Thursday, December 27, 2012

They're Headed to Florida! (Photostory)

It's the day after Christmas and Rod, Danielle, and the kids are headed to Orlando, Florida to visit Danielle's mom.  While there, they will pay a visit to DisneyWorld.

It's almost time to go.  The plane is taking off in 3 1/2 hours.  They've planned to get there at least 2 hours ahead to make sure there aren't any problems.

The bags are packed and sitting near the door.  There's Jacob in the background playing with one of his trucks he got for Christmas.

"Dad, have you ever been to DisneyWorld?"  (Nicole)
"No, but I've heard it's a wonderful place."  (Rod)

"Mom, are you almost ready?  I think it's time for us to leave."  (Julian)

"Almost, Julian.  I'm just making sure I didn't forget anything."  (Danielle)

"How about you guys help me take the bags to the car?"  (Rod)
"Then we're leaving?"  (Julian)
"Yes.  Then we're headed to the airport."  (Rod) 

"Yay."  (Julian)

"Before you do that, go to the bathroom, so you won't have to go on the way to the airport.  Nicole, you should go, too."  (Danielle)

"But I don't have to go."  (Julian)
"Go anyway."  (Danielle)

"Come on, Julian.  Let's go."  (Nicole)
"No-oh-oh.  I don't wanna go."  (Julian, laughing)

"Honey, I'm going to take the bags to the car."  (Rod)
"We should be ready when you return."  (Danielle)

The family arrived to the airport on schedule.  After a little over an hour in the terminal, they are now set to board the plane.

The stewardess is busy talking to the pilots.

"Ouch, Jacob.  That's my nose."  (Nicole)
Jacob starts giggling.

"Mom, I'm going to put my suitcase over there."  (Julian)

"You have to wait for the stewardess.  Here she comes."  (Danielle)

"Welcome aboard.  Sorry to keep you waiting."  (Stewardess)

"Come this way.  I'll show you to your seats.  You can leave the bags.  I will take care of them."  (Stewardess)

"Here you are."  (Stewardess)
"Oooh, I'm going to sit near the window."  (Julian)

"Nicole, you sit next to Julian."  (Danielle)

"Nicole, here's your backpack."  (Rod)
"Thanks, Dad."  (Nicole)

The Stewardess heads back to put the bags away.

"Alright, Jacob.  Let's get you out of this hat and sweater."  (Danielle)

"I need to call Mom.  I told her I would call when we were about to take off."  (Danielle)

"Call Mom."  (Danielle)
*Ringggg  Ringggg*
"Hello?"  (Danielle's mom)

"Hi, Mom.  We just got on the plane.  It should be taking off in the next ten minutes."  (Danielle)

"Mommy, I want to talk to Grandma."  (Julian)

"I think we are arriving at gate 42, but we'll meet you at baggage claim.  We can't wait to see you!  We'll see you in a couple hours."  (Danielle)

"Mom, why didn't you let me speak to her?"  (Julian)

"Because we are on the plane and we're not supposed to be on the phone.  You will see her real soon, and you can talk to her in person." (Danielle)


  1. Loved this photostory and the airplane scenes where comes the light of the sun

    1. Sergio - Thanks. Grandma will be very happy to see them.

  2. Wow, I'm using plane very often but never been treated that bad by stewardess, there was always two of them waiting for passangers at the entry of plane @@ But maybe because of her attitude at the beggining she was trying later to be extra nice and personaly shown the family their seats and cared about their bags. I would love to flight an American airlines, they seems to be quite different, like those opposite chairs. Will you make a photostory from the Disnayland too?

    1. jewel snake - It's a small flight today, so there's only one stewardess. She did keep them waiting a little too long. Yes, I plan to show something related to DisneyWorld. Haven't quite figured it all out.

  3. Hi Vanessa, thank you so much to share with us this new episode. I love the picture with all the bag in front of the door.
    See you soon.

    1. Shasarignis - Thanks for stopping by. See you in Florida!

  4. I'm sure they'll have a phenomenal time. I am in love with Jacob's little sweater and hat. I just adore these kids.

    1. Alura - Jacob's sweater was from a little ornament I found at the bookstore many years ago. His hat is part of a Fashion Fever Tommy pack.

  5. Well, I guess Melaine really was okay with it! *sighs in relief* Oh Julian, he seems so pesky and hyper. Is he just excited to go to Disneyland?

    1. Verona - Is Julian excited? Let me count the ways. He's going on a plane ride. He's going to see Grandma. His pal Nicole is there. Christmas was just the day before and Santa brought him some cool gifts. And... he's going to DisneyWorld!!!! Oh and I forgot to mention, he's a boy.

  6. Very cute photostory! That Julian is a riot . Lol! I love the photo where he was climbing on the back of the sofa. Looking so forward to seeing where Grandma live.

    1. Georgia Girl - Thanks. Julian is ready to go. See my response to Verona to see just how excited he is. Watch out DisneyWorld!

  7. Cute story.

    Kids never have to go to the bathroom until they get to their first in-public destination. Danielle was wise to have them go before they left for the airport.


    1. DBG - Thanks. There's nothing worse than standing in line with the luggage or trying to get through security and having a kid ask to go to the bathroom.

  8. You are really getting your money's worth out of that plane! Julian looks really sweet in his Batman shirt. Good to see that Nicole could go. Looks like the family is in for a wonderful time!

    1. limbe dolls - That was the best $10 I've spent in a long time. Grandma is waiting with open arms to receive them. So is Mickey Mouse.

  9. Hello from Spain: I know the Disneyworld of Paris and it's awesome. My dream is to meet the Florida Disneyworld. I envy Rod, Danielle, and children. I'm sure they enjoy this trip. I like the photo of the bags. I like the air hostess. Your plane is very nice. Great job. We keep in touch.

    1. Marta - I wish I knew the Disneyworld of Paris. The Disneyworld of Flordia is really nice, too. I'm sure Danielle's family will have a great time.

  10. Julian is always the star of the show! Jacob was having his cute moments too!

    I must say that I was apprehensive about Melanie actually letting Nicole go. Whew!

    1. Muff - As they say, boys will be boys! I'm hoping Melanie will continue this attitude into the new year. Nicole doesn't need the added stress of bickering parents.

  11. I'm feeling as excited as if I was going on holiday too. I'm sure they will have a great time (and we'll enjoy going along for the ride). Can't wait to see the Barbie version of Disneyworld.

    1. Carrickters - LOL! I sort of feel like I'm going back to DisneyWorld, too. I'm sure they will have a great time.

  12. I love the Batman shirt! It is too cute. It is so hard to find cute things for the little ones. I am going to have to get out my sewing machine! Did you make Jacobs outfit? You have been getting use out of the plane! This is a very cut story!

    1. Ms. Leo - I agree it's hard to find clothes for the little ones. This batman shirt came with pants, and a hat, but the hat was sized for a Pulip doll, so it's ultra big. Here's the link to the Etsy shop. This is a Lati Yellow sized outfit. I might suggest a Pukifee sized one. Jacob's pants and hat are from a Fashion Fever pack. His sweater is from an ornament from the bookstore a few years ago. Yes, we love our Morristown plane. I've been wanting to get a family with some kids on this plane ever since I got it.

  13. Hi Vanessa: I just cannot imagine the time you put into these photostories - they are a true work of patience and love. Thank you for sharing your time with us. It's always a joy visiting your town and its families. I hope you had a great Christmas and are looking forward to a wonderful 2013.


    1. Robyne - Had it not been for you, they would be driving to Florida and they would be going straight to DisneyWorld, because there would be no Grandma to go see. Doing the stories does take time, but the joy they bring to me and others is so worth it. Happy New Year!

  14. Your photostories are so great. Plenty of details that makes it very realistic. Thanks for sharing your creations.I just put on Youtube my second video if you want to have a look at it.
    Best wishes for the festive season.

    1. Claude - Bonjour! Merci beaucoup. I will definitely go take a look at your new video. Happy New Year!


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