Tuesday, April 9, 2013

The Mane Event Has Reopened! (Photostory)

 Kara has finally reopened the Mane Event and the residents of Morristown are very happy.  It promises to be a very busy day at the salon.

Cassandra and her daughter Christina are the first to arrive.  Halle arrives shortly thereafter.

Christina is getting ready to get her hair washed.

Cassandra is considering a new hairstyle.

"It's just so dry.  I'm hoping we can do something to fix that."  (Halle)
"That's not a problem.  I have a new leave on conditioner that will fix that."  (India)

Melanie and Nicole have entered the salon.

"Hello ladies."  (Kara)
"Hello.  We are a little early."  (Melanie)
"Have a seat.  It won't be too long."  (Kara)

"Hello Melanie and Nicole.  How was your holiday?"  (India)

"Hello India.  It was pretty quiet.  This one was went to Disneyworld."  (Melanie)
"Wow! Disneyworld.  That sounds like fun."  (India)
"It was so much fun!  I want to go again."  (Nicole)

India finishes washing Halle's hair and Kara starts working on Nicole's hair.

"So this is the conditioner I was talking about.  Doesn't it smell good?"  (India)

Cassandra decides to just get a wash and set.  She was feeling a little daring, thinking about getting a cute little haircut, but she chickened out in the end.

"So what did you have in mind for little Miss Nicole?"  (Kara)

"Nothing too elaborate.  We just need it clean and manageable for school."  (Melanie)

"Ooh mom, can I get Shirley Temple curls?"  (Nicole)
"For school?  Nooo.  That's only for special occasions." (Melanie)
Nicole continued to plead her case, but it was a losing cause.

In the meantime, Autumn, Darius' administrative assistant, has slipped in with her daughter.

"Mommy, am I getting my hair done, too?"  (Juanita)
"I hope so.  I didn't tell them about your hair, yet."  (Autumn)
"I hope so, too.  I want hair like a princess."  (Juanita)

"I know you are disappointed about the curls, but we will make it look really pretty.  Okay?"  (Kara)
"Okay."  (Nicole)


"Mane Event.  Yes, we are open.  No, I don't have any openings today.  (pause) I can put you down for tomorrow at 2pm.  See you then. "  (Kara)

Well one more business has reopened since the move.  Jordan is working on the grocery store and Racquel is still working on Ni'Chalet's.


  1. Replies
    1. Mustiwait - You know they have been anxiously waiting for it to reopen. The thought of doing their own hair was unthinkable.

  2. What a happening place! If I could stand to have people fiddling with me I would go there.

    1. Muff - I think you should give Kara a chance. She is very gentle and considerate of sensitive clients.

  3. Hello from Spain: I really like this salon. It seems real. I I have your Juanita. It's one of my favorites. She is very cute. The dialogues are perfect. Great job. We keep in touch.

    1. Marta - Thanks. Yes, I've seen your Tamika in some of your stories. She fits in quite well.

  4. Very nice Salon. Wish one of my dolls could visit it.

    1. Duke of Swann - Thanks. Your dolls are always welcome. Although, every time I see them, they are quite stylish. There must be a great hair stylist over there.

  5. Este salon está perfecto.Me encanta la historia , y las muñecas son perfectas..¡felicidades!

    1. Muchas gracias! Y gracias por visitar mi blog. Me encanta su miniaturas!

  6. Can I have an appointment? I need a new hairdo

    1. Sergio - I am sure that Kara and India would squeeze you in. I will let them know you are going to be calling.

  7. What a busy salon - those stylists are going to be exhausted by the end of the day. It's good to see the redevelopment of the Morristown shopping precinct is progressing well.

    1. Carrickters - Yes, they are going to be tired, but they are rather used to it. It's going to take them a minute to get back in the swing of things, after being closed for over a month.

  8. The salon looks nice and busy but not overbooked.


    1. DBG - It's a little more crowded than usual because of the reopening. Normally, Kara puts even more time between clients. She hates to keep her clients waiting.

  9. Wow, what a busy salon!! I guess if everyone has been waiting for it to reopen though, then there is a lot of hair that needs cut. XD

    I'm lovin' it! It's such a stylish place too... and with the new digs, is it closer for the girls to travel to?

    Christie is terribly jealous... she just has to put up with me styling her hair.

    Christie: NOT ideal.

    1. Heather - Yes, lots of hair cuts, washes, perms, etc. are needed after a month of being closed down. The salon is closer to the homes, so it's now walking distance for a lot of the ladies. Poor Christie. Tell her she's welcome to stop by anytime.

  10. Awesomely busy beauty shop. I swear I could hear the ladies chattering.

    1. Roville - Yes, lots of chatter going on. Or should I say, gossip? Want to know what's going on around town? Stop by a local beauty shop!

  11. I can feel the hustle and bustle of the shop. I can even smell all of the good smelling hair care products. LOL
    I liked this one...as usual. LOL

    1. Grandmommy - Doesn't that stuff smell good that India is using? I need to try to find some of that locally. LOL!

  12. It looks great. I like the different hair stations.

  13. The dio is simply great, full of life and activity, and lots of details! I love how you managed to create movement in the poses of your dollies. I hope Nicole gets her curls another day!

    1. Rossetti - Thanks. Everyone is just happy to be back to work. I hope Nicole can get her curls one day soon, too.

  14. The salon is really buzzing with beauties! I can sympathize with Cassandra on chickening out. When I actually did go through with getting a haircut, I looked like Lady GaGa! Never again! And Melaine seems somehow more relaxed. Maybe she's just glad Nicole is back.

    1. Verona - I am always chickening out on a hair cut. I'm always saying I want to try a really short cut, but I've only done it once or twice and only the back was really short. Melanie is happy that Nicole is back. She was feeling very lonely the week she was away.

  15. The salon looks wonderful. I wonder what Nicole's hair will look like.

    1. sisilovessinging - Thanks. They were still trying to come up with a cute style for Nicole, last I checked.

  16. Love the salon Vanessa...you are really working hard! I enjoyed the story-line. Thanks for the information. Yes I was cropping because I thought they were too large. (They are huge before anything is done!)Thanks again!!!

    1. Loretta - Thanks. You don't need to crop unless you really want to. You only need to resize. Make sure the program you are using says 'resize'.

  17. Love the setup Vanessa! You have a lot of salon stuff. I am still on the hunt for a few more pieces. I need to make an appointment for a couple of weeks. Lol!

    1. Georgia Girl - Kara is looking to add one more dryer to the salon. As soon as she gets a free moment, she will try to find one for a good price. With the reopening, Chris traveling with the band, and hanging out with her sister, Karla, she just hasn't had time.

  18. This was such a relaxing story for me. I kind of miss the days of going to the salon. I have my two year anniversary coming up in a couple of weeks or being natural and I may go in and get my ends dusted.

    Love, love the shop's set up and India's hair is amazing.

    1. Tracy - Hello dear! I agree there is something very relaxing about going to a salon. Just the hair washing experience alone, can be worth the trip. Has it been two years! I remember when you went natural. My oh my, time sure does fly. Your namesake said thanks.

  19. The Mane Event looks like a "happenin' spot."

    I haven't been to a salon in years, but you have that vibe in every photo.

    Good to see everyone up and about ;-D

    1. D7ana - It is indeed one of the happening spots around town. I don't really do salons anymore either, but I do miss the excitement you get when you go.

  20. Such an intricate set! Love the style photos on the walls. Cute hair styling products!

    1. DeMari - Thanks! Kara and India are always looking to add new products to the shop.

  21. How much activity at the salon! You did a great job! The scenes seem real! congratulations!

    1. Farbield - Thanks! The ladies are so happy to be getting their hair done.


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