Monday, September 24, 2012

Jorge Does It Again!

Jorge Ramiro is a fellow blogger.  I've spoken about him here a couple times before, and I know several of you follow his blog.  Well, with his permission, I am posting a few recent pictures of his Racquelle fashionishta doll.  You can see more pictures of her on his blog, Clicking Dolls.   Jorge has the uncanny ability to take the Mattel fashionista dolls and make them look like a million bucks!  If you follow my blog, you know that my dolls are often hair and style challenged.  So I am envious of all of you who are great stylists.  You know who you are!  Hope you will enjoy Jorge's pictures.

Here's a picture of my version of this same Raquelle doll.  Hmmm.  But in her defense, she has a two year old.  You know how your priorities change a bit when you become a mother.  


  1. Thanks for sharing, I've become a follower, love his pics and as you say, he really knows how to make a doll look like a real model!

    1. Rossetti - Glad you enjoyed his pictures. I have bought a number of dolls I wasn't interested in, only after seeing him show them on his blog.

  2. I saw Jorge´s pictures! They are awesome! And so is yours! I love dioramas!
    But we were kind of lucky, I mean, Raquelle is so beautiful, that she almost doesn´t look like a playline doll! She is the most beautiful Fashion Fever doll!

    1. Lady LoLo - I never paid attention to this Raquelle mold until I saw some pictures Jorge did a few months ago. Up until that time Raquelle was like all the other Fashionista dolls. She was a body swap. Now I have two different ones playing characters in my stories. That was all Jorge.

  3. Beautiful pictures! They seem come out from a fashion magazine!! Thank you for sharing with us, I didn't konw Jorge's blog, I'm going to take a look!
    Oh and don't worry about your Raquelle, she's a charming mommy :)

    1. Sergio - You are welcome. Jorge is an awesome photographer, so I think you will enjoy seeing more of his pictures. My Raquelle says, thanks.

  4. Jorge's styles and pictures are always the best!

    He is an inspiration in more ways than one.


    1. DBG - Yes he is. He makes me take a second look at dolls all the time. Had it not been for his blog, I would not have the AA Dallas Cheerleader who plays Robin in my stories.

  5. Beautiful work! It's amazing... the changes can make something so much more stylish... er... eh heh heh heh... not that your girl isn't stylish... eh heh heh heh... foot... mouth... leaving now... XD (I jest, they're both lovely, but the one he revamped is downright diva)

    1. Heather - What do you think this is? The Friday Funnies. LOLOL! No, I agree wholeheartedly with you. I've threatened more than once to pack my dolls up and send them to him. You should see his Nikki doll, compared to mine. Scandalous!

  6. I always love looking at his photos. I think you did a pretty good job, especially with your Raquelle having a 2yr old. I know, oh too well the tragic makeup and hair routine after having a lil' one, LOL.

    1. Tracy - By the way, I was thinking of you when I did my shout out to the stylists. You are Ms. Hair diva to me. I always look forward to seeing how you are going to transform your dolls hair. Luckily most of my dolls have kids, and I use that excuse quite often. Even with two hairstylists right here in town, I can't seem to keep their hair done.

  7. Jorge is SO talented. I love what he did with her hair. Seems even the texture is changed.
    Bravo Jorge. Thanks Vanessa :-)

  8. She looks really nice! I keep waiting for Target to do one of their price cuts or bogos before I get her.

    Your lady looks good too! Aint no shame in wearing a mommy-tail.

  9. Jorge has style and talent, thanks for showcasing his work. I think your Raquelle is quite lovely, too.

  10. Oh My God I'm so thrilled,thankful and ashamed.
    I think I've never read so many people talking good about something I do ...
    I think that for many people I'm a crazy guy who loves dolls, to others something of my supposed madness is capable to put of a smile or a twinkle in their day ... it makes me feel good.
    Thanks to all of you for your words of kindness!
    And especially you Vanessa for this awesome tribute.
    Thank you!Thank you!Thank you,My Friend!

  11. I Must To Say I Just LOVE Your Raquelle Look!!
    And You Know Also I'm A Fan Of Your Amazing Art With Dolls!!

  12. Hello from Spain: I also follow Jorge's blog and he is an artist of the camera. Her photos are always great and their Barbies always fabulous. I also love their outfits ... Thanks for sharing the photos of Jorge ... Very good your comment on priorities when a woman is a mother ... You say great truths ... keep in touch

  13. Wow she looks great! And I understand about your doll (though she still looks glam). I can remember getting to work and realizing that I only had on one earring or forgot my eyeliner. That's the makings of a bad day right there.

  14. Fantastica Raquelle by Ramiro and by Van Dolls
    Fabulosa Fotos!

  15. Waw ! this doll is very nice. Thank you to share it with us.

  16. To All:

    Thank you for all your wonderful comments. Jorge and I really appreciate them.

    Jorge you are an inspiration with your photography and your doll transformations. You are bringing smiles to countless others through your work. Thanks.

    Mommy-tail....I like that, Muff.

  17. All I Can Say Is That I'm Absolutely Grateful And Glad Only To Know That I Can Put Something Positive In The Face And Heart Of So Many Sensitive People.
    Vanessa Thank You So Much,My Friend!!
    God Bless You All!!


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