Saturday, November 2, 2013

$5.00 Doll Houses!

Today was the November Doll Show in Marietta GA.  I wasn't going to go because I DID NOT want to buy any more doll stuff.  I still have stuff from last year's show that I haven't used yet.  Took me 15 minutes to change my mind.  This post will focus on two houses I found.  Tomorrow's post will show the rest of the items I purchased.

I don't know which house this is, but it was only $5!!!  

It folds out into the cute house with three separate rooms.

I think this is the bedroom.  It would make a cute little kid's room.

Here is the living room with a broken fireplace.

Here is the kitchen, dining room combination.  The kitchen overlooks the living room.  Isn't that cute?

This is the front door.

It even has a dog house.

It folds up really nicely.

This is the second house I bought from the same dealer.  It, too, was only $5!

I love this little coat closet near the front door.

The back of the coat closet is a wardrobe for the bedroom.

This bike was the first thing that caught my eye from this dealer.  It was $10, but the seller ended up throwing in some other things for free.  We will see more of those items tomorrow.

While I was shooting these pictures, my babies were visiting with the neighbor. 
Bruce perched himself on the tree stump.  Buttercup is giving the neighbors dog, Lolly a piece of her mind.

Buttercup is still having a conversation with Lolly.

Bruce was just happy to be the king of the tree stump.

Right after I finished taking the doll pictures, I found Bruce sitting in the car.  I had left the back door open, and he hung out here while I finished putting everything away.  He is just too much!

Stay tuned for more doll stuff.


  1. Those are some very cute doll houses, Vanessa! And what a bargain!

    1. Roxanne - Somehow I thought I would get out of there without spending any money. Not!

  2. I think the first one is the Barbie Folding Pretty House. I found mine a week ago at the thrift for about $4. It's really well made! Buttercup seems like such a lively gal, while Bruce seems so sophisticated. What a perfect match.

    1. Verona - That is the name of it. How ironic that you found one a week ago. Isn't it a great house? I wonder who will live there? You have pegged my dogs perfectly. Buttercup is 1/2 Bruce's size, but her bark is much bigger.

  3. Congratulations on your new dwellings. Great prices and I can't wait to see you refurbish them.

    Okay, waiting, lol. No, kidding. Fist bump. Go on with your diorama building self!

    Love the different personalities of your doggies. One so laid back; the other Mouthy Missy ;-)

    1. D7ana - I need to get started on these houses right away. There are plenty of families needing places to live.

  4. I love the first doll home! It looks like a country cottage home. So rare to find Mattel homes that arent splashed with one colour. Coincidence that the dog home has 3 little dogs similar to the dog photos you've posted :)

    1. Christine - You are right! It does look like a country cottage home. Maybe I will use it as a little get away, too. I thought the dog house was a nice added touch.

  5. I remember the first house. It was from my childhood. I don't know if i still have it but I still have the mini toy version of it. and your puppy babies are so adorable! Bruce reminds me of my first puppy Beethoven(1994-2009) and Buttercup reminds me of my second and third puppies Rocky(2001-13) and Angel(2009-). Kinda miss having two dogs they were so funny together. ^^

    1. Leandra - I wasn't expecting to have any more dogs, so having two was definitely not on the list. This is my first time having two small ones. It's like having two kids under the age of two. Buttercup doesn't want me picking up or petting Bruce without doing the same for her. Luckily Bruce doesn't really care. He's so independent.

    2. Aww! that sounds adorable. Angel used to do something funny when she got jealous of her big brother Rocky. When she got bigger and more use to me and my sister she always loved to be rubbed on the back but when we gave attention to Rocky she would sit on him so she would get more loving on. ^^

    3. Leandra - That sounds like Buttercup. Whenever I try to pet Bruce, she climbs on his back and tries to jump in my arms.

  6. The puppy pictures are just precious.

  7. Like the Borg say.."resistance is futile"" lol I would definately be broke if I went to doll shows. The houses were a good deal though and I know you will sruce them up nicely.

    1. william - I know. I even had to get back to the money machine after taking out more money than I expected to the first go round. You just can't pass on $5.00 houses. Especially when I can sell them for so much more. But I have no intention on selling them.

  8. Hello Vanessa!

    Congratulations! You've made great deals, my favorite is the tandem bike!
    I loved Your last few posts with the Morrisons very much, I really enjoyed the parents conversation before the party :) I hope Tyler got many sweets :)

    (P.S. I am back to my blog today!! :) )

    1. Rosemary - Thanks. I always find deals I just can't pass up at these shows. Welcome back to blogging. I'll be over to check out your new post soon.

  9. you had better luck than I at the doll show Vanessa! I went to one yesterday but not any ofthese deals. Those two little houses are finds! They go for a hefty price on ebay, Land of Dolls on flicker has them and she is redoing them. They hold their value, even with a little damage or missing parts. Can hardly wait to see what you do with them. Bruce and Buttercup are just adorable.

    1. Lisa - Which doll show did you go to? I only bought from 3 dealers, and I dropped about $100. Aaargh. I only wanted to spend the $5 it cost to get in. lol.

  10. Rats! I'm sorry I missed the show! Oh well, maybe next time. Nice houses you found. Can't wait to see how you redecorate them. Your dogs are absolutely adorable! :-)

    1. Cindi - Awww, it would have been nice to meet up. I normally get there first thing and leave at the end. This time I didn't get there until 12:30, and I only stayed a couple hours. I still did the same amount of damage money-wise. Go figure.

  11. Vanessa, this is the house:
    respects: fricskamacska

    1. Fricskamacska - THANKS! It's always nice to see how these things are supposed to function. I didn't know the tv swivels.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Hi Vanessa. I have those two houses! I'm glad you've gotten the. The first gift to me and my cousin that i found sengunda secondhand. I'm looking forward to seeing how you use. A kiss

    1. karmen - I'm glad I found them. They will come in handy. That's so cool that you have both of them, too.

  14. Hello from Spain: your dog is very cute. I need to go to your town because you always buy a fabulous and very cheap furniture. I love your two new houses. I had not seen before. I love the fireplace and the doghouse. We keep in touch.

    1. Marta - I'm surprised you hadn't seen these houses. You have some great houses.

  15. You scored really big time! I love the second house. I have seen in on Ebay and was debating about getting it--so out of room! How can you not love Bruce, he is too cute.

    1. Brini - I had never seen either house before. I need to go to flickr to see if I can see some other images. I'm out of room, too. Don't feel bad.

  16. I really like that first house a lot. It has so many interesting angles to photograph from. Doesn't look like it needs much rehab at all. Great finds!

    1. Muff - I've been wanting to make a little square house, but didn't really have the space. This one is perfect, especially since it folds up so nicely.

  17. You are very fortunate, in Spain it´s very difficult to find these cheap things. Congratulations for your new buy!!

    1. Ana - I do realize how fortunate we are to find cheap doll items here. I need to make space for the new houses by getting rid of some stuff.

  18. Loved your finds at the doll show. It's always a great feeling to come home with some great dollie goodies. Your fur babies are so darn cute! My fur babies are a part of my family, and my dolls have lots of fur babies too.

    1. Chrissy - Thanks. Great doll stuff at awesome prices. You just can't beat that feeling. Always great to meet another animal lover. I'm surprised more of my families don't have pets. I've been trying to change that, but that story line keeps getting put on the back burner.


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