Saturday, December 7, 2013

Puppies in Action (Videos)

The puppies turned 4 weeks old on Friday.  They have gotten bigger and a lot more active.  They still spend about 90% of their day sleeping, 7% eating, and the other 3% is spent wrestling with each other and trying to climb out of the whelping box I made.  Talk about hilarious!  Of course all the wrestling seems to take place in the wee hours of the morning.  Since most of the time that I am home, their whelping box is in my bedroom, I get to experience all the fun with them. 

I included a link to three videos where they are wrestling.  Luckily, they only have baby teeth, so no one has gotten hurt in these little matches.  They play fight for about 5 minutes, then they crawl back in the bed and snuggle with each other.  Last night I discovered a little trick to get them back to sleep quicker.  I gave each of them a little body massage, then placed them back in the bed.  Worked like a charm!  They didn't budge after I put them down.  

At least four more weeks of this.  I can't wait to see what the next few weeks bring.  I know they will be able to escape their little area before too long.  I will have to come up with another secure location soon.  Enjoy!

Introducing the members of the WWP!  (World Wrestling Puppies)

First up is "Spot".  Typically the less aggressive of the four, but she gets her licks in too.

Look at all that innocence.  Surely she can't hurt a fly.  Remember this when you watch the videos.

Next up is "Blackie".  In the videos Blackie appears to be the instigator in a lot of the fights.  His signature move is the tail bite.

"Who me?  What did I do?" 

Then there was "Brownie".  She's the girl, who fights like a boy.  She is the most independent of the four, and the one who has been trying hard to escape from the box.  She has clearly inherited her mother's acrobatic ways.  You will usually find her laid out on her back relaxing.  

Last but not least is "Whitey", the most innocent looking one in the bunch.  Don't let that fool you.  She is definitely not innocent.  Just watch the video.

In the past few days, the hair on her head, and the area under her eyes, have both turned a little beige, just like her mother.

This is the puppies in their sleep mode.  They are like this the majority of the time.  The three videos below show how they are about 5 - 10 mins or so each night.


  1. I watched all three you know how I love pups. I forgot the Mom's... what are the pop and mom breed? Are they spoken for. Are you planning to offer them? They are the cutest! XX

    1. Loretta - The mom is a miniature Jack Russell Terrier. I don't know what the dad is, but my cousin said he was a little bigger than the mom, but a cutie. I have no plans of keeping any of them. Of course I have fallen in love and I have a couple of favorites, but two dogs is enough for me.

  2. The previous post was great, loved the story! And the videos and pictures of this post were so cute! The most adorable Wrestling Team on video :-D.

    1. Nymphaea - Thanks, glad you enjoyed the garden story and my mini wrestlers.

  3. Replies
    1. Cindi - I can't even imagine what they will be like in a couple of weeks. I have to build a tighter fort. Blackie has already escaped a couple times and Brownie has been close.

  4. The cutest wrestlers I have seen! I'm looking forward to see how all their respective personalities are in a few weeks more!

    1. Verona - Brownie seems to be the most independent of the bunch. It will be interesting to see more of their personalities emerge.

  5. Hello from Spain: beautiful pictures and videos. Your dogs are very cute .. Keep in touch

    1. Marta - Thanks. They are keeping things very active around here.

  6. Blackie is a champion instigator! It's amazing how they are all different colors.

    1. Muff - Blackie and Brownie are both crazy! And I say that with love. We believe in diversity over here, We have the black one, the white one, the brown one, and the mixed one. Everyone is accounted for. LOL!

  7. Too cute! It would be sad to see them go. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Georgia Girl - It will be interesting to see how the mom handles the babies leaving. She's been such a great little mommy. Whenever I pick one up, she runs over and checks to see whose gone, then she comes looking for the missing pup. I always imagine that she is counting them when she peeks in. lol.

  8. Awww, thanks for sharing. Whitey surprised me the most. Yep looks are deceiving. They are so freakin cute though!

    1. Kenya - They act so differently when I take each one away from the pact. All the innocence comes out. Even with the brown and black one. They have become escape artists since I did this post. Every one has been able to climb out of the box. I have had to do some major box manipulation to keep them contained.

  9. Replies
    1. AG Lanc - Adorable and becoming a lot of work.

  10. Brownie & Blackie are a trip! I can tell they are going to be the dominant ones with spot following close in line. They are adorable!

    1. Sonya - Brownie and Blackie were the first two plotting to get out of the box. Blackie was successful at getting out, but Brownie's butt is a little big and she couldn't get it over the box edge. I had to make the box higher and now they will run and try to jump to grab on to the edge. Talk about funny! I think Spot is my favorite. He likes to cuddle with me.

  11. Ohh, they are beautiful!! I want to one like them :)

    1. Ana - They are getting to be quite the handful. But they are putting a smile on my face.

  12. They are all so sweet! I could have sworn I heard someone purring! rofl.

  13. C'est trop mignon, J'aime tellement ! Merci de partager ces moments précieux ! Merci Vanessa !

    1. Shasarignis - I'm glad to have people to share these cute little moments with. Today they started running. Up until now, they were very unsteady on their feet.

  14. Cute little puppy wuppies!!! ^o^ LOL

  15. Grandmommy - Quite often, they sound just like little cooing babies. It's sooo cute.

  16. KennyDoll - Cute little busy body puppies. I will probably be pulling my hair out in 3 weeks, just trying to keep up with them.

  17. O my, they look sooo tiny and cute and sweet! You'll definitely miss them...

    1. Rossetti - They just started running yesterday. Talk about adorable! But now I have a hard time keeping up with them. They are under the bed, behind the doors, etc. I keep them in my spare bathroom and let them come out to play a few times a day. Luckily they are still sleeping a lot.


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