Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Sit and Spin Barbie Playset

This is just a quick post to show a new playset I saw in one of my local Walmarts.  They only had it at the front of the store, not in the toy department itself.  It is a Sit and Spin amusement ride with a Stacy doll.  I am loving the new playsets they are coming out with.  This is the kind of set you buy and years later everyone wonders, where did that come from?  I get that reaction when people see my Barbie sized pinball machines, and the little bumper cars.  I am so tempted to buy this, but I just have so much stuff.  On the other hand, it would be really nice considering I have a family going to Disneyworld for Christmas.  What to do?  What to do? 


  1. Buy is so cool Vanessa...It speaks Disney!

    Hugs & Best Wishes,

  2. Just buy it! Yes, Disney but... I'm sure that Danielle and the fundraising committee will have to do a carnival to raise more money for something and you can use it then! Or maybe it will be on the boardwalk at the beach or maybe at the pizza place for the kids to ride on while waiting for food. I know you could make it work! Shoot, I might have to get one!

  3. I say go for it, get it! Not only does it scream Disney, but you could also use it for stories that are set in the Morristown park, boardwalk or beach area. I saw this at my local Walmart as well, but I don't really have any more room to put things. Maybe I'll reorganize after the holidays...

  4. You should buy it, it's cool and I'd love to see it in one of your stories :)

  5. How fabulous is that! I don't know how you can resist it. But I won't be an enabler... lol

    Merry Christmas!

  6. It's adorable! This would be perfect as a little Disney ride. Or maybe just something at the local park. Or maybe *drifts off into thought*. This has so many uses!

  7. Buy it....Buy it...But it! (chanting) :)

  8. Hello from Spain: you have to buy this set. When it hits stores in my town I'm going to buy. We have to take advantage of the holidays to buy toys ... Let me know if you buy it at the end ... Keep in touch

  9. Wow, no one even hesitated on me purchasing this set. That speaks volumes. It would be awesome to have a carnival in the future. Thanks all you enablers!

  10. Go for it Vanessa! That ia a really cool play set. You will regret not buying it. Lol! I regret to this day passing on the McDonald's play the prices are ridiculously high.

  11. As part of the advisory council of Morristown - I'm with everyone else, buy it.

  12. Note to all. I just received some unexpected Christmas money, so there is a good chance this set will make it to Morristown. LOL. Thanks for all the enabling. I look forward to returning the favor.


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