Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Julian's Special Gift! (Photostory)

November 2012, I received a Flickr message from a contact named kitsunamint.  She told me how my videos had inspired her to get back into dolls and how the dolls had made her feel so much better.  Since that time, I've received a number of flickr messages from her on various topics.  A couple of months ago she mentioned she was making something for Julian. In all honesty, I never realized she would be sending it to me for my Julian, until she asked for my address.  Up until that point, I thought she was making it for her own Julian.  Her gift to me and Julian arrived a couple of days ago and I was blown away.  Her gift is the feature of this story as we continue the Taylor camping trip.

Rod successfully got the girls out of their comfortable tent.  He, the girls, and Julian are out on a nature hike.

Danielle has stayed behind with Jacob because they are expecting a few more guests.
"So what do you think about us having a new baby?"  (Danielle)
"A baby?"  (Jacob)
"Yes, a baby. A little brother or sister.  Would you like that?"  (Danielle)

"Hellooo?"  (Antoinette)

"Hey, you guys made it.  Come, have a seat."  (Danielle)

Danielle gives Antoinette and Freeman hugs before they take their seats.

"Where's Tony?"  (Danielle)
"He's coming.  He's bringing a package for you, that the postman left with us this morning."  (Antoinette)
"A package?  For me?"  (Danielle)
"It's actually addressed to Julian."  (Anotinette) 

Tony shows up carrying a huge box. 

"Goodness.  What can that be?  That box is huge."  (Danielle)
"It's pretty light."  (Tony)

"It is light.  Let me see if I can see who sent it."  (Danielle)
Before Danielle can read the label, Nikaya comes barreling in to hug Tony.

"Daddy!"  (Nikaya)
"Nikaya, don't sneak up on daddy like that.  You're likely to give me a heart attack."  (Tony)

"Boys, boys, not so rough."  (Antoinette)

Rod has returned with the kids.

Nicole heads over to give granddad Freeman a hug.

Nikaya follows suit.

"Julian, someone sent you a special gift."  (Danielle)
"A gift for me?"  (Julian)

Rod happily greets his dad, then he and the guys move to the other area of the campsite.

"Oooh, let's go back to the tent."  (Jessica)
The girls scurry back to the tent.  Zahara tags along.

Before opening the gift, Danielle moves the soccer net and balls closer and sits the toddlers down to play.

"Come over here and we'll open it together."  (Danielle)

"What's in there!"  (Julian)

"Get out!  It's a Batman outfit."  (Danielle)
"Mommy, mommy, it's Batman!  Can I put it on now?"  (Julian, excitedly)
"Yes.  Take off your shirt and shoes."  (Danielle)

Julian wastes no time getting undressed.

"Oh Julian, it's a perfect fit.  Let me put on the belt."  (Danielle, teary eyed)

"Is this not the cutest thing you've ever seen?"  (Danielle)
"It's adorable, but you do know you will never get him out of that outfit."  (Antoinette, laughing)
"Yeah, that could be a problem.  Hand me the cape."  (Danielle)

After Danielle puts the cape on, she is overcome with emotion and hugs Julian.  He is so ecstatically happy, and there's no greater joy for a mom than to see her child beaming with happiness.

"Let's get your shoes and your gloves on, so you can go show your dad."  (Danielle)

"There's my little man!  You're so handsome."  (Danielle)
"I'm not your little man, I'm your little Batman!"  (Julian)

Danielle and Antoinette both burst out laughing. 

"Okay, my handsome Batman, go show your dad your new costume."  (Danielle)

"Daddy, look at me.  I'm Batman!" 

The guys turn around and start chuckling.
"Son, I love it.  Now all you need is a Batmobile."  (Rod)

"Thank you Miss Leandra.  I love it.  It's the bestest thing in the whole wide world."  (Julian)

So that was Julian's special gift from kitsunamint.  I didn't even know her name until after I received the gift.  Her name is Leandra and she is 22 years old.  She handcrafted this especially for my Julian.  Danielle had the same reaction I did when I saw it.  I was overcome with joy and a little teary-eyed.  I had no idea what to expect, because like I said, I didn't know until the last minute that she was really sending it to me.  I was more than pleasantly surprised and impressed with her creativity and handiwork.   She wanted him to have this for trick-or-treating this year.  So I guess I will finally do a Halloween story.  Thanks Leandra!!!  Love you!!!


  1. Oh my goodness!!! That Batman outfit is just priceless!!!

    Does Leandra have a blog as well?

    1. Heather - As far as I know Leandra does not have a blog. She has a flickr account, but there are only 3 pictures there since 2012.

  2. That outfit hits the nail! It's so well done, and is exactley like Batman's suit. I can only imagine the fun Julian is going to have with that. Hopefully, he'll won't get too crazy about it, and wear it all the time!

    1. Verona - Danielle will probably have to hide it from time to time. I imagine every morning he will try to transform into Batman by wearing his suit. LOL!

  3. Wow! The handiwork is amazing down to the last detail. It's not easy making a costume that small. Your friend is very talented. Love it! :-)

    1. Cindi - She did a fabulous job! I got the impression that this was the first doll costume she's ever made. So Julian is one lucky dude.

    2. it is the first one I ever made. :)

  4. Van,

    Don't you get teary know I will too! lol That outfit is perfect!!

    Leandra you are some special lady!!

    1. Grandmommy - Sniffle sniffle. LOL! I get touched when strangers (such as you, Leandra, and quite a few other blogging friends) reach out and show so much love.

  5. Hmm, kitsunamint - I know this Flickr name. She has added some of my photos to her favorites recently. But we didn't talk. I'm not surprised that people want to make something for your dolls. I'd like also if I could make something without all those thoughts "it is not perfect, it must be destroyed". lol
    When I saw that huge box, I thought that the gift was a bike or something like that... Funny to see a huge box for a kid's outfit. :)
    Btw, Leandra is a beatiful name. Don't you want to use it for one of your dolls?

    1. sorry I have a weakness for dolls ^^ whats your flickr name? I can add you if you want.

    2. Also, I don't get told much that my name is beautiful because most people cant pronounce it. my grandma gave me that name cause when I was born my mom was too out of it. :") And I dont mind if people use it for a doll name.

    3. Hi, Leandra. I think your name is really beautiful. A wonderful name for a doll and for a real person. :)
      My Flickr name is Dukasha also. I don't have many photos there and don't upload new photos often, but I'm glad that you like some of them.

    4. Dukasha - Leandra is a pretty name. I've added it to my list of potentials. When I run across a doll in my stash that looks like a Leandra, I will definitely use it in honor of kitsunamint. The outfit came to me in an envelope. I made the box for the story. The outfit is so thick, I didn't want to fold it and put it in a smaller box.

    5. whoops! Guess next time I make a doll costume I should use a t-shirt instead of a sweatshirt. Though at least Julian wont catch a cold with it being thick when trick-or-treating. ^^

  6. That outift is too cute. Leandra did a great job on it too. You have inspired many Vanessa.

    1. Mustiwait - Julian is more than thrilled. All the hours I spend on my blog are well worth it when I can inspire others to be be creative.

  7. I'm glad Julian loves it and sorry for making you and Danielle cry. I made the belt separate cause somehow I knew he was never going to take it off so he doesn't have to wear all the costume to be batman. Seeing all the nice comments this mourning made me cry. I'm glad I made you happy Vanessa!

    1. Leandra - The comments are well deserved! The fact that you took the time to figure out how to make the costume and then send it to a virtual stranger, exhibits a great deal of kindness and love on your part. Thanks again. I sent you a little thank you gift today to show my deep appreciation.

    2. would it freak you out if I told you I didn't use a pattern and that it was hand sewn?

    3. meant to say didnt use a sewing machine sorry.

    4. Leandra - I figured you didn't use a pattern because to my knowledge there aren't any available in this size, and yes, I knew it was hand sewn, which is why it was even more special to me.

    5. oh okay, you kinda scared me like you read my mind and you and everyone else is making me blush darker then when my mom requested a restaurant sing happy birthday to me and all the customers did also. ^///^

    6. Didn't catch the last part right away. You didnt have to send me a thank you gift, I made it for you because you helped me in the past and I wanted to make you something special for your birthday to thank you for inspiring me when I was on the edge.

  8. Hello from Spain: awesome Batman costume. Julian is very cute. I see that you also receive gifts from other partners. The world of blogging is very lovely. I really like your camping. Very real. Stunning accessories. I want to congratulate Leandra. She sews very well. We keep in touch.

    1. Marta - Yes, gifts are always nice. I'm glad you like the costume and the camping story.

  9. Hola Vanessa, me encanto el nene con su disfraz de batman y el doll del abuelo, muy real, que buena historia. Hasta pronto.

    1. lindaivette - Gracias. Julian le encanta su traje y el abuelo está muy feliz de pasar un poco de tiempo con su familia.

  10. So lovely gift, Julian makes a sweet little Batman!

    1. jewel snake - Julian is over the moon with his new costume. This probably makes up for him not seeing Batman at DisneyWorld.

  11. Julian is my favorite Morristown character so I am happy to see him receive the Batman costume. Leandra, you did an excellent job. Thanks for sending it. Thanks, Vanessa, for weaving the costume into your camping story.

    Love seeing the young girls and Jacob (another cutie) and Danielle and Rod ... love the Morristown crew much.

    1. D7ana - Julian's obsession with Batman just increased ten fold. I'm sure he asked to sleep in it. LOL. This was a pretty nostalgic trip since the family has spent time here before.

  12. What a lovely present and how sweet of Leandra to send it to you. I can imagine Julian will wear this for a long time - and definitely a must for Halloween.

    1. Carrickters - It was such a lovely gesture and so unexpected. I need to start planning Halloween now because somehow it always gets away from me. Maybe I can do Halloween early. No one said it had to happen in October. This is the world of make believe.

  13. Awwww, that was very special and sweetvof Leandra. Vanessa, you are such a beautiful person I'm not surprised. The outfit is too cute!

    1. Georgia Girl - Awww, thanks. This gift made up for Julian not being able to see Batman at DisneyWorld. He is in superhero heaven.

  14. That suit + Julian is like a cuteness explosion! The photo of him from behind totally looks like he's running so his cape will fly out behind him. So freakin' precious.

    1. Muff - I think that's why Danielle was so overcome with emotion. He was just so adorable. Do you remember the video of them at the beach house, right before Rod and Danielle's first date, when Julian was 'flying' off the bed? That was our first glimpse of his desire to be a superhero. Now he finally got the outfit!

  15. What a touching story! Miss Leandra you made the day for a lot of people, not just Julian. :-)

    1. limbe dolls - It's stories like this that help us remember there are some really loving and giving people out there. I think sometimes it's easy to forget that with all the other 'stuff' going on around us.

  16. So cute, and how nice of Leandra to make that for your Julian. I know he will have fun and want to wear it a lot.

    1. Phyllis - You are so right about him wanting to wear it a lot. Don't be surprised if you see it at the most inopportune time. LOL.

  17. What a beautiful gift and so kind of Leandra! I know how much my little one loves her Batman costume. Danielle will be lucky if she can get him to take it off for bathtime!

    1. Vita Plastica - Julian better keep an eye on his costume. Your little ones live close enough to Morristown that it could turn up missing. LOL.

  18. Morgan Freeman is very cool ! I like it !

    1. Shasarignis - I love that Morgan figure. It's so realistic. I was anxious to get him with the family again.

  19. Hello Vanessa, its a really nice present, I love it. You are very lucky for meeting people like Leandra ;)
    See you soon!

    1. Ana - Thanks. Blogging and doll people are very special people.

    2. I totally agree with you ;)

  20. That is such a cute suit and I don't they will be able to get him out of it!! Yes, he is ready for Halloween! I havent made much for my small dolls. I think it would be a bit of a job. Great you got it as a gift. Freeman looks like my dad in that hat!

    1. Ms. Leo - Isn't it the cutest? To say he is on cloud nine is an understatement. It is a bit taxing to sew for the smaller dolls. Freeman was killing me in that hat. He looks like one of my uncles.

  21. How sweet! Loved this post. I tried not to be stuck on Tony's shoes while I reading it. ;-)

    1. Kenya - Tony said he has one wife, he doesn't need two. LOL!

    2. LOL!! Well tell her I said, "Handle dat."

    3. Kenya - She took one look at your Crocs and said, "ain't she got some nerve." She is currently writing a letter to your husband asking why he let's you come out the house in Crocs. I told her to just let it go, but she said "no one talks about her husband and gets away with it."

      See what you started?

    4. Well played. Tell her my apologies. I love my Crocs and my husband just bought some of those same shoes Tony is wearing except they are black. I SHOLL hate 'em but whatcha gonna do. Cause if he hates my Crocs, oh well. LOL!!

    5. Kenya - Now you have Darius riled up, because when he wore the black version of these shoes, you were all up in his ish. LOL! Maybe your husband has been secretly reading my blog and decided to get back at you.

    6. Yeah it's definitely a payback of sorts. He's got some squeaky Nike's. I mentioned how come he can't put on slippers like normal people and walk around the house. Then he shows up with those. I'm like realllllllly? And he doesn't pick his feet up. I am being punished.

  22. Vanessa, Don you think Julian would also love a catwoman friend to play with?

    1. Laura, Laura, Laura. I had forgotten about this playset. Now you have me thinking about it. Wouldn't it be cute to have both Jacob and Julian dressed as Batman. I am going to pretend I didn't see this.

  23. Hey Vanessa! So I didn't see you on this list ...go add your blog lady! Something tells Me Danielle is getting her baby ready to be a big boy and a big brother... I hope!!!

    1. Vernette - Hello and welcome to my blog. Thanks for the link. I did add my site and look forward to checking out some of the others listed there.

  24. I am glad I finally read about Julian's present. It was extremely nice of Leandra to make it for you. Your little Batman looks adorable and will have to be the star of the Halloween costume party. He could also have a Batman themed birthday party.

    Have I missed another post? Is Danielle expecting?


    1. DBG - Awwww, I like the idea of a Batman themed party!!! You guys keep adding things to my do list, but this is a good one. I could make Batman treats, etc. I'm getting excited now.

  25. Vanessa,
    Just wanted to say thank you for all the kind words you and your followers have said about Leandra's costume she sent Julian! You have no idea how happy you guys have made her with all the posts!

    One of the cool things I get to see is Leandra working on her projects for her friends and family! She puts so much into everything she does! It makes me proud of her!!!

    Just wanted you to know you have touched Leandra's (and my life) in a positive way!
    Thank you!

    1. Delilah - Hello! Thanks for the comment. I'm assuming that Leandra is your daughter, and it's wonderful to see you being so supportive and encouraging of her hobby. It brings tears to my eyes. So many of our young adults and children, don't get encouraged to do the things that make them happy. Your daughter is quite creative, and that is a skill that will take her far. She deserves all the comments and so much more. Her determination, and giving heart, in making sure my doll got what is now his most prized possession was heart warming. I'm glad we could touch her life, because she has surely touched ours.

      Much love,

    2. Vanessa, Hi!! Yes, I am her Mom! LOL Forgot to say that! I am proud of the things that Leandra and her sister do!! Leandra is very dedicated to making people happy! (Both of my girls have sweet giving spirits!) It was fun watching her work on the costume for Julian!! Glad that he loves it!

  26. are rod and danielle going to have a baby

    1. toastandcheesedollies - Rod and Danielle are still discussing whether or not they will add an addition to their family.


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