseos.

  17. Good to see you made the best of a bad situation. Your post made me laugh as I have never been in hospital with any cute doctors or other staff. Keep well.

    1. Indy_Poppy - Even in my worst condition I can detect cuteness a mile away. Thanks for the well wishes.

  18. Sending good vibes your way! The doctor at the ER sounds like a complete quack! Thank goodness you followed your mind and other doctor's advice. I'm glad to see you're still kicking! I wish you a speed recovery!

    1. Verona - I'm catching those good vibes. Thanks. I can't wait to start kicking with my left leg again.

  19. I'm so sorry to learn that you are going through all of this, Vanessa! I hope that your pain stays under control, and that the clots dissolve quickly.

    I have ridden in the back of an ambulance once, a few years ago. I just remember me asking them to turn off the lights inside the rig, because I felt that everyone in the vehicles behind the ambulance could see me sitting up on the stretcher looking crazy. I wasn't cute like you, I was a bloody mess.

    I've had a pulmonary embolism before. I made it to my doctor's office and explained my symptoms, and he told me that I was having a "panic attack" and sent me home. I knew that there was something seriously wrong. A later trip to the ER revealed that I had a blood clot in my lung. Scary experience.

    On a different ER visit, I came in barely able to breathe, my pulse ox was 89, and I had an idiot intake person tell me that was "normal". If I hadn't been so out of breath, I would have told him no, that's called respiratory failure, and they hospitalize people for that. I was hospitalized, and even after I got out I was on oxygen 24/7 for months.

    Sorry that you had to deal with a doctor who was a jerk. I'm praying for your comfort and your speedy and complete recovery!

    1. Roxanne - Wow! I'm sorry to hear about your ordeal. We are lucky to still have you here with us. Where do they get some of these people from! How can you work in a profession like healthcare and not give a damn about people. I hope you are not still with the same "panic attack" doctor. Blood clots that make it to the lungs and to the heart are the ones that can kill at a moments notice. You are so lucky to be here. Your story further demonstrates how diligent we have to be about not leaving our care in the lives of others. No one cares more about us than we do.

    2. I thank God that I'm still here and that I'm doing as well as I'm doing. I've been going through an ordeal over the past 3 years that I haven't written about on my blog yet, but I will. Basically, I was told by several doctors (I needed second and third opinions from different specialists) that I would never get off oxygen, I would never work again, and that my condition would not get better - only worse. Today I'm breathing on my own, and I never did stop working (I got a portable oxygen concentrator and went to work with that on my back). Doctors are awesome, but they are human and they do not know everything. It is so important to have doctors who will work with you. I had to be the one to tell my doctors no, I need to go back to work so I need your help in making that possible. I was the one that told them that I wanted to work towards getting myself off the 24/7 supplemental oxygen dependency, and I worked with them as I formed my own plan to work towards that goal. Doctors see so many patients that get a certain diagnosis and things almost always go a certain way. It's good when we can remind them that there are sometimes cases that defy their logic.

      I still have a struggle ahead of me, but I thank God that I'm here to face the struggle.

      I'm glad to read that you're feeling a little better, and hopefully you'll see a huge improvement over the next few days. Take care!

    3. Roxanne - Your story is sooo inspiring! I'm glad you shared it hear. I think it helps when people can hear stories like this. Sometimes doctors can be so negative and some people take what doctors say as gospel. I will be keeping you in my prayers.

  20. I'm so sorry for your pain, but so happy this may have shaped a man into a better doctor. It's very disturbing how arrogant doctors can be. I pray that you will feel better really soon.

    1. Onyyx - I'm not sure I did anything to shape this man into a better doctor. I think he will continue to be the jerk he is and will risk people's lives in the process. Thanks for your prayers.

  21. Wow that doctor sounds like the worst kind of jerk... the kind that has your life in his hands and he could give a crap!

    Thank goodness you stood your ground and that you had some nice eye candy along the way.

    1. Muff - I have learned these past 5 years that not all doctors should be practicing. It's really sad that he's an ER doctor. I wonder how many patients have died in his care because he really didn't give a crap.

  22. What an a-hole. I hope the hospital does a review on him and calls you for your opinion!

    Take care!!!

    1. Heather - That he was. Unfortunately, this happens all the time in hospitals and doctors are rarely held accountable. I just hope him and his arrogance don't kill anyone in the future.

  23. Hello from Spain: the emergency department of my country works very poorly. Ambulances sometimes will not find homes for the sick. You were lucky to go in an ambulance. I pray for you. I wish that you're better soon. You're a survivor. Keep in touch. I need to read good news from you.

    1. Marta - That is so sad that the ambulances aren't even making it to the homes. Thanks for your prayers. I hope to be back on my feet real soon.

  24. I pray that every thing gets better for you Vanessa. :(

    1. KenyaDoll - Thanks! I am feeling a little better. I've been resting and staying off my feet. Today, I have to practice walking again.

  25. When I first read this post a few days back I couldn't even comment. Next time you have to deal with a doctor ask him if his malpractice is paid up because you want the best of care. I told that to a doctor one day and his attitude change in an instant. I can be so mean!! Now for for rescue crew, it never fails when you are in distress fine brothers pop up, lol. I would of been flirting with the quickness. Just take it easy and stay off your feet for how ever long. Your health is more important.

    1. Brini - That is a good one. Sometimes you have to be mean to get people to respect you. Normally, I would have been flirting, too. I was in so much pain, I forgot to check for wedding bands.


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