Sunday, January 6, 2013

Arriving At Grandma's House (Photostory)

Roberta left for the airport 30 minutes ago.  All is quiet at home.

Here's a look at her patio.

Soon they arrive with their bags in tow.  As Roberta opens the door, Danielle questions her mom about her bicycle.
"Mom, do you still ride your bike?"  (Danielle)

"Yes, every chance I get.  We have a nice trail nearby."  (Roberta)

"You guys come on in and make yourself at home."  (Roberta)
"I'll take care of the bags.  You guys go on in."  (Rod)

"Are you guys hungry?  I could fry some chicken."  (Roberta)
"We had a nice lunch on the plane, so we are okay for now."  (Danielle)

"Well, I fixed up my room for you and Rod.  The kids can sleep in the back room."  (Roberta)
"Where are you going to sleep?"  (Danielle)
"Oh don't worry about me.  I spend many nights on that sofa with the TV watching me."  (Roberta)

"Well if you show me the way, I will get these bags out the way."  (Rod)

Danielle gets the kids situated watching the Disney channel and she and Rod head upstairs.

"Let me carry something."  (Roberta)

"We got it, Mom.  Just lead the way."  (Danielle)

Roberta has a quaint little bedroom. 

"Mom are you sure you don't want to sleep in your own bed?"  (Danielle) 

"Child I told you, it's no bother.  I'm just as comfortable on the sofa as I am in my bed.  Now I'm going downstairs to get dinner started.  You two take your time.  The kids will be fine."  (Roberta)

"That was nice of your mom."  (Rod)
"She is so happy we are here."  (Danielle)

"So what do you want to do?"  (Rod)
"I think I want to rest for a few minutes.  Will you lay down with me?"  (Danielle)
"Of course."  (Rod)

Meanwhile, Roberta starts cleaning the fryers to make the fried chicken.  She'll probably make some fresh rolls, too.

One fryer is clean.

The flour is ready.

And so is the oil.

The kids are still glued to the T.V.   Other than a few laughs here and there, they have been pretty silent.  I'm sure all of that will change when they hit the wonderful world of Disney.


  1. Nice photostory ! You have well fitted Roberta's home. I love the kitchen with all the food on preparation. You have so many collector's items, it's great. I can't wait to see the rest of the story !

    1. Claude - Thanks. Roberta loves her little home. It's the perfect size for her.

  2. Arriving at a comfy quaint house beats going to any hotel in my book! Roberta's house looks adorable, just adorable!

    1. Verona - Thanks! She's is a nice neighborhood with great neighbors.

  3. Roberta's home looks very comfortable and I'm sure will be much nicer than any hotel. She looks so glad to have them stay with her. Her kitchen looks very well set up (though I'm not sure about the oil being so close to the fryer. Sorry, you won't get that until I explain that there's been a 'Worksafe' campaign here about making workplaces safer and one of them featured a restaurant kitchen with the oil close to the stove and the chef saying 'you'll have the whole place going up in fire'.)

    1. Carrickters - I'm surprised Roberta didn't pick up on that kitchen hazard. I'm sure with the excitement of the family being there, she just overlooked it.

  4. The fried chicken Roberta is preparing sounds good. Danielle, Rod, and the kids will probably enjoy it.

    Her house is very cozy.


    1. DBG - Roberta is doing what a lot of southern women do when company arrives. Fry up some chicken and make homemade biscuits. That's what my grandmother used to do.

  5. Hi Vanessa, i realy love your new house ! Thank you to always share all your new stuff with us !

    1. Shasarignis - I'm glad to finally put this house to use. I almost gave it away several times. I'm finally figuring out how to use these houses that are pretty small.

  6. Great job customizing the house! You have camouflaged the ubiquitous pink very well. I especially like the kitchen. I had all the original fixtures ripped out of my Victorian dream house but then the contractor decamped to finish another job and hasn't been seen since :-).

    1. limbe dolls - I hope you didn't pay that contractor too much money. That's horrible that he just disappeared. Most of the original kitchen fixtures are still there. The Kitchen Littles kitchen is so big, it covered it up.

  7. Great Photostory! The house looks so nice if I could live in it I would! Where did you get the TV?

    1. sisilovessinging - Thanks! That TV was part of a Mary Kate and Ashley playset. I don't remember what color it was. I painted it black.

  8. Roberta's home looks cozy and comfortable. I love her kitchen. You really know how to work the doll houses! Lol! Great job Vanessa!

    1. Georgia Girl - I am learning how to make use of these houses. Too many of them are sitting around gathering dust. When I finish shooting, I just close them up and take them back to the basement.

  9. Love Ms. Roberta she is too cute I hope she finds a boo! She is my Laura (co-pastor with her husband, mother of four. Her youngest son is also the Basic Ken #17 in my story.) I can wait to put up some of my stories. I just started collecting so I do not have the wonderful sets that you have. It has been interesting taking basic shots and getting the lighting right and my cast to behave.

    1. AG Lanc - LOL! She said she wouldn't mind having a boo as long as he didn't weigh her down. She's a woman on the move. Happy to hear you are enjoying the wonderful hobby of doll collecting. I'll be looking to see some of your picture.

    2. Hmmm, since she is a woman on the move she may not want a grandpa to cramp her style! Tell her to date younger guys who will not slow her down and that can match her ummm stamina.... :/

  10. Very pretty house. makes one feel like you'd like to visit.

    1. Duke of Swann - Roberta loves entertaining guests. So you are welcome to visit any time. Just call first.

  11. love this story Vanessa! That is exactly what my great grandmothers used to do when my dad would take us to visit the family in North Carolina..make biscuits and fried chicken. I love how you did this with this set!

    1. Lisa - Thanks. Biscuits and fried chicken...a staple of the South. This set was very close to finding a new home. I'm glad I hung on to it.

  12. What a great house! I really like the bedroom. I'm sure she's glad of the company. :)

    1. Alura - Thanks. She is very happy to see the family again, even if it means sleeping on he sofa a few days.

  13. I could literally smell what was coming next! Love the story.

    1. Kenya - I have a hankering for some fried chicken now. I hope she cooks something healthy next.

  14. Hello from Spain: wow, wow ... I have that same Barbie house from the 80. It's my favorite house of all Barbie houses. I have it open in a room in my house. I love it. My problem is that it is very difficult to take pictures for dioramas .. In your pictures the house looks awesome. I love it and the history. .. Keep in touch

    1. Marta - I'm glad I figured a way to do the stories in this house. It is a really nice house with a lot of possibilities.

  15. HI Vanessa, I love the way you set up Roberta's house.By the way, when will Roberta meet Freeman?

    1. drupay - Thanks. LOL! That's a good question. I'm sure Roberta will be coming back to Morristown in the next few months. Maybe they will meet then.

  16. Hey, I have that house at least one close to it Rosie lives in mine. I agree it is a bit small for Dio's so I ripped the kitchen out, and made the whole first floor Rosie's living room yea I know I was bad. Pic's of my version are coming up soon, so please check it out. Be warned it isn't as cozy as Roberta's cause as you know Rosie is an Ice Queen. LOL

    1. Mustiwait - I completely understand ripping out the kitchen. It was pretty pitiful. Mine is still in tact, just hidden. Looking forward to seeing the icequeen's abode.

  17. Danielle's mum's house is just lovely, and it's been very kind on her to offer her own bedroom to the couple, and welcoming them with such a dinner! I'm looking for the Disneyworld visit as much as the kids!

    1. Rossetti - It's amazing the amount of Disney stuff you can find for really good prices. I'm curious as to how it will turn out. This will definitely test my creativity.

  18. Roberta sure is nice. If my mom had people over she would not give up her bed. She'd be like, "Here's some blankets, there's the floor - knock yourself out!"

    1. Muff - Lol. I take it your mom is not the typical Southern girl. Your mom sounds like my mom.


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