Thursday, July 18, 2013

The New Girl Has A Date

Technically, we just met the new girl yesterday, but apparently she's been out on a couple dates with one of our local heartthrobs, Brad.  Again, the new girl is Capricious Natalia Fatale, a Fashion Royalty doll.  Since I already have a Natalia, I had to change her name.  First I thought about Aisha.  Then I thought, Asia.  I wanted her to have an exotic name because I think she has an exotic look.  Just as I was about to look up exotic names on the internet, it hit me.  Of course she should be named Angelina.  LOL!  Sorry, I just couldn't help it.  She fits the part to me.

Looks like Brad got first dibs on the new MyScene car.  Don't worry, Ian owns one, too.

"I was thinking we would try out that new restaurant, Sashimi.  Are you okay with that?"  (Brad)
 "That sounds good.  It's been awhile since I've had sushi."  (Angelina)

"Well Sashimi it is."  (Brad)

Back at the restaurant, Noland, Tori,and Karla have just gotten their entrees.
"Can I get you anything else?"  (Waitress)
"No.  Not right now."  (Noland)
"Ma'am would you care for another glass of wine?"  (Waitress)
"I better not.  I'm driving."  (Karla)

Darius and the Howards are sharing an appetizer, while Nikki has sushi as her appetizer.

"Are you sharing?"  (Darius)
"I knew you were going to want some.  That's why I got the larger portion."  (Nikki)

Shantavia and Bruce got the sushi boat, while Jada has a kiddie box.

While Terrance is eyeing the food, Racquel is being nosey and checking out the activity across the way.

"Pardon me.  I hope I'm not disturbing you, but I didn't want to leave without meeting you.  I'm Sargent Ryan."  (Ryan)
"Hello Sargent Ryan.  I'm Martina and this is my friend, Polly.  Care to join us?"  (Martina)

Looks like Brad and Angelina have arrived.  They are waiting for to be seated.


  1. I like Racquel being nosey, lol. She's curious, lol.

    Looks like the new restaurant is on its way to being the new hot spot in Morristown. Wonder if Rod and Danielle will get there. Wonder if they like sushi ;-)

    1. D7ana - Racquel is all in the business. I wasn't planning to keep this restaurant up, but it really is the perfect spot and I will get to show more of my Asian dolls this way, too.

  2. *smirks* Being "aware" of you surrondings is a great source of entertainment anywhere, so I can relate to Racquel. But then again, if she wasn't aware, she would miss Sargent Hearthrob finally making a move on one of the ladies of Morristown!

    1. Verona - That's a nice spin on being nosey. lol. I guess Sargent Ryan said "I've been to war, how bad can saying hi be?" I'm glad the ladies were nice to him.

  3. Angelina.. perfecto!!
    And I see Mr Sargent over here has taken an interest in two lovely ladies! Waiting for the appearance of DOTW Morocco...
    Also standing by for the rest Tori's talk with her father
    Andrew's a good guy, I hope Noland can see that.
    Good luck Tori!

    1. Cachetas - Morocco has her new body, I just have to figure out when she will show her face. And where on earth is Switzerland Poppy? She seems to have gotten lost in Morristown. For now, the talk with Tori is over. They have a plan moving forward. Sometimes parent's don't trust their child's boyfriend or girlfriend because people will show you what you want to see and you don't know what the real person is like until you spend a lot of time with them. Right now they are just focused on keeping Tori on the right path to get her graduated and off to college.

  4. Love this restaurant and all of the happenings in it! Um is Racquel nursing her baby? lol

    1. Grandmommy - Thanks. Baby Shay has dosed off in her mother's bosom.

  5. The restaurant is flourishing with customers! What head mold is Brad? He is super fine!!! Mini Bragelina look great together. I am anxious for the arrival of the baby.

    1. AG Lanc - I don't know what mold that is. It's not anyone famous. I bought him off of Monkey Depot a year ago. I think he's still there. I was supposed to be making babies yesterday. Didn't happen. Maybe today.

  6. I love the car and the sushi bar. The are super coll and make your story seem very real. Above all I love your photography.

    1. Duke of Swann - Thanks. My dolls love eating out.

  7. Hello from Spain, i really like your Angelina. She is very pretty. I love Brad. He is very manly. His car is fabulous. Great pics. Keep in touch

    1. Marta - Angelina has made herself real comfortable, and she grabbed a great guy. Hard to believe he was still single.

  8. People watching is always fun no matter where you are, so I can relate to Racquel. Sashimi looks like a pretty busy place. I wonder if Sargeant Ryan will hook up with one of the girls. :-)

    1. Cindi - People watching is fun. Typically, I'm always in such a hurry I never get a chance to do it too often. I think Martina is really feeling Sargent Ryan. I wouldn't be surprised if they connected.

  9. Hehehe, I'm glad to see Sgt. Ryan stopped being a creepy, across the room smiler XD

    1. Heather - Yes, creepy smiler is making his move!

  10. Que guapa es Angelina, interesante historia.

    1. lindaivette - Grazas. Eu adoro tela aquí na cidade. As miñas desculpas. Teño o envío de respostas en castelán, non galego.

  11. LOL, I thought that Racquel was breastfeeding too. It totally looks like she is.

    I don't know why it tickled me that you now have a Brad and Angelina. You better start making a lot more babies and have some available to adopt.

    1. Muff - Racquel would have at least used a blanket, if she were breastfeeding. She probably would have gone to the restroom. Maybe I need to make one of those family bathrooms.

      Brad and Angelina seem like the perfect family to adopt. I was going to say, but they aren't married. LOL! Neither are the other Brad and Angelina. It would be a great way to have the ultimate blended family. We'll see.

  12. Wow Brad is fine! Whatever to Angelina. I guess they make a nice looking couple.

    1. Kenya - Hate much? LOL! Brad is a bad mama jama, for sure.

  13. Hello Vanessa, Angelina is very pretty and Brad is perfect for her. I love your new Sushi restaurant, it´s amazing!!
    See you soon!

    1. Hello Ana. Thanks. Initially I thought Brad would try to date one of the Poppys. There was no question what would happen when Angelina arrived in town.

  14. Is name Aisha used in US also? When I was in the hospital recently, my roommate's name was Aisha. She was from the Chechen Republic. Funny to meet the name again so soon.

    1. Dukasha - That is interesting. Yes, it's a fairly common name here. Here is a link to one of our tv personalities named Aisha.


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