Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Mike and Adele are Headed to Town (Photostory)

 Mike and Adele are finally headed back to Morristown.  They have finalized all their business, packed up their belongings, and said goodbye to their friends and family.   They are driving Adele's car, which is packed with enough clothes to hold them until the movers arrive in two days.

Music is blaring from the car stereo as they head down the highway.  Sydney loves music and this always makes car travel with her a little easier.

It's been about 3 hours since they left their old home.  A relatively uneventful trip except for a few crazy bike riders who decided to whiz by doing no less than 90 - 100 miles an hour.
"Honey, do you mind rubbing my neck?"  (Mike)

"Sure.  How's that?"  (Adele)
"Hmmm.  That feels good."  (Mike)
Whining sounds from the back interrupt Mike's neck massage.

"Now what?  Are you making a fuss for a reason?"  (Adele)
Sydney has started whining and seems to be on the verge of crying.

"I know.  You're tired of being in that seat.  Hold on, we'll be stopping soon.  Where's your juice?" (Adele)
Adele spots the cup on the floor.  There is a little juice left.  Hopefully enough to get them to their next stop.

"There you go.  Drink your juice.  Mommy will get you out soon."  (Adele)

"So, I guess we should stop for a bite to eat.  What would you like?"  (Mike)
"I know you want MickeyD's, so we can stop there this time."  (Adele)

"Look, there's a McDonalds at the next exit."  (Adele)

They take the next exit and arrive at McDonald's.  Mike has this thing about not parking near other cars, so he heads to the opposite side of the parking lot.

"Did you want me to bring her cup?"  (Mike)

"No.  There's probably nothing in her cup.  I'll fill it up when we get back to the car."  (Adele)  

"I almost forgot.  I need to grab a diaper."  (Adele)

"Welcome to McDonald's.  What can I get you, today?"  (Worker)

"I'll have a 6-piece nuggets, a large fry, and a strawberry shake."  (Adele)
"For you, sir?"  (Worker)
"I'll take a number 3, but I'd like to upgrade the drink to a chocolate shake."  (Mike)

The restaurant is pretty crowded, but Mike and Adele are able to get a booth.

"Feels a little sad leaving Chicago."  (Adele)

"I know, but it's a great opportunity and Northern Virginia is a really nice area."  (Mike)
"Having my sister there will be a big help with the transition.  I wonder how she and Mark are making out.  I've been so busy, I haven't had a chance to check on her."  (Adele) 

"Is it good?  No wonder you were fussing.  You were hungry."  (Adele)

The Jordans hit the road again, after finishing their lunch and a quick diaper change for Sydney.  They should be arriving in Morristown soon.


  1. Mike looks great! I bet he's able to do a lot of poses!

    And how did you manage to et that shot of Mcdonald's?

    1. Isabel - Mike is a fave of mine. He has a wonderfully poseable body. I was pressed for time, so I didn't make the McD's picture as nice as I would have liked. I just used my photoediting software and copy and pasted the one image onto the McD's picture.

  2. Nice to see most of their loose ends tied up! Ahh, I understand Sydney, car lag will make anyone fussy.

    1. Verona - I will be happy to see them back in town and getting settled in.

  3. Virginia? I don't know why I thought that Morristown was in Georgia.

    Did the postal lady catch you taking photos outside again?

    Love all the level car photos. You were getting down with your bad self.

    1. Muff - Virginia is my hometown and my dolls have always lived there. I currently live in GA and they have never been here to visit.

      I would love to say that no one saw me taking pictures, but I'm never sure who is watching. Several of those shots were taken with me lying on my back....in a dress. I can only imagine what my neighbors are thinking when I'm out there.

  4. Hands down . One of my most favorite photostories to date. Loved it. I can't wait to move and get settled in the new house and get Middleville really going. Where did you get Mike's head? Its fantastic

    1. Toni - So glad you enjoyed it. This is one of my favorite families, but I think I say that a lot. I bought Mike's head on ebay. It's a HotToys sculpt. They did a nice job on him.

  5. Nice story and clever pictures, Vanessa. Mike's face is so expressive.

    Like Muff, I thought Morristown was in Georgia.


    1. DBG - Thanks. Morristown has always been in Virginia. Here is the very first post I did introducing the Anderson family. http://vansdolltreasures.blogspot.com/2010/10/introducing-my-barbie-families-family-1.html
      And remember the wedding and reception were in Old Town, VA.

    2. Asking me to remember fine details is like asking an infant to remember and recite them back to you.


  6. Replies
    1. Mustiwait - Thanks! I just love this little family. We are anxious to get them back in town.

  7. I just thought Morristown was in anywhere USA LOL. This was very realistic. Such a sweet family. :-)

    1. Grandmommy - I see I will have to educate people again where Morristown is. Of course it is a fictional place, with a definite location.

  8. I love the your dolls and their stories! You should use sidewalk chalk for the street and parking areas, it washes way easily with water

    1. Doll Thang - Thanks for the tip and thanks for visiting. I will have to add chalk to the supply list for future parking lot scenes.

  9. Cool family! Adele manages to be stylish even for a driving trip! I love her denim outfit!!

    1. Sergio - Thanks. That denim outfit had just arrived in the mail from ebay. I literally ripped open the package, put it on her, and shot the story.

  10. I will not let my husband see this story because he will expect neck massages on every car trip. lol Your dioramas are so life-like that I sometimes forget they aren't real. I love how you had the backseat set up with the pillow and other items that are so typical of a car trip and of course the sippy-cup is always on the floor where you can't reach it. Beautiful job, Vanessa!

    1. Debbie - Thanks! The neck massage wasn't part of the original plan, but as Adele was trying to reach back to Sydney, her arms and hands got all twisted and that's where her hand landed. I was then reminded of all the countless neck massages I had to give my ex-husband when we were traveling. LOL! I agree. Not a good idea to show your husband this one.

  11. Hahahaha! I love it, I especially love the shot where you've put their car outside an actual McDonalds! Adele is so pretty :)

    1. Heather - Thanks. I need to take the time to really learn how to use my imaging sw. I would like to do shots like that better and more often.

  12. Lovely story. I have that Volvo too. It is one of my favorite cars.

    1. limbe dolls - Thanks. That Volvo was a thrift store find. I would say 95% of the vehicles I have are thrift store finds, including the train and the cruise boat. You guys are seeing more cars, so I can justify buying that little new Fiat.

  13. So cute. I love that car! I love watching the family interactions with kids. You make me feel like having more little ones in Grandville might not be so bad!

    1. Vita Plastica - You had me worried for a moment. I thought you were considering REAl new little ones. That would be awesome, too. Of course that's coming from someone who doesn't have to care for them daily.

  14. I love how your McDonald's booths are set up. The playscale food works, too.

    I love seeing the car from various angles, too. Felt like I was riding along with them.

    1. D7ana - They would have made room for you. I wonder if they've passed Philly yet? I could have them swing by.

  15. Hello from Spain: Mike's car and I love Adele. I had not seen before. Mike is very male. McDonald's image is wonderful. What realism! Sydney is adorable. I love this family scene. Keep in touch

    1. Marta - Thanks. This is the Happy Family Volvo. Glad you enjoyed one of my favorite families.

  16. Long trips can be hard with children, but you have shown that with a little bit of patience they can be also fun! Love the pic of the car in front of the McDonald. As always, incredible job!!!

    1. Rossetti - Thanks! Sydney is a fairly good traveler, but Adele is hoping after lunch she will take a long nap. That always helps pass the time.

  17. Great story. The McDonalds food is immediately recognisable. I love the last picture, Sydney does look very hungry.

    1. Carrickters - Thanks. What is it about McDonald's fries that puts a smile on our faces? They used to almost melt in your mouth.


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