Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Google Reader Is Going Away!

Well guys, the time has come.  As some of you may know, Google Reader is going away for good, on July 1st.  Hopefully this isn't a surprise.  Apparently, Google Reader was not being used enough for Google to continue maintaining it.  So if you use Google Reader, like I do, you will have to move to a different platform, in order to keep track of the blogs you currently follow.  Feedly.com and bloglovin'.com are two platforms that are talked about quite often.  I have been using Feedly for a month or so now, and I just downloaded bloglovin' yesterday.  They both have their pros and cons.  I am sure there are other programs that can be used, but I don't know what they are.  I suggest you at least load both bloglovin' and Feedly immediately to get an idea of which one works better for you.  July 1st is right around the corner so don't delay!  

It is fairly easy to get your Google Reader list to the other platforms.  Here is a link to a tutorial for bloglovin', from one of the blogs I follow, Sew Many Ways.  There is a lot more information on the topic.  Just Google or Bing it, if you need more info.

Don't forget to click on the new bloglovin' button on the right side of my blog.  


  1. I'm not very tech-savy, but is blogger.com itself going to be affected by this? That's where I look at my ist of blogs I follow.

    1. Verona - blogger.com is using Google Reader, so I think the answer is yes.

  2. Wait, Google Reader is different from the reading list on your Dashboard isn't it? My "Reader" thing went away months ago as there was a notice in the dashboard that it wasn't going to be available after 4/1 and I never used it that often anyway. My reader would show me an entire entry but the dashboard gives me a few lines and I have to click to read the rest.

    If that's going away too, well, that's annoying.

    1. Muff - Now you have me all confused. Are you saying your blog list that shows up on the dashboard disappeared in April? I don't know what that was all about. My advice is download bloglovin' and/or feedly to be on the safe side. Better safe than sorry.

    2. Nope, I'm saying that my ability to view "Google Reader" disappeared in April. When I would go to my Dashboard it would show my "Reading List" and off to the right side there was this cog wheel emblem and it used to say "view in Google Reader." But in February there was a notice underneath it that Reader was going away in April... and it did. My "Reading List" is still there... for now.

    3. Muff - Well, if I understand correctly the reading list may disappear on July 1st. Now I'm really curious to see what happens with it all.

  3. Pues no entiendo nada, apenas me habia familiarizado con blogger.com, vere que puedo hacer. Gracias por la informacion.

    1. lindaivette - No es tan difícil de entender. Espero que puedas entenderlo antes de la primera.

  4. does this mean all your work on this blogspot page ising going to be gone? O_O

    1. Leandra - Nothing will happen to my blog, or any other blog. It's just if you follow a blog using google reader, the list will no longer show up. That is my understanding of what is going to happen.

    2. oh okay, thank you for telling me, I was about to freak out. ^^

  5. After a long discussion with Tig (who's more tech savvy than I am) I don't think the blogs you've followed using Google Friend Connect will disappear from your dashboard. However, the advantage of programs like Bloglovin' and Feedly is that you can follow any blog - not just Blogger blogs. And people can follow your blog using Bloglovin' even if you aren't signed up to it yourself - I just discovered I have 4 followers there I didn't know about.

    1. Carrickters - Is the reading list that shows up on the dashboard controlled by Google Friend Connect, or Google Reader? If it's controlled by Google Reader, it's my understanding that the list will disappear. Nothing will happen to the "Followers" from Google Friend Connect. I'm just concerned about the actual list which shows me which blogs I am following.

    2. The reading list that shows up on the dashboard is controlled by Google Friend Connect. I have it and I don't use Google Reader at all(Tig has it too and she doesn't use Google Reader either). So your list should be quite safe but it doesn't hurt to use Blogloving' or Feedly to be absolutely sure.

    3. Carrickters - Thanks. In that case I don't use Google Reader either. I've been using the list on my dashboard. I was afraid that would disappear. I'm covered either way. Feedly is much better for me anyway. Makes it easier and quicker for me to caught up reading the blogs.

  6. I'm signed up for both too, although I read all my blogs through feedly because I prefer it's format... I find feedly is *WAY* more glitchy (sometimes it just *never* loads... although they swear this latest patch fixes that)... but yeah, Bloglovin is more reliable as far as actually working, lol, but feedly has a better format (for me, anyways) and is easier to organize.

    I did all their "Import your GFC" stuff...but I have to admit, I'm still really nervous about the total switch over.

    1. Heather - I think I have discovered that I can't comment on blogs with approvals when using Bloglovin'. I can't say that for sure, but it happened with several approval type blogs. I think we will all be nervous until July 1st gets here and we truly understand what we are dealing with.

  7. I did know about Google Reader going away but didn't know about any options. I read a blog post about bloglovin, but didn't make the connection that it was an option to Google Reader. I have noticed for the past month or so that while at the Blogger Dashboard, I could not scroll to view all the blogs I follow when using my Kindle, but I can still do this using my PC.

    I guess I will be forced to learn something new. Thanks for the heads up and for the two options, Vanessa. (Big sigh)


  8. My first attempt at replying did not get saved.

    Working from memory, I wrote: I knew Google Reader was going away but did not know of any suitable options. I read about Bloglovin' on another blog, but didn't make the connection that it was an option to Google Reader. Never heard about Feedly until now.

    I have signed up for both. So far, I like the look of Bloglovin' better than Feedly. I have to use a filter to categorize my doll blogs on both sites. The change will be something that will take time getting used to.

    I added the Bloglovin' button to the home page of my blog and discovered that 16 of my followers already follow me through it.

    I did a little searching and found articles that contain several options to Google Reader. Interestingly, Bloglovin' is not mentioned in most while Feedly is mentioned in all.

    Here's a link to one of the articles I perused.

    Thanks for the heads up, Vanessa.


    1. DBG - When for some reason it seems like your comment isn't saving, it usually means it's going to my spam. Once I see it, I always post it. I posted your first message, too. Bloglovin' may not have been an option when some of those articles were written. I don't really know. I don't even know if the list will disappear, but I just don't want to be caught off guard. I tend to gravitate to Feedly, but they are both decent programs.

  9. Hello from Spain: I do not know anything about computers. If I do any changes in my blog nor yours I can keep visiting your blog??? At this time I follow the blogs with Google Friend Connect. Keep in touch

    1. Marta - You especially need to download Bloglovin' and Feedly. The thing that might disappear is the list that has the names of the blogs you follow. It will still say you are following the people and that they are following you, but you may not see the actual list of blog names.

  10. Thanks for the reminder, Vanessa. I had heard that Google Reader was going bye-bye, but I had not yet hooked up another blog feeder. Thanks for letting us know about these choices. I have set up a Bloglovin' account. Yay, Vanessa!

    I think that the Reading List is separate from Google Reader so I don't think that we'll lose it when Google Reader disappears.

    1. D7ana - You're welcome. I'm just curious to see how it all plays out. At least I am now prepared for the worst and hoping for the best.

  11. I was very confused about all this, but then I figured it meant that the RSS feed was going away. My roommate had mentioned that about some of the blogs she follows. So I'll download Bloglovin' and Feedly both. Hopefully, that'll cover everyone who currently follows my blog and potential future followers as well. :-)

    1. Cindi - You bring up a great point here. I was so concerned about losing my list and not being able to see the blogs I follow. Even more importantly are the other people that follow my blog via some other format.

  12. Here's some related reading about the Google Reader closing and Google Circles.

    1. D7ana - Thanks. I'm pretty tech savy, and that was pretty confusing to me. Personally I'm staying away from Google+. Google Circles sounds like something similar. That info may be helpful to others reading this post, so again I say thanks.

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