Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Missing Clothes Have Been Found!

You know how you get the feeling you are missing a few outfits?  I knew I was missing a few key outfits, but I had no idea where they were.  I assumed they were gone forever.  I didn't miss them much.  Out of sight, out of mind.  Well, my mom decided to look in one of my decorative trunks I put in one of my spare bedrooms.  Low and behold she found my missing Barbie clothes.  Not to mention, quite a few of my winter clothes.  I don't think I've looked in this trunk in over 7 years.  Amazing!   The last time I cleaned out the closet in one of the other bedrooms, I found a bin full of Barbie stuff.  Remember that?  If not, you can check out that post, entitled, Look What I Found in the Closet.  Now on to what I found in the trunk.

They were neatly organized in bags.

All the infant and toddler items were in Floss Away plastic bags with a key ring holding them together.  

Here are a few of the Tommy and Kelly items.  Some of them are Fashion Fever.  I love the hat and matching shirt.

These are all Baby Krissy items.  Look at the wee bitty little socks up top.

More Fashion Fever Barbie items.  The hat to the raincoat shows up in a later picture.

The two outfits on the left are Lee Jeans.  The 3-piece nylon sweatsuit is more purple than it's showing here.

A BMR outfit called, Going to the Game.  You can see more of the BMR outfits here.

Some Ken outfits.  Some Fashion Fever.

More Ken outfits. 

And more Ken outfits.

Some Stacy outfits.  I can't believe I found the Todd tuxedo and the Stacy bridal dress.  Yay!  You can see a picture of this set here.  The bridal dress pictured there was also in the bag. The Christmas dress up top will come in handy soon.  The pink robe has an S on it.  

I made these four outfits.  There's a Christmas themed nightgown, a plaid pleated skirt, a two piece pajama set, and a two piece outfit that should fit the Only Hearts girls.  

More Barbie clothes.  Yay, I found the Gap Jeans I had been wondering about.  Love that cute little red jacket.  

Just a few miscellaneous items.  A few items in the bags didn't get photographed.

I had no idea all of these clothes were missing!  I am totally overwhelmed with clothing right now.  Add these items to the items I just bought at the doll show, and you have total clothing chaos.  All my dolls are very happy.  I don't know how happy they will be when I tell them they have to organize it all.


  1. Wow! I love stuff like that. It is like your birthday or hitting the dolly lottery! LOL

    1. Grandmommy - I did feel like I hit the lottery. Whenever I misplace things, I rarely ever look really hard for them. I just wait for them to show up. It took a long time for these things to show up again.

  2. You got some cool finds there Vanessa! I have a couple of those Ken outfits. The brown suede jacket, light blue jeans and plaid flannel shirt are Fashion Avenue clothes, aren't they? Geez, how I miss the Fashion Avenue clothes! Some of those were so beautiful...:-)

    1. Cindi - Yes, there are quite a few Fashion Avenue outfits here. I, too, miss them. Didn't realize how nice they were until they were gone and we were left with the latest stuff.

  3. Whoohoo! It's always good to find clothes you forgot you had. This kind of thing usually happens to me all the time! It's terrible but great at the same time.

    1. Verona - I have to say I'm surprised I've kept up with so much of my Barbie stuff over the years.

  4. Hello from Spain: How lucky you found all those clothes that you thought you had lost. I love your clothes and baby Krissy Ken. Keep in touch

    1. Marta - I was ecstatic to see the Krissy and Ken clothes. They are among my favorites.

  5. What a treasure trove! Looking forward to seeing these outfits in your videos and photo stories.

    1. limbe dolls - Those baby items may appear in a baby shower story soon.

  6. I imagine the surprise! Clothes! Mi dolls are a mess with organizing clothes :(

    1. Sergio - It was truly a surprise. I wish I could find a better way to organize my doll clothes. I have an idea, but it would mean making lots of doll hangers. There are places that sell them, but the clothes tend to fall off.

  7. Looks like you rediscovered a mini fashion goldmine. Aren't you happy your mom looked in that trunk?


    1. DGB - There were definitely some top notch outfits in there. I can't for the life of me figure out why I even put them in that trunk. Go figure.

  8. Looks like your Mom found you a pot of gold!!!!!

    1. Mustiwait - It would have surely cost me a pretty penny to replace that stuff at what those Fashion Avenue outfits are going for these days.

  9. Wow, that had to have been like Christmas. That is great that your Mom found them. I especially love the baby items. I believe those came with Happy Family Krissy. Fashion Avenues were the best. I hate Mattel stop selling them.

    1. Georgia Girl - Definitely an early Christmas. Yes, most of those Krissy items came from a bathing set that included the yellow baby tub.

  10. That's what Mums are really good at - finding the things you've lost. And what a great find, just like you've been on a shopping spree but it hasn't cost you any money.

    1. Carrickters - Clothes, clothes, and more clothes. Always happy to get more doll clothes! Way to go Mum!

  11. that nice clothes, I get the sofas.

    1. Caroline - Thanks for visiting and commenting!


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