Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Ian and His Friends (Photostory)

"Babe, I got to get off this phone.  The guys will be here any minute.  (pause)  I'll call you when I get back.  (pause)  Okay, okay.  I'll stop by on my way back."  (Ian talking to Raven)

"Rrrruff, rrruff."  (Goldie)
"I'm hanging up now.  I'll see you later."  (Ian to Raven)

"What are you barking for?  We can't play frisbee right now.  I'm getting ready to leave."  (Ian)


Ian goes to the door to let in his friends.

It's his two friends, Guiren and Kim (Guiren's younger brother.

"Man, I'm diggin' your new place."  (Guiren)
"Thanks."  (Ian)

"Move Goldie.  They didn't come to see you."  (Ian)

The guys come in and make themselves comfortable.
"So what time does the movie start?"  (Ian)

"Not for another hour, so we got time."  (Guiren)
"I just hope I can stay awake after last night."  (Kim)

"That's right.  You guys went to the party at the frat house.  I don't even have to ask how it was."  (Ian)

"Man, there were so many girls there, I didn't even know where to begin.  You should have been there."  (Kim)
"Ain't nothing at those parties for me but trouble.  I'm trying to turn over a new leaf."  (Ian)
"Oh, I almost forgot.  How is the little wifey?"  (Kim)
"You funny.  On that note, I think it's time to go."  (Ian)

Ian gets up to finish getting ready, while Guiren makes his way to the sofa.

"Dude, when are we having a party at your place?"  (Guiren)

"I might have a few people over once I get the place fixed up."  (Ian)
"Cool."  (Guiren)

And with that they head to the movies.

Poor Goldie is left behind.  We are going to pretend there's some water in her bowl.  I don't want anyone calling Peta on Ian.

Ian turns out the lights and closes the door.  Goldie waits a moment before going to lay down on her bed.

Oh goodness!  What is Tori up to?  I'm sure her mother, Karla, would not approve of a gentleman friend being in her room.  But then I could be wrong.  Stay tuned.

Epilogue:  I bought the two Asian heads the same time I bought Ian's body.  I already had bodies here they could use.  I've wanted these heads for well over a year, but they were sold out.  My intentions were to make them high school teenagers, but their heads are huge!  So I chose to make them college kids instead.  You know my college girls were ecstatic.


  1. Hello from Spain: I like Ian articulated body. Lovely dog​​. It looks real. I like the photo of Ian on the phone on the bed. Sexy college guys ... Keep in touch

    1. Marta - I love Ian's body, too. He's able to be posed in natural positions. I'll be visiting soon.

  2. Boys galore! I'm sure that all the eligable gals over there are fanning 'emselves. I'm looking forward to see what mischef Tori seems to be up too.

    1. Verona - They were not happy at your use of the term boys. LOL! I told them to get over it. Let's hope Tori doesn't get into too much trouble.

  3. You definitely have quite the assortment of attractive men. Your girls have got to be super psyched. Poor Goldie made me sad at the end. Hopefully she finds a way to entertain herself while Ian's away.

    1. Alura - The girls are loving all the men here. Goldie is okay. She assumed her role as protector until Ian returned.

  4. I love Ian's new body too! I never use my Ian because he's immobile. I would try a new body, but I'm scared to remove his head. Is there a technique you use to remove male heads or is it the same as with Barbie?

    1. veda - The head removal process is the same with this particular guy. It's not hard for this particular neck style. So worth it. I hated not being able to see more of him.

  5. I just love Ians apartment! His new body suites him well. I bought the same head s last year but i never introduced them in my story yet! I think that im addicted to action figures because i just ordered several more!...:)

    1. william - He has the perfect single man's place. He's enjoying it. I love these new heads. I wasn't expecting them to be so big. They looked a lot smaller online. They are happy to be here.

  6. Replies
    1. Mustiwait - They are nicer in person than I thought. It worked out that they are bigger because I needed some more college aged guys for my college girls.

  7. Ian's apartment really suits him and it's great to see him so posable. I hope he fed Goldie as well as left her water (she's a sweetie). It's sometimes hard to get a good idea of scale when you buy things online no matter how hard the seller tries to give you a good idea of what things are like.

    1. Carrickters - He's a good dog owner, so I'm sure Goldie was fed. Yes, buying online can be hit or miss. This was definitely a hit! Love these guys, even with their slightly big heads. LOL.

  8. Poor Goldie, lol. I remember that the only time my dog and I were separated was when I went to the movies. I couldn't have been gone more than 2 hours and he would act like I had been gone a week.

    Dang, Ian has some hot friends. I can just bet the girls are happy about that.

    1. Muff - Bruce acts like that now. When I get back home he's ecstatic. I am so in love with this little dog. Never thought I could love one as much as I loved my last one, but turns out I can.

      Yes, these two have caused some heads to turn. I would love to be at the movies with these three.

  9. I like the way you shot Goldie so it looks like she can move even though she is immobile. Enjoyed the story!

    1. limbe dolls - Didn't you see Goldie walking around? LOL! Wait until they go play frisbee. Now that should be interesting.

  10. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO....a boy in Karla's room! I'm telling! LOL! The are some good looking guys! Reminiscing about my college days. Poor Goldie...pretend water is better than none. lol

    1. Sonya - You mean a boy in Tori's room. Karla is her mother. That's right you have a little girl. Oh the things you have to look forward to. LOL!

  11. Bonjour Vanessa, cela fait très longtemps que je ne suis pas venu sur ton blog. Je suis très occupée tous ces jours-ci (ma santé) ... je suis très contente de voir tes magnifiques images .
    tu m'inspire.
    Bonne journée.

    1. Sharignis - Bonjour. Oui, c'est un longtemps. Je te manque. Désolé d'entendre parler de votre santé. J'espère que vous êtes bien. Merci pour s'arrêter par à la visite.

  12. Oh my - You got such a fine hand for details..that labrador is so cute.

    1. Puck - Thanks! Goldie is a sweetheart. She and Ian are thick as thieves.

  13. I hope Tori isn't doing anything too bad, because it wouldn't turn out very well. Great Photostory, by the way.

    1. sisilovessinging - Thanks. I hope Tori isn't getting into trouble. Her parents are going to be furious if she is.

  14. Ain't no party like a frat-house party 'cuz a frat-house party don't stop. I love, love, love Ian's new bod and friends. I think you did well, making the guys into college age gents because they've got a real mature look to them. you said, all the gorgeous college ladies you've got runnin' around town, now have a few more eligibles in town.

    Ian's phone conversation with Raven cracks me up. Us ladies always have just one more thing to say before we hang up the phone, LOL.

    Looking forward to see what's up with Tori.

    1. Tracy - Hip hop horray - Ho - Hey - Ho. Girl you and I need to go party sometime. Ian is working his new body. The ankles are really good on this body. Goodness only knows what Raven was saying to him.

  15. Poor Goldie, looked really sad in the last picture. I usually prefer watching girls' meetings rather than boys', but this gang promises fun!

    1. Rossetti - Ian has spoiled her. She thinks she's supposed to go every time he goes. Glad you enjoyed the boys.

  16. Poor Goldie! I bet she would behave at the movie :D
    Ian's home is getting prettier every day.

    1. V. - Goldie probably would have behaved. If she was smaller, Ian could have snuck her in.


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