Saturday, November 10, 2012

WorldPeaceKeepers Are Resurfacing

I was pleasantly surprised on my visit last week to Big Lots.  There were a number of WPK dolls on the shelf.  I could tell by the new packaging they were not just overstock from many years ago.  I found a couple that I could use in Morristown.  No dark-skinned brothers on the shelf, but I am hopeful they will show up, too.

When I saw this guy, I immediately thought of JR Martinez, the young soldier who suffered burns over 40% of his body, after his humvee hit a landmine in the Iraq war.  He won Dancing with the Stars a year ago.  His story is truly inspiring.  I've included a 7 min video of his story.  Definitely worth taking a look.

So this is JR.  I thought he was the person Naisha was sneaking around with, but I don't think that is the case.  By the way, this set was $15.  Seems like there are now two price points.  $10 and $15.  The $15 set has more accessories.  I didn't need the accessories, but this guy wasn't available for $10.  

This is the other gentleman I picked up.  He has a nice mature look about him.  He looks quite handsome with his salt and pepper hair.  I didn't have a plan for him when I bought him, but as I was loading the pictures, his role became very clear.

This is Lauren's husband.  Lauren is Racquelle and Faith's mom.  She is also the owner of Hotel Monaco.  She made reference to her husband in one of the photostories.  Well here he is!

Racquelle (rt), Lauren (mid), Faith (lt)

There is a possibility that JR is Lauren and her husband's son.  Not quite sure yet.


  1. This news is good and unfortunate. Good you found two new characters; unfortunate dark skinned guys have not surfaced. I have written M & C Toy Centre Ltd to inquire.


    1. DBG - It will be interesting to see what comes of your letter. Keep us posted.

    2. Probably nothing, at least response wise. I wrote them last week about my desire for dark skinned, articulated Kari Michell dolls and mentioned the MIA dark skinned World Peacekeepers and Power Team Elite. Actually, I don't care if they do not respond. Manufacturing the dolls would satisfy me.


  2. I am glad that there are new PT guys out. Blah to them not having any AA figures. I will check out my Big Lot stores.

    Happy Saturday!

    1. Georgia Girl - I'm really thinking the AA are going to show up, too. They were in such an abundance 10 years ago.

  3. Good to see some new Power Team guys. I like both faces but wish they didn't have molded or painted on gloves.

    1. limbe dolls - I buy hands for my gloved guys from Monkey Depot for less than $3.00 a pair, so the gloved hands are no longer a limitation for me.

  4. Hi Vanessa, these men are so have such a keen eye for details. Thanks for your visits and comments. They always cheer me up. Take care and let's see how you weave these newcomers into your story lines. James sends his regards.

    1. Loretta - Hello! So happy to see you posting again. Hope that means the kitty bite is all healed. Hugs to both you and James.

  5. Glad to see their making a comeback! I love the Powerteam guys, but I only have 2 or 3 that I got from the thrift.

    1. Verona - I agree. I was very happy to see them.

  6. The gloves are removable, but you need to have normal hands to replace them. I usually buy "donors" with normal hands for my PT guys and when I can't find donors for some of them, others "lend" them normal hands for some time, when I make photos. lol. There are absolutely no AA Power Team figures in Russia and they are rare even on eBay, so my six AA PT figures have only two pairs of normal hands for all of them. The situation with caucasian figures is much better. BTW I have the second gentleman. Also like the fact he can be some adult character's father.

    1. Dukasha - Most of the action figure on-line stores sell normal hands for about $2 - $3. I've been buying new hands for all my gloved guys for about a year now. I was very happy to not have the gloves be an issue anymore. I'm now looking for the feet that already have the shoes attached. Remember when I absolutely hated those when I first got them? Well, I absolutely love the idea now. I've been using those footed shoes for a few of my guys. The best thing is it doesn't matter if it's a AA or Caucasian figure.

    2. I know that there are hands and feet for Hot Toys figures and maybe for some others, I'm not a specialist in action figures at all. But I never saw hands for PT figures. I know some people use other hands for them, but they don't look as good as the original ones.

    3. Dukasha - There aren't specific PT hands, but the ones I've found for the lighter skinned figures are so good, once I give them new hands, I can't even tell they have different hands. People watching my stories and videos can't tell either.

  7. Hi Vanessa, I love your picture with Racquelle Lauren and Faith, So nice ! Waw

    1. Shasarignis - Thanks. I think they are going to make a wonderful family.

  8. Congratulations on your new guys, Vanessa! The first guy looks new to me. I have the other guy though.

    Boy am I glad that I got my AA WPK guys when I saw them! Whew. Though new ones would be appreciated ;-D

    1. D7ana - Thanks. Yes, I'm glad I got AA WPK guys, too. I actually sold one a number of years ago. I still regret that move.

  9. I LOVE when he talks about "putting a face to beauty..." Society still has so much work to do in that department. JR Martinez, is truly an amazing person! I had no idea about him because I don't watch Dancing w/Stars and hadn't heard his story. It moves me to tears but also gives me other emotions about the fact that a lot of these young men and women are fighting a war before they've experienced life. Wow...

    Bringing the mood up...
    I think the figure you purchased resembles him a great deal. :) I can't wait to see the new figures in your stories. I think I'm going to take a trip to Big Lots and see if we have them stocked.

    Thanks for sharing. :)

    1. Tracy - I'm so happy you watched the video. Thanks. His story really is an inspiring one. It's also a testament to single moms. She did a wonderful job raising him and encouraging him to live. He and his girlfriend are now married and they have a 6 month old little girl. Oh goodness, here I go getting all teary eyed again.

      I hope you find some good guys.

    2. You're so right, his mother is amazing! I must say for a quick moment, I thought about Romni's silly comment during the election that sort of took a jab at single parent homes...but then I thought, this story is too amazing to give that kind of thinking any steam. I loved when he said to his mom, while in the hospital..."See, I told you I'd make it back..." that got me! I'm so happy for him and wife...I'm sure he'll make a wonderful father. Not only because he has such a great role model in his mom but with what he's been through, he probably regards life unlike most people and savors every moment. :)

  10. It's cool that they made a toy inspired by a real World Peace Keeper :)
    I bouhgt two WPK from Ebay, a S.W.A.T and a Fire Rescue Team set.
    I saw also the econd guy you have there, but I wonder how to swap his gloved hands

    1. Sergio - Glad you found some guys. I will send you an email regarding hand swap.

  11. what a good find, very interesting dolls! accesories aren't that bad too. another nice lady can present her husband :)

    1. jewel snake - We will be seeing the new family real soon. I can't wait.

  12. I picked up the first guy too, but I'm naming him Anthony Rodriguez. I even like his fingerless gloves. I've already unboxed him and put him on some more tradional fatigues. He's smexy.

    I didn't get the silver fox but I'm calling him Cooper anyway because he reminds me of Anderson Cooper.

    1. Muff - Smexy! I like that word. I thought the fingerless gloves were nice, too. I will be using those sporadically, too. Maybe JR will be a biker, too. Who knows.

  13. Hi Vanessa,

    I just saw them yesterday. I wanted this one that had on a hoodie . I have to admit, I just wanted him for his clothe some of the nekkid dolls I already had although he was cute too. lol

    1. The grandmommy - I bought one with a hoodie a while back. That reminds me, I haven't used that hoodie since. We need to change that.

  14. I found some of these at Big Lots the other day too - my store had the darker-hued guys separated off on an end cap instead of on the regular shelf, though. No idea why, though.

    1. Presto - That's great news that your store had AA guys. I was pretty sure they would show up again. I will have to search some other Big Lots to see if I can find some here.

  15. Great finds! I found the second guy about a year ago . He is Stephs father and he is a nice figure..Mow im gonna have to go to big lots to see what new figures they might have!

    1. william - I will have to look back at your stories to see if I can find him. Hope you find some goodies.

  16. Great purchases!!! I love those jointed action figures, and the prices are great, it's a pity here I can find guys like that!

    1. Rossetti - Great to have nice articulated figures at great prices. They have so much variety, too.

  17. I love them! I heading to BL today and I hope I see some.

    1. Ms. Leo - Good luck! I'm sure you will share whatever you find. Can't wait.

    2. I just got back for BL. I purchased the same ones you did. I asked if they had gotten in any "dark-skinned brothers" and was told no but it is still early in the season. So I'm crossing my fingers! I may purchase two more for hand swaps.

    3. Ms. Leo - Congrats. Did you see the comment from Presto above about the AA figures? Sounds very promising.

  18. Hello from Spain: I like your two new guys. They are very manly. I see they are cheap at stores in your city. In my country also published the sad story of this soldier. We keep in touch.

    1. Marta - I'm happy to hear that the JR story has been heard in other countries. These men are very cheap considering the great quality and articulation.

  19. Dang, Vanessa I think I need to send you money on a monthly basis!! I can't seem to find these great Peacekeeper dolls her in Charlotte and it pissed me off, lol. My HSM Chad needs a dad and Lauren husband would be great!!

    1. Brini - I'm surprised Charlotte doesn't have a nice selection of these figures. If you can't find one soon and you want me to buy one and ship it, send me an email.

  20. Love the powerteam guys, only have a couple but they're keepers. I like the first one you found.

    1. Roville - The powerteam guys are definitely keepers. So much character for so little money.

  21. Awww. I'll see if I can go find this video. This one didn't have sound for me. But I skimmed though it. You can see how positive a person is without hearing their story/voice.

    1. Kenya - Try again! I had the mute button selected on the video.


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