Thursday, September 12, 2013

The Golden Boy Returns! (Photostory)

Chang, (Sunni's husband) is a martial arts expert.  He's currently training, Vernon, who's known as the Golden Boy.  They are training at David's gym.

"So how's the hand?" (Chang)

"It's all healed.  I'm ready to go all out."  (Vernon)
"Great.  Well let's get started."  (Chang)

"We're going to warm up with some combos.  Mix it up and go hard."  (Chang)

"Nice!"  (Chang)

"Harder!"  (Chang)

They finish the warm-up and head to the punching bag.

"So now, I want to see some kicks along with the punches."  (Chang)

"There you go!"  (Chang)

"So we're coming in on the home stretch.  We'll finish up here."  (Chad)

 "Of course if you want to lift after this, we can."  (Chang)
"Not today.  I'll lift tomorrow."  (Vernon)

Vernon works out for another 20 minutes, then they call it a day.

I guess this is a great time to reveal that Vernon returned to town to reconnect with Naisha, his former girlfriend and the mother of his daughter, Kimaya.

Naisha is ecstatic.  She's hoping that this time they can really make it work.

Epilogue:  This character was named after two very good friends of mine, both named Vernon.  Vernon Forrest and Vernon Rossin.  I met both gentlemen at Bally's gym in 2000.  Vernon Forrest was a professional boxer who became a world champion in the welterweight and light middleweight divisions and was noted for his three victories over Shane Mosely.  He trained at Bally's back then, and he was a sweetheart.  For some reason he insisted on going out on a date.  I resisted for a long time (over a year), but allowed him to cook me dinner one night.  I remember it well.  It was spaghetti and meatballs.   Sadly, he was murdered in July 2009 when a couple of guys tried to rob him.  What a loss of such a sweet spirit.

Vernon Rossin was my other dear friend, who I played racquetball with for over twelve years.  Another sweetheart and quite the cutie pie.  Three years ago, he revealed that he was being treated for prostate cancer, and we became cancer buddies.  He was an amazing support to me, calling me regularly to lift my spirits.  Sadly he passed away in December from cancer complications.  Talk about blindsided!  He had just been playing racquetball a few weeks earlier and all of a sudden he was gone.  Another wonderful spirit that was gone way too soon.

Rest in peace my dear friends.  I miss you both!


  1. Love it! I see that you are getting hooked on Monkey depot as I think vernon would love this character you created.

    1. william - Thanks! I think both Vernons would be happy to see they made it to Morristown.

  2. I absolutely love Vernon! That equipment is too too cute! Is it Barbie stuff?
    I remember praying with you about the latter Vernon. He was on my prayer list.
    May they both R.I.P.

    1. Grandmommy - Thanks! All the accessories are for action figures. Yes, thanks for the prayers. I think about him all the time.

  3. Great set and great tribute for two special fellows! Looking forward to seeing more of Vernon and Naisha.

    1. limbe dolls - Thanks. I'm sure Naisha will be prancing him around town soon.

  4. Very nice tribute to your dear friends. I remember when Vernon Forrest was murdered. So sad. I am a huge boxing fan and this was a tremendous lost. Looking forward to seeing Vernon and Naisha together. They make a hot couple.

    1. Georgia Girl - Wasn't it sad? Too many of the nice ones get taken down senselessly. As is Morristown needed another hot couple. I guess you can never have too many.

  5. Lovely Tribute to your friends. Looks like you've had the pleasure of knowing some very interesting people. You gym looks great! Do you know in which head sculpt is Vernon. He is very handsome.

    1. AG Lanc - Thanks. They were both very special.

      I want to build a boxing ring, soon. We used to have one at our Bally's. Vernon is a CalTek preacher sculpt. He's based off of the Medal of Honor game.

  6. Hello from Spain: think of all: a gym!. That's perfect. I like the floor and walls. I like Chang and Vernon shirts are wearing. Naisha is very pretty. I like his long hair. Nice tribute to your two friends. I feel much the loss of them. The important thing is that they will be in a happy place. Keep in touch

    1. Marta - Thanks! Have you seen other parts of David's gym? If not, here is a link to a video I did which shows the racquetball area of his gym.

    2. Hi again: thanks for your reminder. Awesome gym. Keep in touch

  7. Dolls are known to be excellent therapeutic tools for a variety of reasons. I have several dolls in my collection that I named for loved ones who have now transitioned.

    These people will live in our hearts and minds forever, but having a doll that represents who they were ensures that our memories of them will never fade.

    Your two Vernons appear to have been very special people. I am sorry they were taken away too soon.


    1. DBG - Thanks. You are right about it being therapeutic. In case you guys haven't noticed, I'm using this blog as a journal of sorts to talk about the special people in my life.

  8. I love the gym, I would like to make one similar to that. I have some boxer dolls and it will be a good idea for them.
    I practise cycling and mountain biking and I also have lost a lot of friends on the road, I know how you can feel. We have to be strong and remember them like great persons and great sport people. All my respect for your friends.
    See you soon!

    1. Ana - Thanks! I look forward to seeing your boxer dolls. It's always hard losing someone special, but it's nice to think they may be watching over us at times.

  9. Bonita entrda dedicada a tus amigos, me encanto el gimnasio.

  10. What a lovely tribute to your two Vernons. I hope Naisha's dreams come true.

    1. Carrickters - Thanks. I hope for Naisha and Kimaya's (her daughter) sake, they can make it work. It they don't, there is a line of women waiting for a shot with the Goldenboy.

  11. When I read your epilogue I just froze,, I think you did such a beautiful tribute to them... wonderful dio, wonderful pictures and you proved also to be a wonderful friend.

    1. Rossetti - Thanks. We are all blessed to have special people come into our lives. We just need to really enjoy them when they are here.

  12. I have the Cal-Tek Preacher dude also. I don't have a back story for him yet. I love Monkey Depot and since my ladies were complaining about the shortage of eligible men, I have added many handsome men (young and old(er)) to my collection.

    Your epilogue took me aback. How sad about both of your Vernons and how nice to immortalize then in Morristown.

    1. Phyllis - Cal Tek Preacher is so cute, he doesn't need a back story. LOL. A town can never have to many eligible bachelors around. Congrats to your women.

  13. A very wonderful tribute to your passed friends.

    One of these days I'm going to get one of those Monkey men because they sure do a great job on the sculpts.

    1. Muff - Thanks! Monkey Vernon took offense to being called a Monkey man. He said he's a Cal-Tek man. I guess that makes him sound more studious.

  14. Sorry to hear of the tragedy - love you how put this together. Very nice.

    1. Kenya - Thanks! It was nice to walk down memory lane and smile about the times I did share with these gentlemen.

  15. I'm so sorry to hear about the passing of your dear friends. It's nice to know they live on in Morristown. Good dio as well. :-)

    1. Cindi - Thanks! Yes, it will be nice to see Vernon around town.

  16. It's always very hard to loose friends, specially when people are still so young! I liked your story and the AF you choose for Vernom.


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