Sunday, October 20, 2013

New Dolls

 I've been really good lately, not spending much money on dolls, but I do have three new ones to share.

First up is this 1994 Totsy Vanna infant baby.  I didn't know anything about Totsy dolls, until one of my readers, Dukasha, mentioned them in a previous comment. Within minutes of seeing her comment, I had pushed the Buy It Now button on ebay.  Thanks, Dukasha!

I was drawn to his cute little face, and the fact that he's very different than the Mattel kids. This baby could be a boy or a girl.  He will be a boy in my town.  I'm considering making him Kendra's baby in the future.  She would have the only baby in town that actually grew.  This decision is still up in the air.

He is fully articulated in the arms, legs, and neck.

He can wear the same clothes that little Joseph wears, even though he's a little smaller.

Here he is compared to baby Shay.  

The next two dolls, I've had for about a month now.  I finally found the first fully articulated Kenya dolls that were sold at the Family Dollars.  One of the Family Dollars had a shelf full of them.  They were selling for $15.  This particular one is the one that really looks like my friend's daughter, Tyeshaa.  So that's her name. 

I also bought the Movin' On Kenya because I love her outfit.  I'm not sure who she will be.  The Kenya doll that I recently purchased from Walmart, will be going up for sale soon.


  1. Its so hard trying not to spend money on dolls you find isn't it! and that baby is super cute!
    What doll is Kendra?

    1. Laura - That's why I try not to look at all. My willpower is very weak when it comes to dolls. Kendra is one of the birthstone Barbies. She is the amethyst doll. I do have one of the other month dolls on my dollpage for sale.

  2. I have been trying to slow down on my buying too. Now I mostly want to buy what I need for my mini town. Looking for just the right grass right now. All of your babies are adorable. They can have a crib set now! :-)

    1. Grandmommy - All of my extra cash is being redirected to the kids and the dogs these days. And that's a good thing. I have way too much doll stuff as it is. There are plenty of cribs here for all the babies. I also have about six or so new crib sets that I made that do not have homes yet.

  3. Congratulations. The Totsy baby is too cute. Now you're going to have to buy his real mother: Vanna White.


    1. DBG - Thanks. I didn't like the mother as much as I liked the baby, and goodness knows I don't need any more lady fashion dolls.

  4. Like you Vanessa, I have no willpower when it comes to buying new dolls. That's why I try to stay out of Target and off my computer except to do another post! LOL. Your babies are adorable. :-)

    1. Cindi - I was doing so well. But this new baby was really worth it. I haven't been to Target in a long time. Come to think of it, the last two times I went to Walmart, I didn't even go near the toy aisle. I'm making great progress.

  5. Cute doll additions, Vanessa! The Totsy baby is very cute. I could use some boy babies here...

    1. Roxanne - Thanks. It's nice to have a different looking baby.

  6. The new baby has quite the expressive face. Kind of like he's not amused with the world in general.

    I thought I was being super good about not going to the thrift store in months, but I'm still buying new stuff, lol. It's all at great prices, of course, so I figure that counts for something, lol.

    1. Muff - That's what I loved about him. That little cute face. Wow, no thrift store for months. That's incredible.

  7. Hola, es muy interesante que de otras marcas se encuentren fabulosas propuestas, me encanto el baby.

    1. Lindaivette - Lo sé. Me sorprendió gratamente. Él es tal cutie pie.

  8. Hi Vanessa! What a great buy, the truth esque I also know that brand. Your baby looks beautiful. Enjoy it very much. A kiss

    1. Karmen - Thanks. It was pretty amazing that he was available at such a great price. It was meant to be.

  9. I can see why you had to snap up one of those babies! The face is SO cute!!!

    1. Heather - Isn't that facial expression, priceless? He's so unique.

  10. I've been a very good girl lately too! Nothing like a baby on the way to check priorities (sigh)! I'm always running from Disney Store and TRU. The baby you bought is very cute and versatile, congrats!

    1. V - Uh oh. You are going to be without a dolly budget for quite some time. At least it's for a great cause, like a real baby! Buying real baby stuff would be lots of fun. Except for those exorbitant prices. LOL!

    2. You're quite right! Nevertheless I live in a family of crafty women (including myself) so we're able to spare some money in baby clothing.

  11. Nice baby ! Ils sont vraiment mignons les deux petits bébés ! J'aime aussi beaucoup le peignoir. J'aurai bien voulu l'avoir !
    Have a good day !

    1. Shasarignis - Isn't he just a cutie? That's a Fashion Avenue robe, I think.

  12. Oh, I'm glad, that my information was useful for you, Vanessa. :) As far as I inderstand, it's the Native American baby, his mother in Pocahontas, Indian Princess. The Vanna White's baby is caucasian, he has blue eyes.

    1. Dukasha - Yes, thanks for introducing me to the Totsy line. Yes, I did see his Indian mom when I bought him. I also saw Vanna and her baby. I like that baby too. If I run across him without his mom, I may buy him, too.

  13. Hello from Spain: I really like the peacoat worn lepoardo Kenya. The baby is very cute. I had not seen before. I also try not to spend much money on dolls. Now in my country begins advertising for toys for Christmas ... I do buy more dolls and furniture. Keep in touch

    1. Marta - That Kenya was my favorite from the very beginning. There's a doll show in 2 weeks. I'm not sure if I'm going. Chances are I will run by with the hopes of not spending too much money.

  14. Wow! How many shopping! And all fantastic! The baby is very cute! Here in Spain not found those dolls. what a pity ... :(

    1. Fairbield - Glad you like the new additions. Hopefully they will make an appearance soon.

  15. Hello Vanessa, I love the baby you´ve bought, he´s very realistic! The Kenya´s outfits are wonderfull, I love it too =)

    1. Ana - I just love these Totsy babies. They are pretty realistic.

  16. I'm so proud of you not doing much shopping as for me, well it been a wrap!! Especially with my son back to work. I have two new bikes. the mini cooper, Raquelle sister, MIchiko and her daughther Emi, their mother Akira, Rita kitchen, Oh yeah Ginger arrived too, she will be Rita's and Rhett dog. So I will have my first Asian family and I can say thanks to you. I love how you have so many different families in Morristown so it only makes sense with "The D" that I showcase my diverse residents. Now only if there was space. I love the Totsy baby too! Very cute I might just have to add one over her myself and speaking of babies. I did score two babies for Cara BFF Bria. I grew her twins up.

    1. Brini - Wow, you have been making up for lost time with your doll purchases. We have a doll show next Saturday. I really shouldn't go, but I don't know that I can stop myself. I'm looking forward to seeing your Asian family.


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