Sunday, September 8, 2013

Let's Go Home (Photostory)

The time has come for Kendra and the baby to come home.  Nathaniel is headed back to the hospital after running a few errands.

He's more excited than nervous.  But admittedly, he is both.

Nurse Sasha is rolling Kendra and the baby towards the entrance after getting a call from Nathaniel that he had arrived.

Nathaniel gets out of the car, and sees his beautiful wife and baby.  He is all smiles.  He rushes over to help.

As he reaches out to pick up baby Cameron, Kendra asks that all important question.

"Honey, did you put the car seat in correctly?"  (Kendra)

"Yes.  I followed the instructions to a tee."  (Nathaniel)

"You read the instructions?  Now that's a first."  (Kendra)

Nurse Sasha rolls Kendra outside as Nate puts Cameron in the car seat.  (We will pretend it's not pink.)

Afterwards he turns to take Kendra's hand, to help her out of the wheelchair.

"Thanks for everything, Nurse Sasha.  I really appreciate you taking such great care of my wife and son."  (Nathaniel)
"My pleasure.  You have a lovely family."  (Sasha)

As Nate helps his wife up, he is compelled to give her a hug.

"I love you, honey."  (Nathaniel)
"I love you, too."  (Kendra)

Nathaniel helps Kendra into the car, then he goes to put her bag in the trunk.

"Thanks.  You take care.  I'll be back to work in about a week."  (Nathaniel)

"We will hold down the fort.  You just take very good care of that handsome son of yours."  (Sasha)
"Will do."  (Nathaniel)

Nathaniel gets into the car and takes one more look at his now sleeping son.

"We did it honey."  (Kendra)
"Yes, we did."  (Nathaniel)
"Now let's go home."  (Kendra)
"You got it."  (Nahaniel)

Here is a picture of the new bedding Kendra put in Cameron's room before she went to the hospital.  Looks like she's enhancing the giraffe theme.

Yep.  The giraffes are even on the sheets.


  1. Replies
    1. Mustiwait - Thanks! She thought this bedding would be soothing.

  2. Replies
    1. Oh! and the bedding is even better than some I have seen in 1:1!

    2. Grandmommy - Thanks! She's hoping that bedding will help him sleep longer. I don't think that's going to work, but have to applaud her for trying.

  3. Glad, the happy family are all going home. :) I love the cool car.

    1. Duke of Swann - Thanks! They are happy to be headed home. It's been a long 9 months.

  4. Great story Vanessa! They are becoming one of my favorite families. Danielle and Rod still reign. : ) Speaking of which....where are they? Lol!

    Oh, I forgot to mention, I love the crib and it's bedding.

    1. Georgia Girl - Thanks! Don't worry, you will get to see your favorite couple soo. I was just missing them myself.

  5. Cute little story this one now im starting to sound like I really love the crib that cameron will be sleeping in. I to agree with Georgia Girl with missing Rod and Danielle.

    1. william - Thanks Yoda. lol. I will check in on the Taylor's real soon.

  6. They are so sweet and romantic! I love the Medical Centre Façade, I bet everybody would be happy to enter a hospital with such a nice look ;)

    1. V. - They went through so much to finally have a child. They are feeling really good right now. I was happy to find a use for the Barbie structure. It makes a really good hospital.

  7. Hello from Spain: I love the quilt with giraffes of the crib. The photos are very real departure from the medical center. The blue car is fabulous. I had not seen before. The facade of the hospital is very nice. Keep in touch

    1. Marta - Thanks! I think this was a MyScene car. It's a nice color with great details.

  8. I was thinking "that car is too cool for a family man" but Nathaniel got the car seat in there without a hitch so I guess they will just be a cool family. :-). Mattel doesn't make many 4 seater cars, especially not sports models like this one so the Burke's are fortunate to have it.

    1. limbe dolls - You have to remember, Nathaniel is a doctor, so he needs a cool car. I'm glad they had a four seater already. They didn't have to go invest in a new vehicle.

  9. Kendra seems relieved to be going home. It's good Nathaniel is taking time off to help the new mother. Unless Cameron already has his nights and days in order, it will be a little hectic for a while.

    That bedding is too cute!

    Cool lanes!


    1. DBG - If Kendra knows what I know, she should have stayed in the hospital a few more days to have those nurses waiting on her and the baby. Now it's all her, but I'm sure she'll get the hang of it. Nathaniel might surprise me, and be a bigger help than I'm imagining.

      I'm made about 10 different crib beddings the past few weeks to give a customer a few different choices. I had to slip in a new one for Kendra.

  10. I was in Target this morning and saw a similar crib set (I said ,Vanessa makes cribs like this one). Also,outside the hospital reminds of the royal family, except there is no crowd. Now they're going home to get up every three hours.

    1. drupay - Our babies need the cool cribs, too. I'm happy to hear that I was thought of on your Target run. That's too cool. I wonder if aunt Camille has any plans to give the new mommy some relief along the way? You know she's always plotting and planning.

  11. It's nice to see Kendra and Baby Cameron finally go home, I love the giraffe theme Kendra has picked out :)
    You make these stories really realistic :~)

    1. Laura - Thanks. Kendra is excited to get home to her own bed. Too bad she won't get the same sleep that she is used to getting.

  12. Loved when Nathaniel hugged Kendra. Sweet.

    Yay for a cheerful, non-pink crib setting.

    Double yay for the return of Danielle and Rod!

    Oh and I think that is Nolee's birthday car - the 4-seater. Congrats on getting it ;-)

    1. D7ana - Thanks and thanks for identifying who's car it is. It was a thrift store find of mine many years ago.

  13. ¡que bonita familia! Al baby le espera una bonita habitacion. Hasta pronto.

    1. lindaivette - Gracias. Vamos a llegar a verlos de nuevo pronto.

  14. They look so sweet together... they make the cutest family. And I love the craddle with that beautiful bedding!

    1. Rossetti - Thanks! I wonder how they are holding up with the sleepless nights.


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