Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Adele Schools The Parents (Photostory)

Please forgive the large watermark.  That was a mistake and the only way to fix it, is to re-edit the pictures.  I didn't want to take the time to do that, so here we are.

All the parents have arrived and Adele begins the meeting.

"Thank you all for coming out this evening.  I'm excited for you to see what's happening with your third graders."  (Adele)

The parents listen intently as Adele continues her speech.  Let's quickly take a look to see which parents are here.

Antoinette's sister, Sandra, mom to Ricky.

Mrs. Anderson, the wife of the local dentist, and Dillon's mom.

Antoinette, mom of Zahara, Kenaz, and Nikaya.

Pastor Johnson, Carla and Corey's mom.

Bridget, Charlotte and Garrett's mom.

Linda, Adele's sister and mom to Ayonna and Lacy.

Sheila, mom to Shannon, Tommy, and Sara.

Paige, mom to Jo.

Adele moves to the side of the classroom to point out a few things to the parents.

"This is our in-class computer.  We use this one just for minor computing.  The kids go to our computer lab twice a week, which is right near the cafeteria.  I encourage you guys to stop by, on your way out, to take a look."  (Adele) 

"And this is Princess, our gerbil.  We love having her as part of our third grade family."  (Adele)

"The kids learn a lot about responsibility by helping to take care of her, throughout the week."  (Adele)

"How many of you have pets at home?"  (Adele)

Two hands go up, Sandra and Paige.

"Well that's good to know."  (Adele)

Adele moves back to the front of the classroom.

"Do you guys have any questions?  (pause)"  (Adele)

"Great.  That either means I"m covering everything well, or you are daydreaming."  (Adele)
*laughter from the group*

"I do have an assignment for each of you.  Since we are a team, we need to work together for the good of our children."  (Adele)

Adele heads to the board and writes down a list of four things.

She turns to the parents when she is finished.

"Okay parents, here is what I need from you.  First, I need you to limit the kid's TV time during the week. Second, check their homework.  I don't give a lot of homework, but there is daily homework.  Third, encourage creativity at home.  Creative kids tend to learn better in school.  And lastly, encourage daily reading."  (Adele)  

"It's important for us to be on the same page.  Our kids will perform better.  Speaking of performing better, please make sure your kids are eating breakfast in the morning.  Hungry kids have a hard time concentrating.  Any questions?"  (Adele)

Bridget puts her hand up.

"Yes, Bridget?"  (Adele)

"Is there some way we can check to see what the daily homework assignment is?  My daughter is a little forgetful."  (Bridget)
"I can post it on-line and let you guys know how to get to it."  (Adele)
"Thanks."  (Bridget)

"Any more questions?  (pause)  

"Well help yourselves to some refreshments and if you think of any questions, feel free to ask."  (Adele)

I think Adele is happy with how the conference has gone so far.  We will get to see her students in the near future.


  1. Adele is a very good teacher. I love the way she explained to the parents the importance of their involvement in their childrens education. Princess is adorable.

    1. william - That's probably the first time little Princess has ever been called adorable. lol. Adele loves her job and tries to do the best for the kids.

  2. Adele is very tres chic teacher! I could die for a dress like that!

    1. Christie Doll - Adele said thanks! She loves her new atelierShasha dress. She told me to tell you they are available on Etsy if your dolls were interested in having one of their own.

  3. Hello from Spain: a parent meeting attended by mothers only. It is very real!. I really like the board. I really like Mrs. Anderson. I like the four recommendations of the teacher. Parents need to be involved in the education of their children. Keep in touch

    1. Marta - I'm a little surprised there wasn't at least one dad there. I imagine a few were at home babysitting. Hopefully all the parents are on board with helping their kids get a great education.

  4. I see there are some changes in Adele's class. There were kids named Cindy and Janet there, but no Ricky and no Carla. I remember Carla, pastor's daughter, and who is Ricky?

    1. Dukasha - Yes, there were some changes. Neither Cindy, nor Janet had parents. Carla was added to the stories after the initial picture of Adele's class. Janet will more than likely be back and so will Cindy if I find a few more desks. Ricky is the Only Heart doll I turned into a boy. He was supposed to be in a grade higher, but there was a mixup with his transferred school records and he is stuck in Adele's 3rd grade class for now. His mom is hoping to clear it up soon.

    2. Oh, I thought about the OHC boy, but he is really older than other kids in the class, who are all Stacie sized dolls, so I decided he couldn't be their classmate. Thanks for the explanation.

      I ask myself if my Stacies will have a school one day. lol. I really like the idea, but I need to buy or make too much stuff to make something like that. And I have so many of them and so little free space. Btw I have a new favorite Stacie sized doll now - the native american doll from Totsy. She can also be AA. Light AA dolls are rare in this size...

    3. Dukasha - I hope you will find space, one day soon, to make your Stacies a school. I'm sure they would enjoy it. I hadn't heard of the Totsy dolls. I just went to Ebay looking for the doll you mentioned, but I couldn't find one. I would love to see a picture. I did find one of the infant dolls that I can use as an AA. And I was doing so well, not buying doll stuff this month. Thanks a lot!

    4. She is rather rare. She comes in a big set and also as a single doll. Here is the set, but the photo is not very good: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Indian-Princess-Legends-Of-Yesteryear-Series-Pocahontas-/321178425578?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item4ac7b9d8ea
      I've bought a single doll last winter (and recieved her in September only), but it was the only time I saw this version on eBay. The same about the set. I also have found and bought a used nude doll for my friend. And that's all.
      They also have a blond girl, her name is Candee: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Skipper-size-Candee-Outdoor-Adventure-Totsy-NRFB-doll-/331041450805?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item4d139bab35
      You can see both my dolls here: http://www.forum.dollplanet.ru/viewtopic.php?p=2655264#p2655264
      And this is my friend's doll: http://www.forum.dollplanet.ru/viewtopic.php?p=2603516#p2603516
      A also have the Totsy native american baby. And two Mattel ones. I like native american dolls, but there are so many beautiful ladies and very few men... And all the kids are usually girls.

  5. What luck those kids have. They have such classy ladies for mums! Adele seems like a wonderful teacher, and she also seems like she is really glad to be back.

    1. Verona - Great teachers, who love their job, are one of the greatest assets. We need lots more teachers like Adele.

  6. Excellent! Those are some sharp looking moms!

    1. Kenya - Thanks. I guess most of those moms were coming from work.

  7. Que guapas mamis han ido a la junta escolar, muy bonitas.

    1. lindaivette - Gracias. Creo que les gusta disfrazarse.

  8. Was this a mommy conference? No pappas allowed? In all my elementary classes we never had a pet. I do recall though when I was in college and doing my teacher internship that one of the classes had a rabbit. I was always worried about that poor rabbit.

    1. Muff - Hey, we had limited seating, so the pappas were either at home, or hanging out in the cafeteria. We never had any pets either. Don't worry. Adele makes sure that Princess is well taken care of. She's not left there over the weekends.

  9. Great story, Vanessa! I love your classroom setup.

    1. Roxanne - Thanks. This classroom has been waiting a long time to be seen.

  10. I think Adele is an excellent teacher and she´ll do a good job with the children ;)

    1. Ana - Adele takes her job serious. She understands how important teachers are.

  11. Really cute story and set up!!
    I had a rabbit in my third grade class once. I took it home for the holidays and my kids fed it some candy and it died! So much for classroom pets. LOL

    1. Grandmommy - Thanks. Oops, I guess I better warn Adele of any wayward candy, just in case it would affect the gerbil the same way.

  12. Replies
    1. Phyllis - Thanks! Adele tries to keep it interesting for the kids.

  13. Bavo Vanessa,
    J'aime beaucoup ce que vous faites. L'école est magnifique !
    On devrait vraiment travailler ensemble pour faire des films !

    1. Shasarignis - Thanks! I'm so glad you like. Maybe one day I can fly out to France and we can do a post together. LOL!

  14. After many years, I sill get very nervous when I have the parents' meeting at the beginning of the year. I think Adele managed the situation perfectly and she looked professional and confident. I'm sure all parents went home with less worries about their children's education!

    1. Rossetti - That's surprising that you still get nervous. I guess those parents can be scary at times. I'm sure they are very appreciative of what you do. Teachers rock!

  15. What's Jo's last name? And is she gonna be an only child?

    1. Pinkgiraffe - I answered this question in another comment you left. I don't remember what Jo's last name is. I don't think I gave her one yet. Right now she is an only child, but that could change.

  16. Oh sorry I just thought that you may have changed the last name


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