Friday, October 5, 2012

The Perfect Tool Set

Yesterday, I forgot to show the ornament tool set I bought from Hobby Lobby.  It is the perfect scale for our 1/6th families.  Let's take a closer look.

There are 5 tools in the pack.

Here they are shown with a tool box I have.  That table is one that will be offered in my Etsy store in the next week.  I primed it and it's ready for paint.  I will be offering a few affordable, simple designed, tables that will serve multi uses.  This one would make a great entry hall table, a sofa table, display table in a boutique, the list goes on.  

This is the pack of tool ornaments from Hobby Lobby.  Priced at $4.99, but with the sale $3.00.  Not bad.

Max, our drummer, works with a construction crew in his spare time.  I asked him to show us each of the tools.




Drill.  Love the little cord.

Finally, a pipe wrench.

They fit nicely in the tool box.

Well, he's off to a new construction site.  All that hammering must be the reason for those nice muscles.  Don't worry.  He's stopping by his crib to change clothes and put on his work boots.  (sorry for the blurry picture)

If you missed the ornament props I posted yesterday, you can see them here.


  1. Me wants too!!!
    You have a special radar for this kind of awesome stuffs, I can never find this stuff

    1. Sergio - First of all, your dolls were mailed yesterday. Let me know when you get them.

      I see 1/6 scale better than anything else. You have to train those eyes to see this stuff. It's out there.

  2. Where do you find those ornaments??? Here I haven't ever seen things like those! I LOVE that set, because I love 1/1 tools. They look sooo real and perfect in scale. At home, I'm the one doing the DIY hehehe And my husband has to ask for permission if he wants to use them!

    1. Rossetti - I found them at a craft store called Hobby Lobby. It's very similar to Michael's Craft Stores. I used to be a tool-a-holic. I used to do all the carpentry work and my husband did the cooking. He was really good with tools, too, though. I have lots of power tools. Love them.

  3. oh wow, it looks wonderful! you're very lucky! so real like! I simply adore this drill! since some time I'm trying to collect tools for my "people" but it's always like 5-6 USD for one piece so I'm not even in a half way :/

    1. jewel snake - I was ecstatic when I saw these. They did such a fantastic job making them look so realistic.

  4. Replies
    1. Natalia - Welcome to my blog. Thanks for visiting.

  5. Wow, these last two posts with the ornaments are now my favorites, lol. I need to get my butt to Hobby Lobby!!

    1. Toni - Yes, now is a good time to go. There is still lots of stock left. In my Hobby Lobbys, there is a section with the miniature tree items. I found this tool set and the trucks in that aisle. The bike and the purse were with the regular ornaments. Good luck.

  6. Gah! It's not the girls who are buggin me now, it's the guys! Saying they need more attention and props...I guess I know where I'm headin now!

    1. Verona - Our dolls can be very demanding. The fashion doll men have a tough time in our doll world.

  7. Hello from Spain: definitely I have to go and live in America. In my city there are no thumbnails as you shop. I envy! These tools look real ... It is my pleasure to visit your blog and see your collection. Keep in touch

    1. Marta - Where do you guys buy ornaments in Spain? What are they like? I love learning how things are in different countries.

  8. Neat. Some of my people are handy that way, too. They could use tools. Thanks for sharing!

    1. D7ana - I've been looking for good tools for some time now. This more than satisfied that need.

  9. Nice tools but that table!! Gasp! I LOVE it! It's so West Elm. I hope you get the chance to offer another in Etsy around Christmas time (wink wink). Oh, what body is Max on? I have a couple of guys heads and it looks like it might work.

    1. Tracy - Thanks. Glad you like the table. It's so funny, because I didn't think of how well it would work in a boutique until I was typing this post. I'm sure there will be on there around Christmas time(winks back). I will send you an email this weekend about Max's body. I have to look it up again.

  10. C'est génial ce que tu as trouvé Vanessa. J'aimerai bien l'avoir pour mon Ken Bricoleur.

    1. Shasarignis - Merci! Je pense que votre ken doit vraiment un jeu.

  11. You seem to get all these amazing detailed props in America that don't seem to be available anywhere else. However, thanks to you, I will be looking at what Christmas ornaments are in the shops here and thinking about what else they could be used for.

    1. Carrickters - I'm always happy to get people using their 1/6 scale eyes. Hope you find some good stuff.

  12. Thanks for the tip about these tools. I'll have to get to Hobby Lobby this week to get some.

    1. limbe dolls - I'm sure you will find other great ornaments for props. Today is the last day for this week's 40% off sale, but there may be another next week. If not next week then more than likely the week after.

  13. Very nice props. I plan to stop by Hobby Lobby while I am out making my JoAnn's run. JoAnn's have Simplicity patterns this weekend for $.99. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Georgia Girl - Good luck finding some great props. Thanks for the .99 headsup. My patterns runneth over, so I will leave it to others to take advantage of those.

  14. I would like to see Darius modeling the tools please. ;-)

    1. Kenya - I can't show Darius modeling the tools, but I may be able to get him in a shot with someone who uses the tools. Darius is not handy with tools. At least not those kinds. He believes in helping out the economy by hiring people to do those jobs.

  15. This is so cool!!
    Love this tools set.Hammer and drill are my favorites,but I love all of them.
    And I love Max!This guy as I said before is a sexy!He is great as a worker!!
    Great Post!!

    1. Jorge - Max loves his new tools. I hope you can add Max to your collection. He is a dream.

  16. Ugh! Hobby Lobby is just so far from me. I'll just have to sign up to find out when they are having sales and then make a trip over there.

    1. Muff - Sorry to hear that. They rotate sales every week. Their 40% off weekly, sometimes biweekly coupon can be used over and over throughout the week.

  17. Great find! We in Russia also find things, which can be used for dolls, among Christmas/New Year ornaments every year, but they are never so small and nice. And our ornaments appear in stores later, in the end of October I think.

    1. Dukasha - They start putting some of the ornaments out in July. We start early.


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