Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Time to Eat! (Photostory)

We rejoin Tim and Kate's cookout, just in time to eat.

Everyone has fixed their plates.  Tim is delivering the last of the meat from the grill.

"Anyone for ribs?"  (Tim)

"Daddy, I don't have a hot dog."  (Bethany)
"Just reach over and get one."  (Kurt)
"Noooo.  You get it."  (Bethany)

While they work out who gets the hot dog, let's just take an overall look at the table.

Stephanie has her hands full.  She's trying to deal with Aiden and Jessica, who is have a "I need a nap" meltdown.
"Honey, can you get Jessica?"  (Stephanie to her husband)
He's looking her way, but can't really make out what she is saying.

Tim turns as he hears a faint doorbell sound
"That's probably Sheila."  (Kate)
"I'll get it."  (Tim)

"Thanks Daddy."  (Bethany)

"Jessica, what's wrong?  Come to auntie."  (Kate)

Jessica is not budging.  She is clearly having a terrible two moment.

"Hey guys.  You started without me."  (Sheila)

"You are only an hour late.  Of course we started without you."  (Kate
"I'm fashionably late."  (Sheila)
"No dear.  Fashionably late is 10 - 15 mins.  You are just late."  (Kate)

"Daddy, I need some ketchup, too."  (Bethany)

"William, now you have someone to play with."  (Tim)
"Where's Shannon?"  (Kate)
"She's inside watching tv with Kimberly" (Sheila)
"I don't know why they insist on staying inside.  It's such a beautiful day.  I'm going to give them a few more minutes, and then they're going to have to come outside."  (Kate)

Kimberly and Shannon better enjoy it while they can.

"I love this show."  (Shannon)

Back outside, Ethan finally got up to help with Jessica.  If they are lucky, she will be asleep in no time.


  1. Hello from Spain: I like Tim. Sheila and her baby are very cute. The dress Sheila is wearing is great, is it of Mattel??? I adore that dress. I also really like Shannon. I do not I have in my collection. Poor Jessica. She is tired. The story is very real. It really is a very inspiring scene. Great job. Keep in touch

    1. Marta - Thanks. Yes, it's a Mattel dress. I'm not sure where it's from though. I bought it second hand. Shannon is my favorite older version Stacy doll.

  2. This little gathering looks like my kind of time! :) I love the way you set this all up. Little jessica having a terrible two moment..loved it. Great job.

    1. William - Thanks. I'm happy that Tim and Kate are settling in nicely with family and new friends.

  3. Ahh Shelia. Something important must have kept her for her to be an hour late. Or maybe that's just the new fashion, like she says LOL.

    1. Verona - She has two toddlers. We really need to give her a pass for being late.

  4. What a wondweful reunión! And the big lunch you had prepared for them! Impressed! Love Tim! Is a Mattel doll?

    1. Farbield - Thanks! Tim and Kate did a nice job with the food. Yes, that is Tim McGraw from the Tim and Faith Hill set that came out August 2011.

  5. What a wonderful reunión! You have prepared a big lunch for them! Great job!! Impressed! Love Tim, Is´t a Mattel doll?

  6. I love this post but I feel so bad for Jessica. and shelia is very pretty. I am guessing that they are the more relaxed side of your dolls. they seem cool. Danielle and her friends are feisty! and by the way don't forget to edit the character section with Kendra, Nathaniel and the new baby

    1. coolsinger - Thanks. Jessica will be better after she gets that nap. I hope to update that character list soon.

  7. Hola Vanessa, me encantan tantos nenes, es una historia comun que parece que hasta a mi me invitaron, hasta pronto.

    1. lindaivette - Gracias. Todos estaban felices de estar juntos antes del final del verano. Hasta pronto.

  8. Whos Sheila?who is she related to?

    1. gigi - Sheila is just a friend. She's not related to anyone there.

  9. I can hear music and lively conversation what fun everyone is having. I think it all has worn poor Jessica out! lol

    1. Grandmommy - They are having a great time. You know those two year olds don't need a reason to have their moments. lol.

  10. They way you positioned Jessica is too funny. I could read that body language a mile a way. LOL!

    1. Kenya - You know Jessica's mom was willing her husband to come over and help. He was trying to pretend like he didn't know what was going on.

  11. Seeing your Power Team guys, I was wondering if you still have their weapons, and if you sell them

    1. Sergio - I do still have some of the weapons. I haven't considered selling them, but I might give it some thought. I've been stockpiling them for a potential storyline that would need them.

  12. Ummm, food seems delicius!!! I always say the same thing. I love family parties =)
    See you soon!!

    1. Ana - Thanks! Family parties are the best way for me to show more of the dolls.

  13. I enjoy yout work i read you dsily

    1. Kimmy - Thank! So glad to know you are out there enjoying my blog.

  14. A late summer BBQ with family and friends, what a lovely way to end a day. Your feast looks yummy and your families look very relaxed (even Jessica after her 'moment').

    1. Carrickters - Can you believe summer is already over for us here in the States? It goes so quickly. These families are truly enjoying these last days of summer.

  15. Poor Kimberly and Shannon. They will soon be forced to socialize against their wishes. At least there will be some yummy food when they get outside.

    1. Muff - You know how parent's and aunties can be. "Go on outside and get some fresh air. You always watching that boob tube. That's what's wrong with you young kids, today."

      Sorry I took you back there.

  16. "Fashionably late" LOL Sheila is terribly rude!

    1. V. - Any later she might not have even gotten a plate of food. They were still happy to see her. I wonder where her cute husband was?


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