Thursday, October 10, 2013

Looking For A Home (Photostory)

Vernon and Naisha have decided to move in together.  They've enlisted Sunni to help them find a place.  Sunni decided to show them a place at one of the subdivisions she is currently working at.  She is driving them through the subdivision on the community golf cart.

"We are getting closer."  (Sunni)

"These are really nice, townhouses, but they are all currently occupied."  (Sunni)

"The house I'm going to show you is all the way on the end."  (Sunni)

Vernon and daughter, Kimaya, are riding on the back of the cart.

"Okay.  Here we are."  (Sunni)
"Doesn't look too bad from the outside."  (Naisha)
"Well, let's go take a look inside."  (Sunni)

Sunni gets out and heads to the door.

Vernon hops off the back and puts Kimaya on the grass.

Naisha turns to get out of the cart.
"Kimaya, we aren't going to that house."  (Naisha)

"Kimaya, stop.  Someone is going to come out and get you."  (Naisha)

Vernon snatches Kimaya up, and the family catches up with Sunni.

"Knock, knock.... it's the Realtor!"  (Sunni)

"I thought you said it was vacant?"  (Naisha)
"It is, but you never know who might be lurking about."  (Sunni)

Sunni takes the family in and gives them the grand tour.

After the tour, she gets their feedback.

"So what do you guys think about the place?"  (Sunni)

"Well there are good things and bad things.  This house feels a little small to me.  We are both tall people and some of these ceilings are really low."  (Naisha)

Naisha catches a glimpse of Kimaya going up the stairs.

"Get down, Kimaya."  (Naisha)

Kimaya continues to climb the stairs.

"Come with me, little girl."  (Niasha)

"She is just like my little one....into everything."  (Sunni)

"Into everything is an understatement.  I'm really starting to miss those times before she started walking."  (Naisha)

"So you were saying that the house feels a little small?  (Sunni)
"Yes.  I just think we need a little more space."  (Naisha)

"Come here, troublemaker."  (Vernon)

"Vernon, what about you?  What are your thoughts?"  (Sunni)

"I agree with Naisha.  I know it's just the three of us, but we are both used to having our own space."  (Vernon)

"Okay, well it's back to the drawing board for me.  I will pull up a few more places and we can take a look in a few days."  (Sunni)
"That sounds great."  (Naisha)

The quality of some of these pictures is pretty bad.  I shot them outside at dusk and it was a little too dark.  We will return to Adele and her classroom in a couple of days.  I just added four new ice cream cones and cornbread to my Etsy store.


  1. Nice shots, even if the lighting was not quite right for you.

    Kimaya wanted to do some exploring.

    Naisha sounds like my husband when we were house hunting many moons ago. "We are big people (meaning tall)" he said to the realtor. "We need large rooms and one of the bathrooms has to have lots of space."

    I could not see the potential of the house we purchased and immediately wanted to walk out after we saw the damage the former foreclosed owners had done to it. It was a not for me, until my husband said, "But Debbie, this place has got potential." It took him three months to get it "liveable" while we continued to rent another house. I'm glad I listened.

    Those ice cream cones look yummy. How do you do it?


    1. DBG - They had to stand in the kitchen because neither parent could even stand in the area that had a ceiling. This is clearly a Barbie house. No action figures or Integrity ladies allowed.

      A lot of people have a hard time seeing house potential. As a Realtor and aspiring designer, I can see it better than most. I'm glad you listened to your tall husband.

      Those cones even made me want one.

  2. Hi Vanessa! I hope Vernon and Naisha are very happy in their new home. Become very real to you all, The house with the red door and I have also the beautiful seems to me. a big kiss from Spain.

    1. karmen - They are still looking for a home. This one wasn't quite right. They may end up in a loft. Hugs!

  3. Hello from Spain: I love the golf car. The housing development is fabulous. The grass is very real. In my real life I love watching new houses. I like the interior of the house. I had not seen before that set. The ice cream is very wealthy. Keep in touch

    1. Marta - Thanks. I wanted to get some more use out of this golf cart, other than just golf. I bought it on sale a few weeks ago. I love watching home shows, so I know how you feel.

  4. Dang dont tell me that. I just went to a yard sale that had lots of cars including a golf cart. I like the way Vernon is riding on the real. lol

    1. Grandmommy - I take it you left everything there. They had a golf cart? Those are hard to come by.

  5. That's a nice house I use to have one just like that my grandmother brought it for me when I was younger, that was a wonderful story I hope the family works out. There just the cutest family but it seems like there going to have a little problem with the space situation

    1. Courtnee - Thanks. Hopefully they will find the perfect place soon.

  6. Nice family story as always. i love that you use children in your stories. They are always too cute.

    The ice cream looks yummy!!! I am trying to stayed focused and not purchase anything until after IT convention. It is soooo hard. Lol!

    1. Georgia Girl - This story was mainly about me showing off my new golf cart without needing to pull out golf clubs. This is also the first time we are seeing this couple with their daughter.

      That's so funny. I remember last year you were having the same buying restrictions right before convention.

  7. I'm pleased to see they are moving forward nicely in their relationship. Always glad to see Sunni, she looks as pretty as a posie in that flowered frock!

    1. Verona - Yes, they are trying to get it together. I think more of my dolls would consider marriage, if I wasn't still so wiped out from Rod and Danielle's wedding. I should probably create a justice of the peace.

  8. Bonito carro de golf,su casa es muy completa. El cono de helado se ve muy rico.

    1. lindaivette - Gracias. Compré este carrito de golf a la venta. No podía dejarla pasar.

  9. This was like an episode of My First Place or House Hunters! I like watching HGTV shows, lol.

    Yeah, they need something with more headroom, but more space would mean more places and more trouble for Kimaya to get into. What to do.

    Ice Cream!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Muff - I used to be addicted to HGTV and that was the thing
      I missed most when I didn't have cable.

      I think Vernon was looking for something with a man cave so he could escape occasionally.

      I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream!

  10. I'm sure they (or Sunni) will find the perfect place, it may just take a while. I wonder who would have come out of the other door if Kimaya had kept on knocking?

    And icecream - yummy!!

    1. Carrickters - I wonder if a loft would work for them. There would be plenty of head space and Vernon could have a punching bag area.

  11. Love the way you have set up the houses. I'm working on that myself, so it makes it easier to shoot the dolls strolling through town. Love the food too as usual!

    1. Vita Plastica - Thanks. This was a temporary set up outside. Wouldn't life be grand if we all had wonderfully huge loft spaces right next to our real homes, so we could properly set up town? A girl can dream, can't she?

  12. I hope they can find a good place to live. I´m sure Sunni can do it. I love this house and its neigborhood, great job!!

    1. Ana - Thanks! If anyone can do it, Sunni can.

  13. The ice cream looks very mouth-watering !!!

  14. Bonjour Vanessa !
    C'est magnifique tout est bien passé !

  15. The quality of the pics looks fine to me. I agree they need to keep looking. I would have been done with this house after seeing the stairs (with a little one in tow)

    1. Kenya - Weren't those the steps from hell? Narrow and winding. Those are the worst.


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