Sunday, May 4, 2014

Diana's Sunday Afternoon

I was able to finish one of my newly designed armchairs.  People seemed to really like the prototype fabric, so I used it for the first production chair.  I did make the piping smaller.  The chair is currently listed in my Etsy shop.  

This little home office belongs to Diana.

It's Sunday afternoon and she and Billy are back home after attending church.

After church she likes to come to her office and spend an hour or so reflecting on the service, and meditating.

After adjusting the light, she begins to read from her devotion book.   She is about 30 mins in, when there's a gentle knock on the door.
"Come in."  (Diana)

It's her husband, Billy.
"Honey, I'm going to go pick up Brandy.  Do you need anything while I'm out?"  (Billy)

"No, I don't think so.  Why are you picking up Brandy?  Is there something wrong with her car?"  (Diana)

"Sounds like she has a dead battery.  Her car won't start.  I'm going to stop by Autozone and get a battery to take with me."  (Billy)
"Okay.  Call me and let me know if you guys are going to be late for dinner."  (Diana)
"Will do."  (Billy) 

Billy turns to leave.

Diana doesn't hesitate to get a good look as he departs.

You may have noticed Billy was carrying an umbrella.  Well it's one of my latest purchases.
It is such a nice umbrella.  It is fully operational and looks just like the real thing.  I particularly love the wooden handle.

It comes in many different colors.  I purchased mine on ebay, but they are also available at other sites that sell action figure items.

I give it two thumbs up.  It is extremely well made.

Here are a couple more pictures of the armchair 


  1. That chair is amazing! I really like how the umbrella is functional. I got one kind of like it except bigger for 18 inch dolls at the American Girl store. Functional items are my favorites! :D

    1. Fefe Mae - Thanks! I love realistic functional items in miniature form.

  2. Now that looks like a comfy chair and that umbrella is amazing!

    1. Muff - Thanks. I had to break down and get one of those umbrellas.

  3. The chair is beautiful! I love the umbrella too.

    1. Georgia Girl - Thanks! I need to do a rainy day story so I can use all the trench coats and umbrellas.

  4. Hello from Spain: nice office. I like the chair. Great job. The umbrella seems real. I love it. Keep in touch

    1. Marta - Thanks. The umbrella is very well made.

  5. The chair is nice, the umbrella, too.

    Diana is one tough cookie. I'd be sending Billy to get the battery and Brandy.


    1. DBG - Thanks. Diana did send Billy to get the battery and Brandy. She stayed right in her comfy chair.

  6. I really love that chair! Nice job! :-)

  7. The armchair is amazing. It looks so real! Great job.

  8. Hi Vanessa, you did such a great job on the armchair!

    1. billa's dolls - Thanks! Feels good to have a new design completed.

  9. I like what you did there, Diana and Brandy: Double Platinum; Diana and Billie Dee: Mahogany and Lady Sings the Blues.

    1. Doll Crazy - All great movies. They make the perfect little family.

  10. Love it all you make and buy amazing things

  11. Chair looks so cozy. Lucky doll or action figure who gets it.

    That is a cool umbrella. Thanks for sharing it ;-)

    1. D7ana - Thanks! Now all I need is a little dolly rain.

  12. That chair looks so comfy, I don't blame Diana for staying there and not going with Billy. As for the umbrella - that looks useful. It's been raining a lot here lately.

    1. Carrickters - Thanks. So sorry you guys are getting so much rain. You are welcome to borrow my umbrella.

  13. I always liked the chair!! You know I am still hunting me Mrs. Ross!!

  14. I don't think I ever told you that I saw the movie you recommended. I can't remember the name of it but it was on Youtube I think - Diana Ross as the mom, Brandy as the daughter. It was very good.

  15. Wow, I love your new creations, you have woderfull hands!! The office is really cute, I like it very much!

  16. Hola Fanessa, haces cosas increibles.
    El paraguas me gusta mucho.
    Hasta pronto.


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