Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Progess in the Basement

 Process is slow but steady on the Morristown move to the basement.  A few homes have been successfully moved.  Both the Taylor homes, The Anderson home, and Shantavia's home have been moved and setup.  Today Shantavia and Jada were able to move back into their home.  She pulled me to the side and negotiated getting the entire A-Frame house.  After an agreed upon increased rental rate, the deal was done.

Shantavia has made really good progress moving back into their home.  Still a lot left to do.

Here they are in Jada's new room.  A few of her toys are unpacked.  The rest are still in storage.

To the left of Jada's room is the bathroom. (These french doors sure have come in handy.)

Still lots of work to do to this room.  She's having a new floor put in and adding drywall to the back wall. 

To the right of Jada's room is Shantavia's room.

Not much room in here, but she doesn't need much.  She does plan to add some of her artwork to the walls.

Now we can head downstairs for a tour.

Here's the new, larger living room.  She's planning to add drywall here, too.

A glimpse into the unfinished dining room.

A peek into the kitchen.  There's a washer and dryer across from the stove.  Luckily that unit has the under the stove fridge, because there wasn't any room for a large one.  The back wall is from the old cardboard house I dismantled.  It was a perfect fit.

So that's the tour.  Present occupants are very happy.  I promised them I would do a little landscaping in the front.  A landlord's job is never done.


  1. Vanessa,
    I really love what you've done with that house. Did you make those couches? I really like the dining table and chairs. Where did you get those? Great job as always!:-)

    1. Cindi - Thanks! I made the yellow couch. The animal print futon was purchased years ago from I think Walmart. It came with a chair that will show up in another house. The dining table is from an very old Mattel set. The chairs are from another Mattel set, not as old.

  2. Shantavia must feel very satisfied to have her own whole house. Hopefully maybe this will mean we can see more of Bruce!

    1. Verona - She is quite excited and looking forward to entertaining Bruce real soon. Her mom is supposedly stopping by real soon, too.

  3. The house looks great! I'm glad that Shantavia and Jada have the whole place to themselves. :)

    1. Alura - Thanks! They plan to do a little more entertaining now that they have space. Jada an Kimaya (Naisha's daughter) are sure to have lots of fun in Jada's new room.

  4. Such a wonderful house. I hope the residents are happy. Great job on the house!

    1. sisilovessinging - Thanks! We are all very happy. As soon as she gets some landscaping done, she's planning a housewarming. Yay!

  5. Very nice! I so want an A frame house....sigh!

    1. Georgia Girl - Thanks! I still plan to paint this house once I get the rest of the basement half way decent.

  6. Great House! I love the layout and the sofas are amazing!

    1. V - Thanks! Welcome to my blog. I also noticed your name is Vanessa. Always nice to meet another Vanessa.

  7. Jada looks happy in her new room :-)

    1. Sergio - Jada loves her new room! She can't wait to get her stuffed animals out of storage.

  8. Hello from Spain, you do a great Job with this house. I like kitchen, and armchair. Jada Will be very happy in this house. Keep in touch

    1. Marta - Thanks! It will be much nicer once she adds all the accessories. But for now I have to get back to moving the rest of Morristown.

  9. Hi Vanessa,

    I am really impressed with your decor. I recognize the painting over the kitchen table from a pack of notecards I have. It looks great. Where will the architecture firm that had its offices in that house go?

    1. limbe - Yes, that is the notecard you sent me a couple of years ago. I think of you every time I hang it. Shantavia has been using it in her houses since the very beginning. The top floor of this house will still be used for the architectural firm, the college dorm room, and Chang Realty, when necessary. Nothing is permanently installed and all the walls and doors I put in are completely removable.

    2. Look at you multi-purposing! I like the idea of using the one house for so many doll settings. How sweet it Jada's room looks! As kids grow they need more room. An apartment just won't do! I'm glad she could get the whole house but what happen to Ian. Will he move in with his girlfriend? Or will he still use the house too!

    3. Ms. Leo - You have always been looking out for Mr. Ian. He says, thanks. I was just working on some bedding for him yesterday. He will have his own place, but it won't be in the house. He's moved to a nearby apartment.

  10. As always, you did a great job at decorating the house, Shantavia and Jada must be more than satisfied! I love the living room, it looks so cosy!

    1. Rossetti - Thanks! They are very happy to be back in their expanded home. Hopefully she'll have a few visitors soon to help her enjoy it.

  11. Those doors are nice!!!!! Shantavia is a good negotiator.

    1. Mustiwait - Thanks! Shantavia caught me at a weak moment. She's good.

  12. There is so much light! Is your basement just really bright or do you have a light on top of it?

    1. Muff - Both. My basement is really bright, but this house is located at the end of the basement where the light is not as bright, so I do have a light above the house for these pictures. The good thing is there is a window near this house, so when we get sun, I should have some interesting shots.

    2. Thanks for the lighting tips!

      I look forward to seeing more photos of Shantavia's and Jada's place ;-D

  13. It looks so great already! The bathroom <3
    It's my favourite Barbie house, I always dreamed about having it :)

    1. jewel snake - Thanks. That bathroom set was sitting in the basement the past 8 yrs. I totally forgot about it.

  14. BTW, love that gold sofa. It looks so classy and so comfy. Sigh. Your dolls are lucky ;-D

    1. D7ana - I can't believe I'm just deciding to move into the basement. It seemed like such a chore, and it is, but it will be worth it in the end. My dolls told me to tell you, I'm lucky to have them, too.

  15. The house is beautiful! I love the dining room and the golden sofa is very cool!! Good job!! Shantavia and Jada look really happy!! Keep in touch!

    1. Farbield - Thanks. I'm going to add some greenery to the dining room and dishes in the china cabinet. I need to build her a front door, too. Have to keep out all the strangers.

  16. You are so lucky to have this house. It was the one I wanted when I was a child. My father always said yes to me and never ever bougth my Barbie House.
    Until now, I want this house for ever.

    1. Shasarignis - I really lucked up when I got this house. I said I got it from the thrift store, but I actually got it from a yard sale in my subdivision a couple years after I moved here. A year later they sold another one at another yard sale. I really should have bought that one, too, but they are so big. I'm sorry you never got your dream house.

  17. I think that's my favorite house! I wonder how old it is? Is it vintage? I had friend when I was little who had an actual play room aside from her bedroom. She had SEVERAL dollhouses. This one looks like one of hers. I always admired how she had them decorated. As young as we were, now I wonder if it was her moms doing. She had a big mansion looking dollhouse for miniature furniture and that one was my favorite.

    1. Kenya - This is a 1979 Vintage A-Frame house. I imagined the mom did have a hand in the decorating. I just found out yesterday, there was a porch that came with this house. I almost gave this one away several times last year. It's so big, and I couldn't really fit it in the doll room. What do you do when that happens? Get a bigger doll room! LOL.

    2. I know her doll furniture was better than any REAL furniture we had in our house. I remember some green velvet looking living room furniture. Anyway 1979 sounds about right! I know she and I were good friends for 4th and 5th grade so for me that was 78-80. Wouldn't it be something if it was the exact model!?

    3. Kenya - LOL, my doll furniture is better than my real furniture, too. I really think I could make myself a large sofa, but I don't want to spend the time. This house was really popular back then, so I wouldn't be surprised if it was the same model.

  18. Wow, this is so great, I love it when you do tours of the homes on here. (just so you know, this is Barbie's Generation, you left a comment on my profile a long time ago, and I appreciate it. Can't seem to log into it) My town is moving along real slowly, But I've had a population increase, I made a bed from a My froggy stuff theme, I have a kitchen, which was donated. I am so glad to get this stuff moving since I am planning on having a video soon!

    1. Angel Kitty - Thanks for stopping by and commenting. I'm glad to hear your town is growing and you are progressing along. Let me know when your video is done.

  19. Awl I need to do is get my camera and finish filming and upload my videos and Barbie city is done thanks for the tips! :)

    1. shamarrion - Thanks so much for stopping by. Glad you were able to pick up some tips.


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