Monday, April 22, 2013

Bruce Meets Martha

As I mentioned on my other blog, "Wow Who Knew?", Martha Stewart has a whole line of pet products now.  When I stopped by PetSmart a few days ago, they were having a clearance.  There were a couple of pet costumes left that were Bruce's size.  Originally, $24.97, they were marked to $6.27.  I couldn't pass that up.  Could I?  Bruce was not thrilled with the idea, but we compromised on me buying one outfit that he would only have to wear twice.  Once for blog pictures and once for Halloween.  He reluctantly agreed.

We settled on the elephant outfit, instead of the monkey outfit.  I'm not sure what his expression is on this picture.  Maybe he's saying, "okay, let's hurry and get this over with."  What do you think he's saying?

I would say, poor thing, but he gets treated so well.  If he occasionally has to do something he's not fond of, it's worth the amount of love he gets each and every day.

On another note.  Friday and Saturday, I went to five different stores, Home Depot, Michael's, Walmart, Hobby Lobby and PetSmart.  Martha Stewart had products in all five!  Unbelievable!  And she's not just slapping her name on some regular product.  They seem to have the quality you expect from her, and most offer something different.  Then on Saturday, I watched her new show on PBS, called Cooking School.  

As you can see, Martha is one of my inspirations.  Even when she got knocked down, lost her empire, and went to jail, she got back up, dusted herself off, and rebuilt her empire bigger than before.  Now that's a lesson for all of us.  Regardless of what you think about her, you have to give her mad props for not slinking away in shame.  

Update!  Grandmommy sent this link to me about dogs freezing in panda costumes.  Apparently Bruce was not the only one.  Maybe the fact that it's an animal costume versus a regular costume.  Thanks grandmommy!  This is hilarious.

Next post will be doll related.  I just had to slide this one in.


  1. Replies
    1. Mustiwait - I told Bruce what you said. He just smiled.

  2. Please don't tell Bruce I howled with laughter. I don't wish to hurt his feelings. :D

    1. Roville - Bruce said he was happy he could brighten up your Monday.

  3. Awww! This just tickled me silly. My cats wouldn't dare let me dress them up in a cute outfit. The last time I tried to...there was an actual catfight!

    1. Verona - You should have seen us in the pet store as I was trying to see if it would fit. He even growled a little bit. He was much better today, but I could tell he wasn't thrilled.

  4. Hello from Spain: your dog is very cute. What interesting dog clothing. Keep in touch

    1. Marta - Interesting to say the least. Animals wearing animals. Hmmmm.

  5. Oh that is too cute! Poor Bruce, lol. I think he's saying, "If it weren't so good for me otherwise ..." I really like the second photo where Bruce is looking at you dead on. "Really? Did you need to go here?"

    Louie de Cat always wiggles out of any cute sweaters put on him.

    1. D7ana - Isn't that second picture adorable? Ears all tucked in. My last dog loved being dressed up. This one...not so much.

  6. He looks so fed up, but that costume is adorable. At least he tolerated it--probably because he knows how well he's treated and how much he's loved.

    1. Alura - He does look fed up. He wouldn't even walk in that costume, which is why I got such good pictures.

  7. 1st pic...I could make a break for it, but even more people would see me in this outfit.

    2nd pic...If I didn't love you, you know I would bite you for this, right.
    Rotfl! He is adorable.

    1. Sylvie - Welcome to my blog. LOL! I love your take on the first picture. He's really going to hate me at Halloween.

  8. In the 1st pic, "Can we get this over with??" In the 2nd pic, "This is so embarrassing!" He is such a little cutie. I can tell he's very happy and very much loved. :-)

    1. Cindi - Doesn't he just look so disgusted? LOL! I didn't even make him wear it back into the house. I removed it right after the pictures.

  9. Bruce transforms nicely into a cute little elephant, but I wonder how wearing the costume made him feel.


    1. DBG - He was not happy about the costume at all. He would not walk or move at all. Worked well for picture taking, though.

  10. Hilarious! My dog has a cowgirl outfit. LOL
    Bruce is saying:
    Pic 1: Where did everybody go?
    Pic 2: You think this is an elephant costume, but I feel more like a rino right now! LOL

    1. Grandmommy - Oh, you have to send me a picture of the cowgirl outfit. LOL! Doesn't he look like he's imitating an elephant in that first picture?

  11. So cute! Bruce is adorable!!!!!! ;)

    1. Farbield - He really is a doll. He's so much fun.

  12. OMG, I could just eat him (with kisses!!) Soooo cuteeee!!!

    1. Rossetti - He would give you lots of kisses back. He is so lovable!

  13. I think my cats get the same expression, they know they're not going to win against me, so it's, "OK, let's get this over with"

    Bruce is the cutest, tiniest elephant ever :)

    1. Heather - Doesn't he make a cute elephant? I would be afraid to dress cats. Scared of the clawing I would probably get.

  14. Poor Baby, he does not seem to be enjoying that at all. Lol well at least he only has to wear it twice. I bet he was thinking, " Mommy get this off of me, right now!" What a cutie.

    1. Tracey - Did you look at the video? The three dogs in it all had on animal costumes and they were frozen, which is what happened with Bruce. He couldn't wait to take it off. I may have to get him a non animal related Halloween costume. I want him to have fun.

  15. The second picture he saying, "Really mama?" LOL to the video. It would have been funny to see a before and after.

    1. Kenya - I thought it was strange that he wouldn't move with the costume on, until I saw the video. I fell out laughing. Especially the one on the left side that was stuck off to the side. ROFL again!

  16. I read your post earlier but forgot to comment. I'm so glad I came back to say Bruce looked so cute (and annoyed but cute). That video is so funny. ROFL

    1. Carrickters - The video sheds light on what Bruce was feeling. I watched that video several times and died laughing each time. I had to take the costume off right after the pictures because Bruce refused to walk with it on. Hilarious.

  17. That poor dog! What we do to our pets. I used to make my cats listen to my wisdom while waiting for me to open the can of cat food. They would not have went for an outfit. So....twice hey! Poor dog.

    1. Ms. Leo - LOL! Yes, poor dog. He wasn't happy about this costume. Did you look at the video? If you didn't come back and look. It's hilarious. My last dog loved wearing outfits. This one does not.


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