Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas, Baby

Merry Christmas, everyone!  I can't believe another Christmas has crept up on us.  Today, I thought I would share with you the doll that got it all started for me.  It is my Baby Chrissy.  I got her for Christmas when I was 8 years old.  I can remember everything about that Christmas.  Baby Chrissy was advertised as a doll the size of a real baby.  They weren't kidding.  She is the size of about a 9 month old baby.  I couldn't wait to get her.  My mom collected a big bag of doll clothes for her, months before she arrived.  I played with those doll clothes every day until she arrived.  That was the best Christmas ever!  This was also the Christmas where I could have sworn I heard Santa and his sleigh.  I can still see me sitting there on the couch, looking out the window and hearing the bells.  Oh, the imagination and innocence of being a kid.  I only remember two of my childhood Christmases.  When I was 8 and when I was 12.  Christmas for me is all about creating memories that last a lifetime.  Thanks, mom!

Here's Chrissy, 36 years later.  This morning she got her hair washed and conditioned.  I went to the baby clothes store in my basement and picked out this cute little dress for her.

I hope you all are enjoying your holiday with family and friends, and creating special memories.  Thanks to each and everyone of you for being with me on this doll blogging journey.  I'm looking forward to more creative endeavors with you next year! 

P.S.  Everyone from Morristown sends their love and well wishes.


  1. Hello Vanessa. Thank you for sharing your child doll and souvenirs! Meryy Christmas!

    1. cyborgdoll - Merry Christmas! Thanks for stopping by.

  2. She's beautiful! Merry Chrismas Vanessa!

    1. Bambuc - Not bad for 36 years old. LOL. Merry Christmas. Thanks for stopping by.

  3. Hi Sweetie, what a beautiful story of your childhood...thanks for sharing it! James sends his regards. All the best to you and yours.

    1. Loretta - Merry Christmas! At first I was like, who is Miss Kitty. LOL. Much love to you, James and Miss Kitty.

  4. She's adorable! I hope you have a great Christmas!

    1. Verona - Merry Christmas, dear. Thanks for being such an avid follower and commenter!

  5. Baby Chrissy is cute. I can totally understand why your 8-year-old self wanted her. The dress you have her in is quite similar to the original, 1973 doll's dress, except the original was lavender.

    Merry Christmas to you. I am looking forward to more entertaining posts in 2013 from you and the members of Morristown.


    1. DBG - Merry Christmas! Now that you mention the lavender dress, I think I remember it. I'm sure as soon as I opened her, I had her undressed and into some of the clothes I had spent months playing with.

  6. Happy Christmas Vanessa ! Thanks for sharing so sweet Christmas's memory. Chrissy is a beautiful doll.
    I remember a Christmas. My brother and I received toys and we were happy. One or two weeks after, we asks our mum for some candy she used to hide at the bottom of the closet (the place where she had stored the Christmas toys). Instead candy, my mother gave me a little Tutti doll still in the box that have been forgotten in the closet... I was so happy to discover this little doll !

    1. Claude - Merry Christmas! It's a good thing you guys asked for some candy. No telling how long little Tutti would have been in that closet.

  7. Merry Christmas Vanessa! Your little doll is cute and adorable! Thanks so much for sharing your childhood Christmas story. And thanks for your great blog. I really enjoy it! I hope to be starting up my own blog in 2013, and I really look forward to meeting you sometime.

    1. Cindi - Merry Christmas. I'm looking forward to your blog and to our meeting one day.

  8. Merry Christmas Vanessa! Baby Chrissy is really sweet :)

  9. Merry Christmas! I envy you a bit those lovely Christmas memories, they sound so sweet and peaceful. This doll is really cute and in perfect state!

    1. jewel snake - Merry Christmas! Here's hoping you will create wonderful memories moving forward.

  10. Merry Christmas Vanessa - what a great memory and a cute doll. You have taken a great deal of care of her for her to look so good after all this time.

    1. Carrickters - Merry Christmas! I'm happy to still have my Chrissy. Unfortunately my first Barbies weren't so lucky. I have since made up for their departure.

  11. Thank you for sharing such a beautiful treasure! I wish you many more Christmases as special as that one!

    1. limbe dolls - You are welcome. Happy Holidays! Every Christmas is special now, but that will always be my best Christmas.

  12. Hello from Spain: I enjoy reading the story of your best Christmas. My Christmas when I was a child are also some very nice memories. I also I keep a baby like you Chrissy. Happy Christmas. Keep in touch

    1. Marta - I'm glad you, too, had some very happy Christmas memories.

  13. Merry Christmas, Vanessa! I've been so busy moving these past couple of months that I've missed out on so much. Time to catch up. I loved your Florida/Disney World story. They'll have a second Christmas with grandma, and Main Street will still be decorated for the holidays in D.W.

    1. Debbie - Merry Christmas! I've missed you. Hope the move was good. Grandma will be very excited to see them.


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