Saturday, October 12, 2013

Adele Discusses Tyler

Adele is looking over her lesson book.  She has asked one of the parents to come a little early to discuss some issues with her child.

She looks up when she hears the door open.

"Hello Adele."  (Vanessa)
"Hello, Vanessa.  Come on in.  I've been waiting for you."  (Adele)

"Thanks so much for coming in a little early."  (Adele)

"Help yourself to some refreshments."  (Adele)
"No thanks.  I'm not hungry."  (Vanessa)

Vanessa takes a seat.

"The reason I called you in, is because I'm concerned about our Tyler.  He started the school year off really well, but the past couple of weeks he seems to be slacking off quite a bit.  Is there something going on that I should be aware of?  (Adele)

"Not that I know of.  He hasn't told me of any problems.  When you say he's slacking off, what does that mean exactly?"  (Vanessa)

"Well, let's take a look.  In the past two weeks, he has missed turning in two homework assignments, and he got a D on the last quiz.  Normally, he gets As or Bs on his quizzes."  (Adele)
"Hmmmm.  I don't know what's going on.  Every time I ask him if his homework is done, he says yes."  (Vanessa)

"Well I just want to nip it in the bud now.  It's so easy to lose our young boys, and I don't want that to happen to Tyler.  If I know there's nothing external, then I can deal with any issues regarding his school work."  (Adele)
"Well I thank you for bringing it to my attention.  I will have a serious talk with him when I get home."  (Vanessa)

Adele finishes up just in time as the door opens and a few of the other parents start filing in.

Lemon bars are the latest treat added to my Etsy store.


  1. I wonder why Tyler has been slacking :( I hope he does better.

    1. Madison - I'm sure Vanessa will try to get to the bottom of it.

  2. I see time in the woodshed in Tyler's future! I think both mom and teacher handled it well!

    1. Ms. Leo - That's awfully old school. I guess I better get a social worker in town to address any abuse issues. LOL! It will be interesting to see how Vanessa and Keith handle it. I wonder which of them is the disciplinarian?

  3. Ut Tyler feeling ok? If so...I agree with Ms. Leo. LOL!

    1. Grandmommy - I'm sure mom and/or dad will get to the bottom of it. This story was inspired by real life Tyler events. There wasn't a woodshed in the real story, although I think there should have been.

  4. I guess he wont be playing his video games much any more. I think it's a girl that has got him twitterpated and off his game.

    1. Muff - Yep, I think the games will go bye bye for a little while. It could be any number of things that has him off his game. I hope they are able to get to the bottom of it.

  5. Hello from Spain: in my country when the teacher meets with parents is called mentoring. Adele is a great teacher. I love the table and the board. Vanessa is very elegant. I love the dress she is wearing. The lemon cupcakes are very tempting. Keep in touch

    1. Marta - Thanks. In our country mentoring can be done by any individual to another individual. It's usually an adult to a child or young adult.

  6. Hi Vanessa! That cake! haha. Adele is beautiful in that dress, I love it! . A beautiful entrance my congratulations! A beautiful kiss.

    1. Karmen - Thanks. Don't you just love the Shasha dress? I love striped dresses. Hugs!

  7. What in the world is going on with Tyler, hmm. I love those lemon bars.

    1. Brini - I don't know what's going on with this Tyler. Hopefully Vanessa will be able to get to the bottom of it. I'm going to make some real lemon bars soon. They are my favorite. That reminds me, I need to hit the gym.

  8. As a mom to a young student, I would have appreciated the conversation with the teacher as Vanessa has. To deal will my daughter (and I have done this) I talked with her first to see her point of view on why her grades had dropped. Then I looked online to see what assignments were missing and now I do this regularly. I check with her every day on homework and look it over when she says it is done. If her grade doesn't come, I look at a sport she wants to participate in and allow participation only if she maintains at least a C average. This has worked wonders with her and in the matter of a few weeks, she was able to bring her grade up an a little above a C in a class she was failing!

    Good luck with Tyler.

    1. Phyllis - I'm glad to hear your daughter has responded well. In the case of the Tyler in this story, dropping from As and Bs indicates a different issue to me. Most A, B students grades drop when there is something serious going on. Drugs, bullying, sex, abuse, etc. As for the real Tyler, he's a 14 yr old, popular kid in school, who just wants to skate by. By the time you get to high school, your parents shouldn't be hand holding. It's time the child learns to step up to the plate and perform, or suffer the consequences. He has been afforded consistent tutoring the past few years, so he doesn't have any excuses, other than he just doesn't want to do the work.

  9. Hola, que salon tan hermoso, ya quisiera que el mio se viera asi. Un beso.

    1. lindaivette - Gracias. Mis muñecas Cómo viven la buena vida. Me gustaría ser más como ellos. Abrazos!

  10. Hi Vanessa! I love the classroom you have done. is very realistic! And Adele dress I love it! Have you done it? I hope Tyler is proposed study more from now on!

    1. Farbield - Thanks! No, I didn't make this dress. I bought it from a fellow blogger, atelierShasha. Here is the first post where I talked about the dress. Here is a link to her Etsy site.

  11. Oooweee that was tense. I felt like I was in the conference.

    1. Kenya - Here's hoping you never have to attend one of those conferences. They are not fun.

  12. I hope Tayler doesn´t have problems, it seems good boy. I love your dolls´s clothes :)

    1. Ana - I'm sure Vanessa will attempt to get to the bottom of it. Let's hope it's nothing serious.

  13. I hope it's just a short period of "teenache" and he'll soon realize that working hard is worth while!

    1. Rossetti - LOL. Teenache.... I like that. I just hope it's nothing more serious, too.


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